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General Ranking Criteria > Audio > Guidelines wrote:

If you do not beatmap the last 20% of your beatmapset's audio file, it should be cut.
This should just say "If you do not map the last 20% of your beatmapset's audio file, it should be cut." because it makes more sense and the verb map is used more often than beatmap.

Glossary > Beatmapset wrote:

...some beatmaps from a beatmapset may specifically contain a certain sounds, background images, or storyboards that are separate from the others.
Should just say "...some beatmaps from a beatmapset may specifically contain certain sounds, background images, or storyboards that are separate from the others." It shouldn't say "contain a certain sounds" because "a" would be used for a singular sound and not the plural.

edit: found another thing

General Ranking Criteria > Timing > Rules wrote:

If the same video appears in multiple difficulties, it must always have the same offset(s).
Should just say "offset." rather than "offset(s)." because a video can only have 1 offset and all similar videos must have the same offset, so adding the "(s)" is unnecessary.
People that I have asked seem to agree that >=5:00 marathons are supposed to be exempt from all spread rules.
But currently, the only place where the 5:00 length is clearly mentioned is in the rule for what the lowest difficulty of a mapset can't be higher than, which is not the only spread rule.

To clarify this, another clause should be added between the third and fourth bullet points of this section:

...5:00 or higher, the mapset is exempt from all spread rules.

Yes, HX marathon spreads and the like are already stated to be rankable earlier in the "starting from the lowest difficulty level dictated by the drain time" rule, but this can be potentially misinterpreted (as I did), and specifying it under the bullet points in the screenshot just makes it much easier to understand in general since the bullet points in the screenshot are absolutely the part people look at the most.
This also clarifies that marathons below hard diffs are rankable on their own, as was the intention looking at the context of the original draft of these rules here.

Edit: It seems a lot of people in the discord I talked about this in were confused because this is a clause that used to be in the RC but was removed at some point, and people didn't realize it wasn't there anymore. I'm just saying to add it back because it's pretty important and helpful

clayton wrote:

"fully", "perfectly", "completely" etc overlapping is when something is entirely contained or covered by the other. "partial" would be any overlapping where that's not the case. isn't this common wording in english? i don't feel like it should need explanation
Very late but I kinda interpretted 'fully' as "perfectly". I'm just wondering why the word 'fully' has to be used, it's either overlapped or it's not. I must have misunderstood the term "overlap". I thought overlap meant "perfect on top of eachother" by default.

UndeadCapulet wrote:

its referring to perfect stacks, this should be defined in the glossary unless something got fucked up (which is possible? since ive been dead theres been some weird glossary shenanigans idfk)
But the page says an overlap is not a stack...? I would just put the rule as "Stack leniency must be high enough so any perfectly overlapped circles will stack" or something.
Topic Starter
o i guess i forgot to link the thread mir and i started about this, since its part of a larger issue w/ how osu!rc glossaries got removed community/forums/topics/1294813?start=8030006 ill also try to regrab mir when we're both free to work on this again
The article "Timing songs with #/8-Signatures" has a few issues

Here is the article for reference

Issue 1: In the beatmap download .rar file, the difficulty "6/4" for the song "Leonard Bernstien - America" has no objects (I'm unsure if this is intentional or not but it's something to point out as all the other difficulties in each of the songs have objects). In addition, the "6/4" difficulty is always referred to as the "6/8" difficulty in the actual article.

Issue 2: The article refers to the writer as "I" multiple times
Ex. 1 "In this difficulty, I timed everything in 3/4-signature..."
Ex. 2 "When talking about the 3/4-difficulty in Leonard Bernstein's "America", I mentioned that..."

This makes the article read off as a forum post rather than a part of the ranking criteria. I have 2 suggestions to fix this, my first being credit the person/people who originally made this through a sentence like "Posted by person who made it" so that the self-reference makes more sense or change the "I" to something else that fits
Following Ex. 1: "In this difficulty, everything was timed in 3/4-signature..."
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can wee add "&" to the list regarding "Commas, vs., feat., CV: and any other symbols linking or designating artists must include a trailing space. Excluding commas, a leading space is also required if the marker is preceded by a word." because it gets asked a lot and it's very commonly used thank you
YuEast 2018
An issue on new hitsound RC of osu!mania which may cause misunderstandings.

