
[REGS CLOSED][STD] Simba Cup 🐶 | 3v3 Teams of 4 | #393-9393 BWS

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Welcome to Simba Cup!
A tournament for snails, half-time enjoyers and speed haters

  1. This is an osu! Standard, double elimination, 3v3, teams of 4 tournament.
  2. The rank range is 393 - 9393 (BWS Rank = rank^(0.9937^(badges^2)))
  3. All times are in UTC.
  4. All players must be in the Discord to participate.
  5. ScoreV2 and No Fail will be enforced for every match.
  6. Staff are not allowed to play except for Streamers and Commentators.
  7. The pools are going to have an extra HT slot for each mod. (except DT)
  8. If anything is unclear, ask for clarification in the #questions channel or from one of the Hosts/Co-Hosts in the Discord server.

Qualifiers Procedure
  1. The referee will create the lobby 10 minutes before the starting time. They will ping the team captains and send out invites shortly after.
  2. You have 5 minutes to join the lobby. If you do not join in time, you may reschedule to for a different lobby.
  3. The order will be NM1-3, HD1-2, HR1-2, DT1, FM1, HT1.
  4. 10 maps will be played starting from NM1 and ending on HT1.
  5. Each team will only get one playthrough of the mappool.
  6. If a player disconnects during a map they are allowed to replay the map at the end of the lobby.
  7. Seeding will be determined with Zipfian's Law.
Bracket Stage Procedure
  1. The referee will create the lobby 10 minutes before the starting time. They will ping the team captains and send out invites shortly after. If the referee of the match is not there 5-10 minutes after the starting time, you may ping @Referee in the Discord server.
  2. Both players have 10 minutes to join the lobby or else it will be a Win By Default (WBD) for the opposing team.
  3. Winner of the !roll get to choose between the pick or ban order, the loser chooses the remaining.
  4. Double bans and picks are NOT allowed.
  5. Ban order is ABBA.
  6. If a player disconnects within the first 30 seconds of a map, the referee will abort the match and the map will be replayed. If a player disconnects 30s after the map has started, proof of their score at the disconnect (osu! screenshot or Twitch VOD) will be taken into consideration. If there is no proof of the disconnected player's score, the point goes to the opposing team.
  7. On freemod picks, one player must go HD/EZ/HDEZ, one must go HR/FL/HRFL and the last player can go any mod combination or nomod. EZFL doesn't count toward one of the 2 required mods.
  8. EZ has a 2x score multiplier, FL has a 1.727x score multiplier, EZFL has a 2.3x score multiplier.
  9. Tiebreakers will be played with Freemod, mods are allowed but not required.

! The pools are going to be oriented towards low bpm maps and little to no high bpm tapping. !
Most of the maps going to be technical, gimmicky and unusual.
The bracket stage pools are going to have an extra HT slot for each mod. (except DT)
For example: 3 HR maps -> 2 HR, 1 HRHT
Some stages may have HT forced on tiebreaker.
Qualifiers | 3 NM / 2 HD / 2 HR / 1 DT / 1 FM / 1 HT | ★6.5
Round of 16 | Best of 9 | 1 ban | 3 NM / 2 HD / 2 HR / 1 DT / 2 FM / 1 TB | ★6.4
Quarterfinals | Best of 11 | 2 bans | 4 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 2 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB | ★6.6
Semifinals | Best of 11 | 2 bans | 4 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 2 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB | ★6.8
Finals | Best of 13 | 2 bans | 5 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 2 DT / 4 FM / 1 TB | ★7.0
Grand Finals | Best of 13 | 2 bans | 5 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 2 DT / 4 FM / 1 TB | ★7.2

Registrations: January 28-February 11
Qualifiers: March 2-3
Round of 16: March 9-10
Quarterfinals: March 16-17
Semifinals: March 23-24
Finals: March 30-31
Grand Finals: April 6-7

  1. Profile Badge (PENDING)
  2. Profile Banner
  3. 50% of prize pool
  1. Profile Banner
  2. 35% of prize pool
  1. Profile Banner
  2. 15% of prize pool
*The final amount of the prize pool will be revealed at the end of the tournament.

Molly Sandera
Someone made a tournament after my cat Simba....
(/ =ω=)/ !!
Evil Kama
osu needs more garlagan
Simba from the Lion King
Let's Go.
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