
it's impossible to improve at this game

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i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
Try to play maps you enjoy. Improvement shouldn’t be everything, make sure to actually have fun every once in a while.
its time to turn off dt, try playing other types of maps too
you havent been playing this game consistently since may 2021 like you started back 2 months ago its normal lol
while you did play a decent amount last month, you only have 1-258 playcount per month over the past 11 months which isn't enough to maintain skill
He's true. I haven't improved in sooo long, just hovered at the same skill level since like October.
I was stuck mid 5 digit for like 30 days playtime. You get used to it
This kind of statement seems pretty funny for me. If you just want improvement - there are so many aspects in this game you can work on besides your main skillset, but, nah, people always bothering about nice numbers in profile...
This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
Zelzatter Zero

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.

and thus (if the meaning ain't enough to show anything) the game has nothing do here, it's mainly boiled down to the players themselves.

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.
Happy to see somebody into furries still not spoiled enough to not being able instantly recognize such ironic refences, somekind giving me faith in the osu community lol... or you're just playing on the second level of irony, still a smart move, though.
Rusty af

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're not improving because you hardly play.
Topic Starter

[Alpha] wrote:

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're not improving because you hardly play.
i stopped because i am stuck not being able to fc 5* maps
and my aim and consistency is not very good
i just feel like crap
i don't care about pp or rank anymore, i don't look at it but the thing that hurts me the most is seeing other players improve faster than me or improve in general
ironically, it's seeing other people's hour count and thinking "oh they got to this skill level in half as much time as i did"

it's the crushing feeling of knowing you put a lot of time into things, don't know how to learn them properly and other people get ahead of you because i wouldn't say it's genetics 100% but rather a combination of various life factors that lead to some players simply putting in time in the right mindset and environment, etc etc. that lead to them gaining skill so fast.

i have a friend that is alright at the game, he could probably set 300pp plays if he wanted to but he's inactive now and played offline mostly for all the time he played osu (since around 2018-ish, the same time i started playing more) and he didn't get above like 4k pp but he also has some very, very good plays with HR and very good nomod plays, nothing like the DT trash that inhibits both my and many other people's profiles. i feel like shit because i'm not a player like him, skilled in many different aspects rather than just a player which climbed through ranks using DT farm, which now leads to me being unable to fc 5* maps or consistently FC longer maps at all.

i wish there was some way to "reset" my skill, just start from scratch like i had never learned the game. but now i have fucked up aiming habits which are impossible to fix.
its fine bro, I feel you.

I have a friend that has half my playtime, but is 10k ranks higher than me.

but I don't feel too hurt about it since I know that there are certain skills im better at than him, maybe there is a skill you are good at and you just don't think that you are good at it.

for example, I am good at passing high star maps(for my rank at least), but I can't really show it off since I don't want to let my friends suffer the wrath of 7* maps that they can barely read, so usually I just show off my streaming even though it isn't super good.

the main thing that helped me to continue playing knowing other people are better than me was, rather than letting it get me down that other people improve faster than me, I turned it into fuel to keep me going, to beat them at their own game and to eventually surpass them.
Sorry, TS, still sounds funny, not in the bully meaning, more kind as quite unreasonable things you're talking about.

Yeah, I know it's kinda not fair from the point of twice less playtime and the person who never occured into any stuck situations, but at least lemme state my point.

"i stopped because i am stuck not being able to fc 5* maps" > while having various 5-5.7* fcs in top 100
"and my aim and consistency is not very good" > bro, 99% total acc bruh + some of that fcs on quite long maps
"i just feel like crap" > at least you're not a potato

Yep, that plays are almost year-two ago, but it's the proof you were possible to make that, so you can repeat.

h4ven wrote:

it's the crushing feeling of knowing you put a lot of time into things, don't know how to learn them properly and other people get ahead of you
But you do already invest the time, you gained something from that, it's not a waste.

Personally know a player with an ultra garbage setup and mouse, who in less than 70h reached 2700pp+ vs me with day 1 tablet sitting in 2k pp at 150h.

Was I upset even a bit? No. Why? This ->

AccountWontWork wrote:

but I don't feel too hurt about it since I know that there are certain skills im better at than him, maybe there is a skill you are good at and you just don't think that you are good at it.
You got 1k SS scores, it's not a casual neighbourhood walk to get that much and it do took significant time to achieve, why not to be proud of that?

Not even talking about 1k A + 500 S which is total 2.5k scores out of your total played 5.5k. It's almost a HALF. While other people were doing the improvement thing playing smaller map pools with higher star rate, you were enjoying the game, why it should be considered a bad thing?

h4ven wrote:

i wish there was some way to "reset" my skill, just start from scratch like i had never learned the game. but now i have fucked up aiming habits which are impossible to fix.
Completely abandon all previous habits you consider bad for e.g. fully abandon DT farm, join nomod/HD/HR/tech/long maps/etc gang, stiff teeth and spend another ~300h grinding that up to finally git gud - yeap, you need a strong will to that, kinda "impossible", right?

And the last thing, from your historical looks like you took almost a 1 year break playing ultra unregular. What you're waiting for then now?

Sorry if sounded kinda rude, just me finally pissed out of similar repeating situations I see so many times everywhere :c
Practice FL, you'll definitely see improvement when memorizing a map.

