
Smiley - Xuxa

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Detective Tuesday
Nice map, nice song, nice SB. *quack*!

The only thing that really stuck out to me as problematic would be the three spinners in the first section... They come in such quick succession, and a mere mortal such as I would can just barely get a 300.I double check, and these are the toughest sliders I've ever come across =P. If you could somehow ease up that little patch, I'd say this is in good shape.

I kind of expected it to be a little harder, but that's not exactly a real problem =P.
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Ahh on that note Detective Tuesday, I was considering making the *true* expert my Expert + or something. It's just really streamy so IDK
I starred! it.
I think your beatmaps ar all funnys :)
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Thank you cesc ;)

I appreciate that.
Fantastic, fantastic.

Offset is 21.

Storyboard: The end needs to fade back into the BG more elegantly (you can do this via manual scripting in the .osb file if you want the storyboard to extend past the beatmap, it's pretty straightforward).

The beatmaps themselves were fine, but imo Medium pulled too many tricks to be called a medium difficulty (example: 01:50:27 (1,1,1,1,1) ). If you don't want to lose these patterns, I'd suggest renaming the difficulty to Hard (and maybe tweaking the Song Setup settings to make it harder) and add an easier difficulty.

But this shit's good, and memorable. Like Lollipop memorable.
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Changes made, just waiting on my awp difficulty ;)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Your easy difficulty had problems all over the place (mostly a shitload of NULL values) so I fixed it for you. See attachment.

Download: Smiley - Xuxa (Skyripper) [Simple].osu
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Very helpful ;)

It merits a kudosu that no one can take from you!
I can take it from me.

EDIT: oops hitsounds

Download: Smiley - Xuxa (Skyripper) [Simple].osu
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I wrote a little gay response here, but then my net went out and I closed browser.

So cutting the bullshit, just enjoy the bubble.
Really cute nap
I love it
First of all, just suggestions, no need to fix everything I say, unless mods agree.

AWPsome Simple

I'll take this as a Normal...

00:43:71 (X) - Place something here

Fine for all else.


00:40:52 (1,1,1,1) - Why all the combo's?
01:15:02 (1->8) - Too easy for a hard, replace like the previous thing, and place finishes on the sharp sounds.


00:23:27 (1,2) - Place 3 beats on the white tick where 1 is on, the blue tick before 2, and the red tick after 2
00:28:52 (2) - No sound = no beat
01:15:02 (alotta 1's,2) - See the remark on Hard

Some mistakes and flaws here and there, but deserves a star nonetheless
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I really like the use of colour in this map, actually. Bright, cheerful, quacky (pun intended :P)

The only thing I think is that the offset should be closer to 0, probably no higher than 10.
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I don't know what to do about that

I'll ask awp I guess

Download: Kozato snow - Rengetsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Snowy].osu
re: irc discussion

Can some other people try offset at 16?
After 2 plays i say it needs about 5-7 ms taken off the offset. (so roughly 10) I comfortably SS'd it just taking 5 off.

On a different note, Nice map.
Good! ;)

Resnap them notes bro
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wtf, how did that happen? >_>.. It only happened in expert too

I can see why this map has 45 stars :)
Now it has 46.
10 is too early. At 00:36:00 (1,2,3) it's very noticeable (okay it's barely noticeable but still). Using an offset of 20, the map sounds off by only a marginal bit (imo)

29 or whatever I had was too late, but not by much. Even 22 feels microseconds early to me, but I'm happy with it at 22.
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/agree and changed
We decided to change to offset 18, I'm happy with that one. It felt a bit late at the night scenes at 22. Rebubble, yo.
All's good here. Ranked. ;)
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