Artist-Title: beatMARIO - Night of Knights (REDALiCE Remix)
Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1284117
Length: 2:17
Diff: Lunatic/Extra Stage, if you can mod the rest is up to you, but those 2 are important
Key: 6K boiii lets goooo
Notes: uhm idk, 6K jack'ish focused pattern on higher diffs, planing to hard push when Life moves to ranked in a few days ^^
Artist-Title: beatMARIO - Night of Knights (REDALiCE Remix)
Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1284117
Length: 2:17
Diff: Lunatic/Extra Stage, if you can mod the rest is up to you, but those 2 are important
Key: 6K boiii lets goooo
Notes: uhm idk, 6K jack'ish focused pattern on higher diffs, planing to hard push when Life moves to ranked in a few days ^^