hi! i enjoy modding so i made a queuer.. :3
submit here..
or dm me :p
for rank
give description of ur map / difficulty to focus on
bump after request
nothing over 5 mins pls..
if submitting your guest difficulty on someone else's map pls say
m4m always open :3
m4m rules:
if i accept u mod my map first, then lmk when ur done so i can mod urs :3
// m4m maps: (highest to lowest priority..)
One Room Sugar Life (TV Size)
Length: 1:27
bpm: 180
info: 6 diffs (1.1★ - 4.2★), jacks and streams with some LN :p fully hitsounded
length: 1:30
bpm: 133
info: 6 diffs (1.3★ - 5.2★), chordjack/ quadstreams. hitsounded
Hatsune Miku no Atama no Taisou (Cut Ver.)
Length: 3:25
bpm: 240 (120)
info: 2 diffs (5.3★ , 6.1★), chordjacks .. hitsounded
preferences :]
chordjack :3
short maps (1-3 mins)
under 5★
tv size..
rice maps
not preference :[
kpop -_-
camellia (some songs are ok but most i dislike)
over 4 mins..
complex LN / hybrid
tech / dump
will reject:
not 4k (if its multiple key spread and has 4k difficulties that fine)
over 5 mins (sorry very adhd no focus ;_;)
if u dont bump
if i cant find anything wrong with the map. (i'll leave a hype perhaps ;w;)