
I need help to find my old skin please

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Dami Angel
I have no idea where to post this (please tell me if this is the wrong place), but I am desperate. My OSU was not working today, so I had to re-install it. in the process, I lost my beloved skin that I have been using for the past years and I have no idea where else to search so I am writing here, hoping someone can help me.

It was a Touhou project skin, in the game it was called "Nitro RGB" or something symilar, but looking it up doesn't lead anywhere and it was named something else when I downloaded it. The characters in the skin were Patchouli in the pause screen, Sumeriko Usami holding a paper with "you suck" written on it for the losing screen and Yukari (I think) for the combo character. It had a red glowing cursor and I cannot remember much more.

if you could help, that would mean the world to me, thank you and have a lovely day!

edit: I found the losing screen pic, apparently it's an edit of this pic
You don't have any screenshots or videos of you using this skin it would help a lot
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Dami Angel

Jinkies wrote:

You don't have any screenshots or videos of you using this skin it would help a lot
I will look for them, if I find them I will upload all here but I have very low hopes since I generally don't record my plays :(
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