
Any Situation can actually change for the better :)

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Update: I just wanted to give the Osu! community an update over what has happened since the year or so that has passed since i last posted here. I have placed the good news at the very end, in a spoiler box, so that people that had not seen this before can get a chance to read my first post if they would like; I won't change anything from the previous post, so if you already read it you can just skip it. I know its pretty much a TL;DR, but it really meant a lot when you all showed support (or not,lol)

Greetings osu! community, I will be starting community college this year and i have a "condition" which impedes me from receiving any federal aid to pay for my tuition I do have a savings account, but... well its complicated open the spoiler box if you want to know the full story.
I was born in Guanajuato, Mexico; my father was a farmer who owned no land and my mother was a traditional Mexican stay at home mom. Both of my parents did not finish high school, my mother didn't even finish middle school, not because they did not want to but because in the small town/ranch where we lived education was not seen as important as working, since over there they had to pay to attend public school and they're families where very poor since the the small town/ranch had, at their time, experienced a civil revolution (The government was not very organized at that time and some really powerful men owned the ranch and had "slaves" (I say slaves because they were people that no where else to go that only got paid with small amounts of food and the ability to live at the small town) to work the land for farming profit until they rose up and stood against the men and took the land for themselves, my grandparents being part of the slaves.) My father grew up farming and learned how to fix cars at and early age from my grandpa but his true passion is farming. Some time after my dad married my mom and after i was born a man tried pick a fight with father (at that time my father was young and very temperamental, my mother help him grow as a person and he is an absolutely great dad now) and my father shot him in the arm with a gun. Before the local police came to arrest my father ( i was around one at the time) my mother, him and I moved to a different town near some family friends. My dad build our house out of concrete it was very small and was made of two rooms one kitchen and one bedroom with a tin roof we a "bathroom" built outside. About a year of him farming for other people and receiving little to no pay he decided to go to America, in hopes of finding a job. He had no money, no diploma and a "criminal" record, so of course he went to America illegally. My mother had two more children before he left us, i had a younger sister and a brother. he left us for about 2 1/2 years to work at a factory for minimal wage which he would send to my mom every month. during the time he was gone my mother suffered depression ( since my father had was the only person she had, her family had all moved to America, so she was alone with three kids in "new" town were she didn't know anybody and no mode of transportation). My father came back and eventually together they resolved on taking all of us to America (they method that we came here and how they decided is a whole other very long story) Here, my father took on many hard manual jobs before he settled on roofing (What happened in between us getting to America and finally settling down is also another very long story), this job allowed him to pay of a house that my mother's family had arranged for us. i was 7 years old at the time. Today I am 18 years old and a lot has changed, I graduated from high school last Saturday, i was in the highest top ten percent ranking, and i received the most honors out of my class. My father no longer is young and he could not continue climbing on top of hot roofs, he now uses what he learned from his father as a mechanic to fix cars, which is still a very hard job for one man. I plan on going to college and becoming a teacher except for me there are many hurdles.

1. i cannot received any federal aid as i am an "illegal immigrant"
2. I cannot own ANYTHING in America (eg: Library card, automobile, apartment, etc.
3. I cannot apply for a state ID
4. I cannot apply for a job
5. I cannot receive any money in check format
6. I cannot get a credit card
7. I cannot get apply for insurance
8. I cannot get social security
9. I do exist according to the U.S.
10. I risk deportation everyday
11. I cannot get anything that requires any of the above

Through many great people that i have met i found some loop holes to things and found a way to attend college legally, however now I'm faced with finding a way to pay for it all. I have bigger dreams of attending a private institution and going to law school and all that but right now i just want to get bachelors degree which would be enough to get a decent job to support my parents, so please any donations to my college fund are appreciated
Feel free to suggest anything or ask me anything, Just by reading this you have help to get awareness out about the many young adults like me that want to be citizens, please support the dream act. i do have a paypal account that I've never used so ill put a link here if you do want to help me out. you DON'T have to (this is for you Xact!) . ... aNonHosted

and i think that's it right now. I know some you guys are wondering "how do you even have a house?" or "How are you paying for internet" or "How do you even have a home computer?" and i have answers for all of that some are funny stories some are just plain but I'm getting tire and sleepy so if you're wondering just ask lol

Thank for even reading this guys, its the first time I've told anybody my story.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Year Later------------------------------------------------------------------------------

First of all i want to thank all the support i received from the community (and the negativity, because in a way it challenged me to succeed). Secondly i hope this can be view as an example of a situation that has gone through a dramatic change in a good way, a situation that can inspire at least someone else who can relate to my story, and keep on going even though every thing looks grim. I am happy to say that I am still here and I am in college and well. When it all looked like it was going downhill, i thought about moving to Mexico on my own and seeing what life had for me over there, hopefully i would be able to find a job with the english that i learned here in America. However by a chance meeting, I got to know a certain professor who is head of the Honors College in my proposed community college and, well, I went from applying for the program to winning the "Honor's College scholarship" which would pay for all of my tuition for 2 years (just not my textbooks, but that is a small price to pay compared to my out of state tuition) as long as i kept an average of a A- or higher in my studies. The best thing about this is that it is funded by private groups therefore I am fully able to accept it. So far I'm in my second semester and i passed my 1st with a 4.0 (Woo!); I'm also well on my way to getting my Pre Education certificate which would allowed me to became a teacher's assistant (Of course i still wouldn't be able to work in America but having a certificate in any way will help me where ever i am. If after my 2 years are over i still do not have documentation, I plan to move to my home country, and try to find a job with what I've got, surely then I will at least go, not empty handed but with proof of my accomplishment. This may be just for 2 years and it may only be community college, but to me it's more than enough, and i have nothing to lose, thank you osu!

