
Really late introduction because I realized I forgot

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Hello everyone,

I originally joined osu! three years ago to play osu!mania, having played RoBeats before that. I hit a wall around 3.5 stars for 4k maps and couldn't progress because I kept injuring my hands from the strain. I tried 7k for a little bit, then switched to osu!taiko as my main mode around a year and a half ago. I'd like to get decent at all game modes eventually, but currently only don't suck at one mode. Besides improving at the game, I also enjoy score farming and the occasional medal farming.

Outside of osu!, I like to play strategy games, especially those focused on managing economy or wargaming. You may have seen me around in the forum as well; I find participating in it from time to time amusing.
Hello! I've in fact seen you around in the forum, pleased to make your acquaintance :D
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