
Audio Compressing Without Ruining Quality

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I have a couple of beatmaps that I am working on that I pulled straight from disc, including this one: beatmapsets/2193460#osu/4640252. I noticed that everytime I used the audio directly pulled from my discs, it says that the beatmap is too large. However whenever I compress the audio, it turns into a lower quality.

Is there anyway possible I could change the file size without it lowering the quality of the audio?

wiki wrote:

Beatmaps will fail to submit if they exceed the online file size or difficulty limit. The file size limit is 5MB plus an additional 10MB for every minute of beatmap length, and it caps at 100MB.
Your first order of business should be to map the whole song (or just trick osu! into believing you've done that by putting a note at the end of the song). You do not need to compress your audio nearly as much as you have; simply following the Ranking Criteria bitrate limits (192kbps for MP3, 208kbps for OGG Vorbis) gives you ample space to submit almost any map.
Short: you can't.

osu! mandates lossy compression for all uploads, and a 192kbps cap if you want to take your map to rank. The recommended encoding settings is LAME 192kbps for MP3 and Q5 for Ogg Vorbis. More likely than not you would find the resulting quality acceptable.

McEndu wrote:

Q5 for Ogg Vorbis
really? in my experience q6 will fit RC the vast majority of the time, and on the very calmest songs you can even get away with q7. the only downside is that you do have to check to be sure that it's fine but it takes like 7 seconds with mapset verifier or ffprobe
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McEndu wrote:

Short: you can't.

osu! mandates lossy compression for all uploads, and a 192kbps cap if you want to take your map to rank. The recommended encoding settings is LAME 192kbps for MP3 and Q5 for Ogg Vorbis. More likely than not you would find the resulting quality acceptable.
I'll try this. Thank you!

lewski wrote:

Your first order of business should be to map the whole song (or just trick osu! into believing you've done that by putting a note at the end of the song). You do not need to compress your audio nearly as much as you have; simply following the Ranking Criteria bitrate limits (192kbps for MP3, 208kbps for OGG Vorbis) gives you ample space to submit almost any map.
I might try this too. I do have a 24 minute compilation map (not submitted due to size) so I might try it with this before anything else.
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