
Effective ways to take breaks

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I type on Speed Navys, some of the heaviest switches in MX format. Been working on endurance for the past 3 days and my wrist and arm are more or less ruined, I can only effectively type with my left atm. Was curious if there's smth I can do to effectively practice while not putting too much strain on myself. While I get that rest is important I also don't want to take too long of a break either and I'm curious what the best way of going about that would be. I'm aware this sounds kind of stupid but tbh I've just accepted that.
Just do some easy maps if u wanna play osumania a little bit. Or take a 1-3 day break. Just don't start pushing it when ur already fatigued.
A few things could help here depending on what the issue is.

  1. Try some hand and finger stretches before starting and during sessions (I use these)
  2. Maybe cut down on your session length (around an hour is optimal)
  3. Make sure you're using proper technique
  4. Don't push too hard, especially if you're already worn out
  5. Avoid playing when you're injured/recovering from an injury
  6. Stop playing as soon as you feel any sharp/stabbing pains
  7. Take a day or two off sometimes
i recommend just taking a break but bad technique probably caused a substantial amount of the stress

try using the weight of your hand not your fingers muscles/however you play, in order to make it as tensionless as possible (i recommend using piano player posture but thats me try to find something that works for you)
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