
Can we delete maps from our pending section whenever?

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I find it an absolute inconvenience to have to wait 30 days for each mapset just to delete it after it ends up in the graveyard for no helpful reason.

What If I need to get a full spread sent to someone to get multiple mods on that one mapset in a fuller, more clear-cut organized fashion, plus kudosu for modding people back? Exporting the OSZ file won't do that for me.

What if I need to delete it so that other people don't see it and say negative comments towards me about a map that was accidentally uploaded when it wasn't even complete, and I need to retract it ASAP? Keeping the map around for 30 days without any way of deleting it unless I painstakingly wait for a GMT to do it for me is inefficient and pointlessly tedious.

And what if I need to constantly update some other maps on the fly whenever I've made errors instead of always going back and forth between the editor and the discord DM I'm sending it too all the time to constantly export files? Exporting the OSZs instead of having a map uploaded on the website would be also a pain for that reason.

I don't know what complications lie in fixing this, but one things for sure is that I've talked to and seen a number of people in the forums and elsewhere have the same problem and at some point, we would like to have this fixed, so that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering this!
why even bother making a request nothing will change
GMT should be able to help you if you uploaded something accidentally. you're doing something wrong if that's a routine issue though...

as for the general idea, I think it's supposed to prevent upload spam.
If you wish to delete maps from pending or WIP, you should priotise which maps you want to map and upload it first instead of just make multiple maps and upload all of them. Pending or WIP maps are not meant to be disturbed with deleting it right away is because of it is used to give modders or testplayers time to look through your beatmaps, by all means you let others know your great achievements about it going for ranked.

There are some ways to increase your upload slot, via osu!supporter or ranking a beatmap. 👍

In general, this is one way to manage your uploading beatmaps.
If you want to have a fullset beatmap and other map you want to show it to the world, I could suggest doing it balanced and like I said with prioritise. Upload beatmaps is not just uploading it for fun.

But like clayton said, you can contact GMT to help you only if you uploaded something accidentally.

This request has been made multiple times, denied with the similar reasons.
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qwt wrote:

why even bother making a request nothing will change
Why couldn't I TRY making a request? Something the matter? Also, never realized what "Justabeginner" said about the ACTUAL purpose of uploading. Dude, at least politely tell me what's going on, like that guy did, instead of blowing off my comment like an ignorant jerk (facepalm cringe moment).... I honestly thought uploading was just to show off my cool levels like any other godforsaken video game ever.... sowwy.
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