
What is better to play osu in your opinion?

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Emiya Shiro_old
So? (I mean here, mouse/tablet? something else? what do you prefer, what is comfortable etc.)
Oh no, not another.
It's not really a thread asking which is I guess it's alright (unless the meaning of this thread is to try to "understand" which one is "better").

I prefer mouse and mouse only (clearly the "better" choice).
turn doubletime on, get drunk, smash all 4 buttons as fast as possible
I play better when I'm slightly tired to I prefer to play when I slightly tired.


Bears sometimes.
Topic Starter
Emiya Shiro_old

those wrote:

It's not really a thread asking which is I guess it's alright (unless the meaning of this thread is to try to "understand" which one is "better").

I prefer mouse and mouse only (clearly the "better" choice).
Nah i just want to know your opinions on what you as a user prefer to play osu, what are you using more precisely ^^

What mouse are you using? some cheap one? gaming mouse? what's the DPI? (do you actually care about you mouse being a gaming or cheap one?)

I was wondering should I'll actually buy gaming mouse for osu but i don't know if it's worth it... My mouse have 1000 dpi now. It ain't geming one but have really good optical sensor like the higher spec mouses have (or so i heard)

TKiller wrote:

turn doubletime on, get drunk, smash all 4 buttons as fast as possible
Oh you, I lol'd.

As for what I use, I usually use a Wacom Bamboo tablet, sometimes a 23" touchscreen (Acer T231H), or even less often my mouse; A Roccat Kone[+]. I'm not very good at that last one.

I also want to try an airsoft gun in conjunction with a smartboard, but my school won't let me.

Daru wrote:

I also want to try an airsoft gun in conjunction with a smartboard, but my school won't let me.
lol Daru.

I use a 4x5 Wacom intuos3 tablet.

Daru wrote:


I also want to try an airsoft gun in conjunction with a smartboard, but my school won't let me.
Oh god, that would be so cool.

What does a Smartboard cost these days ?

Rena-chan wrote:

What does a Smartboard cost these days ?
Too much.

IppE602 wrote:

Rena-chan wrote:

What does a Smartboard cost these days ?
Too much.
Oh. Well, darn. :(
I play with the thingy that has the two buttons and a whell.. OH and it has a red light underneath it..

If I only knew what the device was called??? :I

VampiricPadraig wrote:

I play with the thingy that has the two buttons and a whell.. OH and it has a red light underneath it..

If I only knew what the device was called??? :I
Oh you must mean...


VampiricPadraig wrote:

I play with the thingy that has the two buttons and a whell.. OH and it has a red light underneath it..

If I only knew what the device was called??? :I
dual speed glow in the dark vibrator is the device you are looking for

albiet how you manage is beyond my brain capacity
A mouse's sensor and circuit taped into a pen.


failboat wrote:

dual speed glow in the dark vibrator is the device you are looking for

albiet how you manage is beyond my brain capacity
That's it.

I have big hands, I manage pretty well.
An iPad would be neat

bmin11 wrote:

An iPad would be neat
youtube it

although its the game for iphone ported to the ipad

Ahegaokin wrote:

A mouse's sensor and circuit taped into a pen.

Screw that, real men use Pen Tablets.
DDR pad obviously

those wrote:

It's not really a thread asking which is I guess it's alright (unless the meaning of this thread is to try to "understand" which one is "better").

I prefer mouse and mouse only (clearly the "better" choice).
I use tablet+qw.

look at his profile, look at my profile.

then figure out for yourself which is clearly the "better" choice.

Also SmartBoards.
Topic Starter
Emiya Shiro_old

Vext wrote:

VampiricPadraig wrote:

I play with the thingy that has the two buttons and a whell.. OH and it has a red light underneath it..

If I only knew what the device was called??? :I
Oh you must mean...

LMAO XD You made my day now ^.^

I use tablet+qw.[/quote]
What is that "qw" O.o? (Didn't catch that...)
play osu while relaxing in ur bed is the best way ~

Emiya Shiro wrote:

What is that "qw" O.o? (Didn't catch that...)
just z/x keys changed to q/w
Topic Starter
Emiya Shiro_old

dNextGen wrote:

play osu while relaxing in ur bed is the best way ~
Relaxing O.o? I'm impressed you can relax... Every time in half of song when I have perfect I'm starting to get nervous and miss notes at some point =_=

KRZY wrote:

then figure out for yourself which is clearly the "better" choice.
Well, clearly skill has everything to do with the peripheral you play with. >_>
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