But osu! is a game that takes a lot of time to get good at, to put things into perspective it took me until I was 22k to get my first 300PP play (around 5,734PP at the time). And trust me I've been around the 11k-16k rank range for over a year at this point but I've still improved. In short play more and work on consistency.

h4ven wrote:

i wouldn't say it's genetics 100% but rather a combination of various life factors that lead to some players simply putting in time in the right mindset and environment, etc etc. that lead to them gaining skill so fast.
This is pretty much the problem. I came to the same conclusion after hitting a wall and staying there for years.

Once I change my health, lifestyle, diet etc the game became easy and pp/improvement came naturally without even trying. That said playing more is really important but theres only so much you can improve since at a certain point youve hit your phsiological limit and lose motivation, get RSI or whatever.

Some people are born into the correct environment which allows them to improve fast and the others have to figure out how to get into that environment.
Noone is forcing you to play (I hope).
Just quit whenever you want.

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're a 5 digit why are you complaining

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.

and thus (if the meaning ain't enough to show anything) the game has nothing do here, it's mainly boiled down to the players themselves.
You're rank 783,894 with 3621 posts.

[Alpha] wrote:

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're not improving because you hardly play.

kingautist wrote:

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're a 5 digit why are you complaining

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.

and thus (if the meaning ain't enough to show anything) the game has nothing do here, it's mainly boiled down to the players themselves.
You're rank 783,894 with 3621 posts.
oh nah not the rank 248348 talkin

kingautist wrote:

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're a 5 digit why are you complaining

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.

and thus (if the meaning ain't enough to show anything) the game has nothing do here, it's mainly boiled down to the players themselves.
You're rank 783,894 with 3621 posts.
What the fuck is with that kind of rank-ist mentality (as much as I hate to use an -ism, but it gets the point across)? It isn't like Zelzatter's some 7-digit trying to explain the intricacies of FC-ing a 6*+ map.

Does that mean that since you're just a 248K and I'm 160K I get to berate you and say any of your opinions are shit-tier trash? Does IryN who's at 3K get to do even worse since she's a 4-digit and you're a 6-digit?

kingautist wrote:

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.

and thus (if the meaning ain't enough to show anything) the game has nothing do here, it's mainly boiled down to the players themselves.
You're rank 783,894 with 3621 posts.
You're rank 248,336 with 43 posts.


Voidedosu wrote:

Does IryN who's at 3K get to do even worse since she's a 4-digit and you're a 6-digit?
oh no no no he doesn't know PepeLaugh
Dang, 70k with more hours than me. I understand why you're frustrated, that is some pretty slow improvement. I thought mine was slow, but I just feel bad for you. I wish you luck on your future endeavors.
Did no one say anything about playing Easy or Normal or Hard diffs instead??
dung eater
you can change it if you start and keep working on it

habits break off by learning to do it differendly and repeating - it's not automatic

if you aren't good at long maps or playing nomod and want to do it, start learning

if you have a habit or way of doing something you want to change, make the change a priority. play easier/slower maps if you need to

Voidedosu wrote:

kingautist wrote:

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're a 5 digit why are you complaining

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.

and thus (if the meaning ain't enough to show anything) the game has nothing do here, it's mainly boiled down to the players themselves.
You're rank 783,894 with 3621 posts.
What the fuck is with that kind of rank-ist mentality (as much as I hate to use an -ism, but it gets the point across)? It isn't like Zelzatter's some 7-digit trying to explain the intricacies of FC-ing a 6*+ map.

Does that mean that since you're just a 248K and I'm 160K I get to berate you and say any of your opinions are shit-tier trash? Does IryN who's at 3K get to do even worse since she's a 4-digit and you're a 6-digit?

kingautist wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:

kingautist wrote:

h4ven wrote:

i give up
i am stuck and i can't go further
You're a 5 digit why are you complaining

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Vaniels wrote:

This is something interesting, I've seen some content tagged "stuck in the wall" on some websites, is this related? Is osu doing something like that to players?
"stuck in a wall" is a term to indicate you have barely improved anything and/or improvement is very hard to the point of nearly impossible for you, so unless the "websites" you're talking abt is gaming-related, I doubt it's the case.

and thus (if the meaning ain't enough to show anything) the game has nothing do here, it's mainly boiled down to the players themselves.
You're rank 783,894 with 3621 posts.
What the fuck is with that kind of rank-ist mentality (as much as I hate to use an -ism, but it gets the point across)? It isn't like Zelzatter's some 7-digit trying to explain the intricacies of FC-ing a 6*+ map.

Does that mean that since you're just a 248K and I'm 160K I get to berate you and say any of your opinions are shit-tier trash? Does IryN who's at 3K get to do even worse since she's a 4-digit and you're a 6-digit?
...On a serious note, what the fuck is wrong with you?

With that mentality, you're going to ignore advice from anyone at all who basically isn't as entitled as you are because they're #248779 and you're 248778, even if that person would actually have advice that's genuinely good for your improvement (or general life). Who the fuck taught you to think like that? Why the fuck do you think this is an actual good idea?

Am I making the argument that Zelzatter is good at this game and thus should be listened to? No. Whether by choice or by simple lack of ability, he's at 700K. By nearly every objective measure he's a significant degree worse at this game than you or I. But my point is that just because he isn't objectively better than us doesn't mean that anything he says is worthless.
Thread turned from how OP complained about improvement to this 💀
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