General Ranking Criteria -> Audio -> Rules wrote:

osu!mania beatmaps do not require hitsound additions. This is to allow for easier approachability to osu!mania mappers of different upbringings. It is still highly recommended to add hitsounds to improve the feel of your beatmaps.
Actually Hitnormal is still needed. But for new beginners it can be misunderstood into "osu!mania do not require any of hitsound" Reason are as follows:
Firstly, "additions" isn't a strong stress. And the definition of "addition" is not bolded. New beginners tend to read the bolded part more. And Bolded part is "Beatmaps must be hitsounded." and "osu!mania beatmaps do not require hitsound additions." Thus ignoring the word "addition" and misunderstood.
Secondly is the wording of "still highly recommended to add hitsounds". In the word "highly recommend" it has a meaning of "it's ok of you not having hitsound". It's contradict to "Beatmaps must be hitsounded."

My idea is as follow:

new wrote:

osu!mania beatmaps do not require hitsound additions. But hitnormals is still needed. This is to allow for easier approachability to osu!mania mappers of different upbringings. It is still highly recommended to add full set of hitsounds with both hitnormals and additions to improve the feel of your beatmaps.
"hitsound additions" in the bold part is already explained in the line above it. might be easy to miss though. I think the wording is fine either way, but maybe "hitsound additions" should link somewhere that explains hitnormal vs. addition in more detail.

agree "hitsounds" in the last sentence is weird, should be changed to "additions" or "hitsound additions"

edit: updated RC
Serizawa Haruki
There's a minor mistake in the guideline

If multiple metadata options are available, priority should be given to the option which is most easily recognisable and traceable back to the original song or source. Official romanisations and translations are preferred for romanised fields so long as they are easily found and commonly recognised.
which was added a few months ago (didn't notice until now).

See this post in the relevant thread. Basically, remove the "and translations" part.

Also I happened to notice that some things mentioned in this thread were most likely overlooked or not implemented? It'd be nice to check those too.
changes to rules need their own thread in this forum; this one's only for clarifying wording etc.

and hard to tell if that was a "mistake" because nobody responded to the linked post
Serizawa Haruki
It is a wording mistake which I explained in that post (the way it's written implies something that doesn't match how the guideline is being used/enforced, it doesn't change anything).
u can open a PR on wiki for it, regardless I think should double-check with someone originally involved in that rule to confirm that it's ok to change
Serizawa Haruki
I don't really know how to open a PR and I feel like making a new thread here would be pointless since this subforum is pretty dead anyway. Is there any other way of getting this forward?

General Ranking Criteria > Video and background > Rules wrote:

A video's audio track must be removed from the video file. The audio track in video is not used in osu!, so removing it reduces that file size of the beatmap. This includes videos with muted audio tracks.
a missing article and two wrong words:

The audio track in a video is not used in osu!,
could also use "The audio track in the video..." but "a" feels better to me for some reason

so and removing it reduces that the file size of the beatmap.
the audio track not being used and its removal reducing file size are two separate justifications for the rule, and removing the track would reduce file size even if it was used in osu!, so using "so" there makes no sense

full proposed wording:
A video's audio track must be removed from the video file. The audio track in a video is not used in osu!, and removing it reduces the file size of the beatmap. This includes videos with muted audio tracks.
There must not be any obscene imagery in the background/storyboard/video content. This includes nudity, near-nudity, sexual references, violence, drug abuse, etc. See Visual Content Considerations for more detailed rules.
Nudity is allowed according to the VCC, meaning the summary on the RC main page is wrong.

"Drug abuse" should also be changed to "Some forms of drug use"
I have two PRs open that don't change rules but still may be opinionated rewordings-

"Reword comparisons of times and rhythms in RC"
"Clean up difficulty naming articles"
Ryu Sei
osu!- and osu!taiko-specific RC for drain time rules has redundant of each included game mode clause, which might come from copy-paste result after RC separation. This shouldn't exist as the drain time and minimum difficulty rules only dictate the respective mode.
General Ranking Criteria > Beatmap > Rules
"there cannot be any drastically large difficulty gaps between any two difficulties."
I believe that since people find difficulty subjective, the ranking criteria should clarify the nature of what "difficulty" means to avoid mod posts like this one or this one relating to "Spread issues", given that the star rating difference is larger to what people usually see.

I suggest adding the following line to clear things up: "there cannot be any drastically large difficulty gaps between any two difficulties. However, the difficulty gap should not be assessed by using the star rating system due to it not reflecting a beatmap's objective difficulty."
doesn't seem like an issue to me, people are free to judge difficulty how they want, and in both of these example threads it was quickly determined to not be a concern

For the example of songs that require multiple red bars, both "Bad Apple" and "kemu's Ikasama Life Game" links no longer work.
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