
Post your desktop, fools

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AccountWontWork wrote:

Right side taskbar is the best

personally I will only ever use a right side taskbar if it is on a tiny screen
but yeah it's cool 👍
a little unorganized but here you go...


woah wrote:

a little unorganized but here you go...

oh my gah

woah wrote:

a little unorganized but here you go...

the extreme unorganizedness of the desktop looks a lot my desktop
this is the desktop for my school laptop (yes its a mac and not windows pls dont bully)

sametdze wrote:

this is the desktop for my school laptop (yes its a mac and not windows pls dont bully)
i use a mac too dw homie
mines kinda boring

AnnaRazy wrote:

mines kinda boring
pretty wallpaper though :o

sametdze wrote:

this is the desktop for my school laptop (yes its a mac and not windows pls dont bully)
holy shit that is a nice wallpaper

McEndu wrote:

The new Plasma wallpaper is just fantastic. I agree.

this image was taken before i installed osu! on the pc
Door Stuck
thanks for reminding me to put a wallpaper on my laptop


Door Stuck wrote:

thanks for reminding me to put a wallpaper on my laptop

the laptop's one is so pretty :O

lostsilver wrote:

rainingonyou wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

rainingonyou wrote:

ive never uploaded a pic to osu before, so if it doesn't work then....
orange :o
hehe Ive made a pink one that's a collage style and not so LOUD but I'm yet to change it 😭😭😭
cant wait to see that!!!!
oh yeah! I've lwky forgotten bc I'm just dumb like-

rainingonyou wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

rainingonyou wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

rainingonyou wrote:

ive never uploaded a pic to osu before, so if it doesn't work then....
orange :o
hehe Ive made a pink one that's a collage style and not so LOUD but I'm yet to change it 😭😭😭
cant wait to see that!!!!
oh yeah! I've lwky forgotten bc I'm just dumb like-
oh nah homie ur fine lol

Door Stuck wrote:

thanks for reminding me to put a wallpaper on my laptop

Linux Mint for the laptop. Based! Waiting for Mint 22 to come out to switch to it.
Kubuntu and Kali Dual boot on my main, Zorin in my old PC.
The desktop on my school PC.

And my home desktop

great_elmo wrote:

And my home desktop
I wanna see what that "fuck you" VBScript does.

Winnyace wrote:

great_elmo wrote:

And my home desktop
I wanna see what that "fuck you" VBScript does.
It's a fake error message that simply tells you that "I eff'd your PC"

New Hyprland setup. Like the n'th r/unixporn hyprland setup there is.

Utsushime wrote:

New Hyprland set up. Like the n'th r/unixporn hyprland setup there is.
Based OS

Winnyace wrote:

Utsushime wrote:

New Hyprland set up. Like the n'th r/unixporn hyprland setup there is.
Based OS
I had been a Debian user for so long, so it is nice to have up-to-date packages without worrying about something potentially breaking my system.

Updated. Fixed minor stuff.
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