
How do you think people perceive you?

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I myself think people think of me as pretty casual and caring, with a really bad laughter and a m i l d interest in politics.
However, I also fear people might think of me as fake, unfunny, try-harding and cynical.

How do you think people perceive you?
hmm. I genuinely dont know.

I think it'd be normal of someone to think that i'm a strange person, with an interesting or weird taste in music, but a little over-the-top and formal in how I speak. Maybe even that I'm someone with a bad sense of humor that doesn't get the joke. Someone who lives a sad life but remains resilient.

I dunno. something like that.
An anomaly.
this time, more related to the forums, I also don't really know. I'm a bit more casual around here, most of the time.


I think people would see me as just weird in general, maybe kinda cool for making music and art, or kinda nice in personality, but nothing much, probably.

I dont think anyone knows me for any sort of temper, at least, as I tend to be blunt and dry at worst, and that rarely happens. I'm typically pretty stoic with things.

There's also the possibility I seem obnoxious. Hell yeah I am... I think.
I'm considered as the group's mother figure. Childish at times and maybe insensitive??? I think I look like this half-baked enthusiast in everything. I dont think I'm enough for anyone tho *sighs*
dunno, but everybody irl seems really ask me for help a lot lately dunno why?
Well, i don't honestly know
But I'm sure i come off as annoying despite my best efforts to try and change that.
And then when i do try and change that other people get upset that I'm not acting the same as a usually am.
The people that i tried to change for are not worth changing for.
a person who is a bit antisocial and unconfident. some people just think i'm weird while other find me as a good company or friend. yet again even to this day I still don't know how I manage to make friends so easily even though I don't normally socialize. it's something on my time without other people forcing me to do so. I can't be help but to be bother by people who relentlessly ask me question one after the other, I simply can't answer all of them at one time. this is why I prefer being by myself sometimes I have more to listen to my thoughts and feel more relaxed.
People think of me as a crazy bored dude who doesn't talk alot.
Irl, I seem intimidating,rude,arrogant, and shy. Online, I don't know what people think of me, so I'll opt with a frequent pfp changer.
With friends, I'm definitely more sarcastic and abrasive.
Real life: Shy
Osu!: You probably see me everywhere in the surveys side of here, maybe a bit in the general chat side..
A quiet person with social awkwardness that can't carry a conversation with a random person. I don't really get in touch in real life. in the internet, I'm the noisy one. not sure why especially on Facebook meme pages and Discord Servers
Well... Actually it's difficult, because... From one side I suffer from ADHD and I try to be normal. On the other side - well... It doesn't work as I want and I'm getting dissed for... anything - my behaviour, my appearence, my weight, my sexuality... Gosh...
That's an interesting question. I would think I am perceived quite wrongly by a lot people. That I come off as mean or rude even annoying, but in reality I know I'm very caring and affectionate towards others, even strangers. I've grown quite cold though.

Of course we all perceive ourselves harsher than the reality, so I could be completely self conscious.
A lot of people say I'm blunt, just saying things how they are without any consideration as to how it can make other people feel.
Wimpy Cursed
Not sure.
I'd just assume free spirited?
Usually as cool or welcoming or as a chill dude. I think.
people irl (and probably online too) perceive me as a silly little goober who is always willing to help those around them, and always spreads cheer! sometimes i can be a bit too much to handle, but that's just the way i am :/ i can also be blunt, but that's only when i'm angry, irritated, or just being serious
A tech dude who knows A LOT
I genuinely have no clue
probably either extremely cold, extremely awkward or autistic
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