
Map filter options for friends (like the already added bpm<200 etc.)

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Mostly just a passing thought when trying to find maps that my friend has a score on, but would there be a way to add a filter like [friend name]=score to search maps that a specific friend has a submitted play on?

I'm sure there are many more ideas that people have regarding this, but I couldn't find a post on this specifically. I mainly want this feature because I enjoy being competitive with my friends on the friend leaderboard and it can be difficult to locate maps they have played and for them to locate maps that I have played as well. Sorry if this was a duplicate or anything I have never used the forums or made a post like this.
Not sure how realistic this feature proposal is. A query of "which maps did my friends set scores on" is pretty computationally expensive, and in the worst cases it would need to return a lot of data (knowing how large people's local beatmap collections could be, and how many friends people can have - multiply one count by the other and there you go).

So the bar for even considering this is pretty high. There'd have to be significant support for this proposal, and even then it's not a given it wouldn't be restricted to supporters only or something.
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