
Theoritical World Leader Election

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Which Party would you vote?

Democrats Party (America)
Republican Party (America)
Chinese Communist Party
Total votes: 9
Topic Starter
We'll look as the possibility of electing a world leader. Since America and China are arguably today's world superpowers (Although America is generally accepted as more powerful than China, both of them are leagues ahead economically and militarily of #3 (who? idk).), their governments' decisions make a great impact around the world they're essentially world leaders. So what if we all have a say in electing "world leader" as oppose to citizens of their respective country.

I know America have the Libertarians and China have a shit tons of other parties but they never won elections so why shold I include them lol
[ Sebastian ]
I can't see how this will cause any argument whatsoever.
Duck o-o
all shit ;-;
if i pick republican i get the annoying orange
if i pick democrat i get the dementia guy
if i pick ccp i get tik tok dances and the great firewall
legit cant decide which of the 3 is the best lul
Either way we're all fucked huh?
mainly just picking the one that will do the least, since whenever they do something they all fuck it up somehow.

WitherMite wrote:

mainly just picking the one that will do the least, since whenever they do something they all fuck it up somehow.
That's how elections have worked for many decades now
I love democracy
Whatever party will give us genetically engineer catgirls gets my vote
just exterminate humanity at this point
[ Sebastian ]

WitherMite wrote:

mainly just picking the one that will do the least, since whenever they do something they all fuck it up somehow.
Just look at Joe Biden.
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