
Osu needs more ranked and loved beatmap Korean music to be recognized and appreciated.

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Korean beatmaps on the game "osu!" can be popular and appreciated for several reasons:

  1. Diversity: Adding Korean beatmaps to the game helps diversify the available content and provides players with a wider range of music genres and styles to enjoy.
  2. Cultural Representation: Including Korean songs in the beatmap pool allows for the representation of Korean music and culture within the game. It offers a platform for Korean artists and their music to reach a broader audience.
  3. Community Engagement: Korean beatmaps can attract and engage players from Korea and those who enjoy Korean music. It fosters a sense of community and allows players with a shared interest in Korean culture to connect and interact with each other.
  4. Challenges and Gameplay: Korean music often features unique rhythms, melodies, and instrumental arrangements that can make for interesting and enjoyable gameplay challenges. Players appreciate the variety and complexity that Korean beatmaps can bring to the game.
  5. Global Appeal: Korean music has gained significant popularity worldwide, thanks to the global success of K-pop and other Korean genres. Including Korean beatmaps in "osu!" allows the game to cater to the global player base and their musical preferences.
Overall, the addition of Korean beatmaps to "osu!" provides players with more options, promotes cultural diversity, and enhances the overall gaming experience.

There is already a bunch of korean songs from different musicians that are either ranked and loved already.


meanwhile we dont get much Filipino, Indonesian, Malaysian, etc, ranked maps xd
I excpected a "Osu needs more ranked and loved beatmap Indonesian music to be recognized and appreciated." thread
map them yourself and get them ranked, it's hard, but you're not going to get anything if not
Moved to Mapping Discussion, love to see more k-pop, we just need more mappers so feel free to! :D
alot of kpop is being mapped so take a look in 'graveyard' 'pending' or 'wip', people dont get them ranked because nominators dont prefer them
Topic Starter

Patatitta wrote:

map them yourself and get them ranked, it's hard, but you're not going to get anything if not
Thank you for your response! You're right, mapping beatmaps and getting them ranked is indeed a challenging process. It requires time, effort, and skill to create high-quality beatmaps that meet the standards of the 'osu!' community. While it may be difficult, it's definitely a rewarding experience if you're passionate about Korean music and want to contribute to the game. So, if I have the interest and dedication, mapping beatmaps myself and striving to get them ranked could be a great way to actively participate in the community and share my love for Korean music with others. Happy mapping!

Lyawi wrote:

Moved to Mapping Discussion, love to see more k-pop, we just need more mappers so feel free to! :D
Thank you for your response! It's great to see that there's a dedicated space in the Mapping Discussion for discussing and creating more beatmaps, especially for K-pop. I appreciate the encouragement to contribute and map more K-pop songs. I'll definitely consider giving it a try and join the community of mappers. It's exciting to know that there's a demand for more K-pop beatmaps and that more mappers are needed. I'll do my best to contribute and bring more K-pop goodness to 'osu!' Thanks again for the support! :D

bluirre wrote:

alot of kpop is being mapped so take a look in 'graveyard' 'pending' or 'wip', people dont get them ranked because nominators dont prefer them
Thank you for sharing your perspective! It's interesting to know that there are already many K-pop beatmaps in various stages of development in the 'graveyard,' 'pending,' or 'wip' sections. I understand that getting beatmaps ranked can be a complex process, and preferences of the nominators play a role as well. Nevertheless, it's encouraging to see that there are dedicated mappers working on K-pop beatmaps and striving to contribute to the game. I'll definitely explore those sections and support the mappers by providing feedback and playing their beatmaps. Together, we can continue to promote the enjoyment of K-pop music within the 'osu!' community. Thanks for the insights!
Jason X

Lyawi wrote:

we just need more mappers so feel free to!
If it's for taiko feel free to throw some songs my way.
Just consider: It won't reach ranked or loved, (too lazy, sry =w=), and I'll take a few weeks to get anything done, but I'll gladly be a stepping stone on the path.

