
how do i make stream circle?

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yeah i just make another digital circus map, and yeah at 02:13:721 to 02:15:755. i was lil bit stuck. didn't know how to put the freaking stream circle thing. and wanna connect to slider at 02:15:755. that's explain why its empty in 02:13:721. so any help? also slider example would be nice

and here's the map i working on : beatmapsets/2162737#osu/4561007
i assume u mean this

u can find that here
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Peni wrote:

i assume u mean this

u can find that here
it should be like this in other map
Zelzatter Zero
right below the dropdown from that screenshot is a "Convert slider to stream" option. You can make a square slider and use that option to convert them.

or if you want to make something more precise, ctrl+c and ctrl-v are your friend, as per usual. Don't overthink too much.
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