
are there any other ways to find a bn other than modding queues

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recently, i've hit a sort of pothole and can't seem to get any attention from bns for my map (beatmapsets/1760858#osu/3603884). the more i try to find a bn to help mod my map and give feedback so i can get closer to ranking, the more they reject me. i've seen some maps take days to get qualified, whereas some take more than a year. it's been 2 years now and i have yet to get the attention of one bn, and i'm thinking about just dropping the project because of how demotivating it is to try and get a bn. i have attempted contacting them directly, but most seem disinterested and told me to use the mod queue (spoiler alert, i have used mod queues and still have some mods pending from a year ago). at this point i'm at a wall and i don't know how else i'm supposed to get the attention of a bn without looking like a total jerk to them, or just a guy who thinks he's all that.

tl;dr: how else can i get a mod to look at my map? i've tried mod queues and contacting them directly, but they don't ever respond to either of those
bns usually have instructions for requests on their profiles and/or

in general though making mapper friends is the most reliable way of finding ppl who will often mod a map if u just ask them

also if uve really been actively asking bns for 2 years and found nobody theres a high chance that the map is just not good; its often easier to rank a map by just moving on and getting better
in my opinion, the map is pretty good. though, to me it feels like its as polished as its meaningfully going to get for the mapping skill it was constructed with. if BNs dont like it, then you're better off just getting better at mapping and making something new.
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