Sisumine wrote:

I'll definitely consider giving it a try and join the community of mappers.
So on that note, if you need taiko Guest Difficulties hit me up.
osu! needs more balkan music ffs.

Sisumine wrote:

Korean beatmaps on the game "osu!" can be popular and appreciated for several reasons:

  1. Diversity: Adding Korean beatmaps to the game helps diversify the available content and provides players with a wider range of music genres and styles to enjoy.
  2. Cultural Representation: Including Korean songs in the beatmap pool allows for the representation of Korean music and culture within the game. It offers a platform for Korean artists and their music to reach a broader audience.
  3. Community Engagement: Korean beatmaps can attract and engage players from Korea and those who enjoy Korean music. It fosters a sense of community and allows players with a shared interest in Korean culture to connect and interact with each other.
  4. Challenges and Gameplay: Korean music often features unique rhythms, melodies, and instrumental arrangements that can make for interesting and enjoyable gameplay challenges. Players appreciate the variety and complexity that Korean beatmaps can bring to the game.
  5. Global Appeal: Korean music has gained significant popularity worldwide, thanks to the global success of K-pop and other Korean genres. Including Korean beatmaps in "osu!" allows the game to cater to the global player base and their musical preferences.
Overall, the addition of Korean beatmaps to "osu!" provides players with more options, promotes cultural diversity, and enhances the overall gaming experience.
what are you expecting from a dying game and community as well?
osu is dying slowly but sure tbh


i try mapping
but , not for rank

hope you enjoy my map ^^

bluirre wrote:

alot of kpop is being mapped so take a look in 'graveyard' 'pending' or 'wip', people dont get them ranked because nominators dont prefer them
indeed , this can be the reason as well.

bluirre wrote:

alot of kpop is being mapped so take a look in 'graveyard' 'pending' or 'wip', people dont get them ranked because nominators dont prefer them
rip </3 most people playing this game arent primarily kpop stans, so It explains it but it still hurts </3
was this a chatgpt experiment or something?
ai assisted osu forum post is crazy

Anaxii wrote:

I excpected a "Osu needs more ranked and loved beatmap Indonesian music to be recognized and appreciated." thread
don't forget malay music too. its rare lol

powerplayer75 wrote:

was this a chatgpt experiment or something?
Hey there,

It seems like you're questioning whether the previous post about Korean beatmaps on "osu!" was generated by ChatGPT or something similar. While I can see why you might think that, the points made in the original post are actually quite valid and reflect sentiments shared by many "osu!" players.

Korean beatmaps have indeed become quite popular within the "osu!" community for various reasons. The diversity they bring to the game's music selection is appreciated by players who enjoy exploring different genres and styles. Additionally, the inclusion of Korean songs allows for the representation of Korean music and culture, offering a platform for artists from Korea to reach a broader audience.

Community engagement is another significant aspect. When "osu!" includes Korean beatmaps, it not only attracts players from Korea but also those who are fans of Korean music. This fosters a sense of community among players who share an interest in Korean culture, creating opportunities for them to connect and enjoy the game together.

From a gameplay perspective, Korean music often introduces unique rhythms and melodies, providing players with challenging and enjoyable experiences. Many players appreciate the complexity and variety that Korean beatmaps bring to "osu!", adding depth to the game's offerings.

Lastly, considering the global popularity of Korean music, including Korean beatmaps in "osu!" makes sense. It allows the game to cater to the diverse musical preferences of its global player base, enhancing the overall gaming experience for everyone involved.

So, while it might seem like a ChatGPT experiment, the discussion about Korean beatmaps in "osu!" is a genuine reflection of the community's appreciation for the music and culture they bring to the game.

If you're an "osu!" player yourself, have you had the chance to try out some Korean beatmaps? They can really add a fresh and exciting dimension to the gameplay!

Feel free to share your thoughts on this topic further!

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Jason CN
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