Firo Prochainezo
Guys, this is not off topic. Leave the poor man alone.

I offer a prayer, if that's all I have to give.

Please don't take this as mockery, but if anything, dwell on this scriptural verse.

Psalm 126:1-4 - “Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy.
He who continually goes forth weeping,
Bearing seed for sowing,
Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
Bringing his sheaves with him.”

Keep fighting for it.
Have you tried prostitution?
Work harder to get a job; I'm certain there ARE people who are willing to take you for a part-time job to feed yourself and to pay your fees.

May God be with you. God always help those in need and those who work hard for success. Apart from that, you get my prayers.

I might help for few dollars, but I'm currently broke for now. I promise I'll help you with something.

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@IppE602 & Rena-chan: I don't really get the dog meme, but I'm going to go out on a stretch and say it means I'm a troll and then a gay troll? or those it mean I'm random? a dog in clothes is random, so it might be that... either way i don't understand the rainbow super stars on the second one...perhaps I'm super random? Neither of which I am intending on being.

@Firo Prochainezo: Thank you, for that. Before I made this thread I did realize this was the internet and people do stuff like that

@Faust: That optimism and hope is what has kept us going this whole time, thanks.

@Vext: Well I'm here "illegally" so doing something "illegal" would probably not help my cause much more likely get me deported faster; not to mention I do have morals. I'm also afraid of STDs.
You should become an American Citizen, that should be your main priority instead of worrying college. Aside that, how do you expect to go to college and work as a teacher afterwards if you're not an American citizen? Not trying to be rude but everyone has their problems and you need to take the steps necessary to work it out for yourself. Not to mention I'm sure just about anyone could use 5 grand and a free laptop, I sure as hell could.

Also, I know for a FACT you can find work as an illegal. I live in Texas (Houston) and there's illegals all over the place getting work whether it's construction, washing dishes, whatever it takes they don't seem to have problems. Businesses unfortunately love illegals, because they can pay them under the table and they don't have to pay taxes. It's hard for me to find work because of it.

Not to mention bilingual people are at a high demand, if you speak spanish that's enough to get your foot in your door with a lot of jobs.
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@mekadon: I'm sure there's people that would love to give me a job (I like to brag haha! I have tons of volunteer hours done and really good grades) but they can't, legally anyways. According to national laws any employer who hires an illegal immigrant is committing a crime and the employer faces closure of their company, a large fine, and possible jail time. Not only that but I my self would need to acquire a fake state ID and social security number (from what i hear you have to be in the know with underground stuff to get those and that they are also very costly and come with no guarantee that they actually might work) to even pass the application part. As I said even by reading this you have contributed, thanks for anything and everything.

@Xact: You're absolutely right (you also make many good points), and becoming a citizen is my top priority. My mother, my siblings and I are all in the process of becoming "legal". We applied 12 years ago. When we applied they told us we would get our documentation within two - five years this was in 1999, then the September 11 attacks happened and everything stopped and has since then continued very slowly. Honestly I'm hoping to received my documentation before i graduate college, that, or I'm hoping something like the Dream Act passes here in America.
After college if i don't have my documentation I'm planning on moving back to Mexico. One of my teachers informed me that the Mexican Gov. does accept Bachelor Degrees from America and that over there and one is able to get a very good job too. The downside to this would be that i would just have to be alone in an unfamiliar place starting from scratch. (AKA Mexico) It might sound easy when reading this but if you think about its not exactly pleasant to know that you can never see your family in person again until a magical piece of paper is finally sent to you.
I am taking the steps necessary. I'm also using what is at hand for me (the internet for instance) as a source of aid.
Xact, I'm asking for donations I'm not forcing you give, if you don't feel like it then don't it wont hurt my feelings; i do hope however that you learn a bit more about the lives of the "illegals all over the place" and that it's not that easy. Like I said above there is work and there are methods but the risks are to great for me. I'm sorry that I don't want to try and steal your construction jobs from you and be your typical illegal immigrant. I do understand that bilingual people get paid a bit more that is why i want to be a bilingual teacher.
Putting aside religion (which really doesn't help since it tempts you to to explain away most things that are your fault / distracts you), I sincerely hope that things will work out for you the way you have planned, as I have personally (and AM personally) experiencing the pain of having your standards go from "I want to have a good life with ___ and ____" to "I want to live".

Also, I'll be honest: your chances for a job are very, very slim, unless you know people (no offense, but fellow mexicans) inside work places already.
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@Shiirn:I'm not the most religious person in the world but i do have hope but i do not let it stop me from being realistic. My motto is "hope for the best and expect the worse" I know right now in the U.S the educational system has gone down under with all the budget cuts, and if by that time I have not received my documentation I do intend on deporting my self to Mexico, but at least I will go back with a degree and what happens from there will be another little adventure for me
I do know them. There's a ton that live on my street, I'm friends with most of them (the ones that speak English anyways). They're all just your average joes, regular people. I never said anything about "you're stealing my jobs". I told you that there ARE jobs available, and you're just being lazy and saying there are no jobs for you because you're an illegal here (which is bull), then begging for free money on a games forum nonetheless. Also you say you don't want to be a "typical illegal immigrant", atleast they work hard and do honest work to provide for themselves and their families. You may not want to work the "typical immigrant" stuff, but, you are here illegally after all and majority of American citizens work these jobs every day regardless, you're no better.

Start off doing what you can and work yourself up like...everybody else in America. Just because you're 18 doesn't mean you need to jump immediately into college. I know tons of people that have worked random jobs and didn't start college until their mid 20's or 30's when they had the money to. Is it better to start college right out of highschool? Maybe, you'll be finished sooner but what does it really matter?
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Maybe you missed some stuff.

Xact wrote:

Businesses unfortunately love illegals, because they can pay them under the table and they don't have to pay taxes.

xerxes_oli wrote:

According to national laws any employer who hires an illegal immigrant is committing a crime and the employer faces closure of their company, a large fine, and possible jail time.
I dont think companies love to get fined or close down

Xact wrote:

It's hard for me to find work because of it.
Since I'm not taking an "underhand job" that's one more you can apply for there for making it "easier" for you to "find work" :D you should be happy that I choose not to.

Xact wrote:

you're just being lazy and saying there are no jobs for you because you're an illegal here (which is bull)
As i said before:

xerxes_oli wrote:

I my self would need to acquire a fake state ID and social security number (from what i hear you have to be in the know with underground stuff to get those and that they are also very costly and come with no guarantee that they actually might work) to even pass the application part.
acquiring counterfeit identification is a really big crime being caught using it would result in jail and deportation for me which I'm not willing to risk until i finish school.

Xact wrote:

Also you say you don't want to be a "typical illegal immigrant"

Xact wrote:

construction, washing dishes, whatever it takes
I'm sorry that I aspire to do something greater. I'm sorry that i could not be like my dad who does construction and mechanic work so that i can manage to go to school. I'm sorry that i want them to be proud of me.

Xact wrote:

begging for free money on a games forum nonetheless

xerxes_oli wrote:

even by reading this you have contributed, thanks for anything and everything.

Xact wrote:

Is it better to start college right out of highschool? Maybe, you'll be finished sooner but what does it really matter?
Maybe i should have said this earlier...Education is my life. that's why even after the big education budget cuts that happened here in America i want to be a teacher i want to be in school. its where i belong.

Xact, i don't expect you understand so if you don't like this thread please stop posting in it I think that everybody that has read your posts gets your point You are borderline trolling now.
Maybe you should take your citizenship test and become a citizen then you wont have all those issues. Simple fix.

SilentKiller wrote:

Maybe you should take your citizenship test and become a citizen then you wont have all those issues. Simple fix.
becoming a citizen is my top priority. My mother, my siblings and I are all in the process of becoming "legal". We applied 12 years ago. When we applied they told us we would get our documentation within two - five years this was in 1999, then the September 11 attacks happened and everything stopped and has since then continued very slowly. Honestly I'm hoping to received my documentation before i graduate college, that, or I'm hoping something like the Dream Act passes here in America.
If you have any neat skills, you could do odd jobs that don't require any sort of identification, if at least to raise a little bit of money. It's what I did when I was unemployed for a while to try and keep my bank account afloat. You can pick up odd jobs off of the bottom right corner of Craigslist that are just posted by regular people looking for someone to help them with things like graphic or web design for their personal website and will pay one or two hundred dollars. Stuffing envelopes or fixing other people's computers or just other things like that.

Hopefully you get your necessary documents in and get yourself out and about doing what you aspire.
Ah, this is quite a life you have.

What part of the US do you reside in? And, as Nekoroll said, under the table jobs are very numerous out there, especially in metropolitan areas. You have my prayers with your long journey, and it seems it's only the start. Don't pay mind to the trolls on here, as they can't take 5 minutes to read a man's story out.
He's made it pretty clear that he simply doesn't want to work. He's much too classy for that sort of thing. Sorry but when I personally have known illegals work their way up, I can't respect someone begging on a forum for money and spewing out excuses because they're apparently too spoon fed to work. We all have a sob story, suck it up.
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@Sinistro: Thank you for that.

@Nekoroll: I actually have been doing that :) I'm moderately good at fixing simple computer problems that regular folks don't bother with, except i don't live in a city so the tech assistance demand isn't as big as i would wish it was.

@dkun:I actually live very close to Xact, in Texas, maybe i should move to Houston where companies are begging to hire me Haha! I think everybody has a long journey, its just a different one for every person, some start early in life and others late.

@awp: I wish i knew how to street perform! But then again the busiest place in this lame town is walmart
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