- Song Select -
- Mods -
- Ranking Panel -
- Pause / Fail Overlay -
- Section Fail/Pass -
- Playfield -
- Song Select -
- Mods -
- Ranking Panel -
- Pause / Fail Overlay -
- Section Fail/Pass -
- Playfield -
The Following list is all the fanart I've used in this skin, If you liked the fanart of those artists, You could help them by supporting their artworks, as they worked really hard, I also highly encourage any skinner to credit the Fanart used in their skins.
If anyone's familiar with the following artists and the said artist wants their art down, Let me know !
SH Rank and FL Mod - by - Ekita玄
HD Mod - by - Maru
AP Mod and PF Mod - by - オリイ
A Rank - by - まこと
S Rank - by - 暗黑大白
DT Mod - by - Dorris
C Rank - by - 47
B Rank - by - ym
RX Mod - by - hash
XH Rank, S Rank and Mode select - by - shura
NC Mod - by - みこめ
/Partly/ Mode Select - by - 阿棉 ([∂]ω[∂])☆
HR MOD, Partly Menu background and Menu background - by - まゆい
Pause Overlay and Fail Overlay - by - GEAROUS/ギア
SP Mod - by - とせガ
Menu Background 2 - by - がり
Fail Section - by - 10Juu
D Rank - by - 香茶(こーちゃ)
TP Mod - by - あり子(やすだ)
Fail Section and Pass Section - by - 10Juu
Welcome Text Scan - by - artbooksNAT
AP and CN - by - 白鴉サキノ
If anyone's familiar with the following artists and the said artist wants their art down, Let me know !
SH Rank and FL Mod - by - Ekita玄
HD Mod - by - Maru
AP Mod and PF Mod - by - オリイ
A Rank - by - まこと
S Rank - by - 暗黑大白
DT Mod - by - Dorris
C Rank - by - 47
B Rank - by - ym
RX Mod - by - hash
XH Rank, S Rank and Mode select - by - shura
NC Mod - by - みこめ
/Partly/ Mode Select - by - 阿棉 ([∂]ω[∂])☆
HR MOD, Partly Menu background and Menu background - by - まゆい
Pause Overlay and Fail Overlay - by - GEAROUS/ギア
SP Mod - by - とせガ
Menu Background 2 - by - がり
Fail Section - by - 10Juu
D Rank - by - 香茶(こーちゃ)
TP Mod - by - あり子(やすだ)
Fail Section and Pass Section - by - 10Juu
Welcome Text Scan - by - artbooksNAT
AP and CN - by - 白鴉サキノ
- Okay I am just gonna add a bit of Victuuri //Spills the Victuuri jall// well firetruck... -
Hello there ! This is my second skin, It was originally going to be a private skin, I wanted to make YOI skin elements and well...this happened.
I tried my very best in that skin tho, And the theme was...sort of...Parellgrams //shrugs, I put my photoshop skills at test as well in that skin, So don't be surprised at the mistakes...
IMPORTANT NOTICE - The skin's original hitcircle and approach cricle are coloured in blue, So any colour is blue-ish, So I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Disabling any beatmap skin since some colours make the hitcircle black.
Speaking of which, There's and EXTRA FOLDER if you didn't like something or something is messed up in your prespective, including a colourful gameplay.
Also I am 99% sure that the original Pause and Fail overlays will be incorrect in other moniter sizes, So if anyone encounters a problem, I'll try to help !
This skin IS DEFINITELY Gonna get hell a lot of updates, different elements ad .wav files.... And who knows, Maybe someday I'll make skin for each character.
Also, This skin was made during episode 6 release, So there's more characters to add //nervous laughter...
Tiny Extra - Do you know how hard it is to find a sad picture of a happy anime ? //Sigh
Uhm if any supporter would like to screenshot both menu-backgrounds that would be highly apprecited thank u //cough
Hello there ! This is my second skin, It was originally going to be a private skin, I wanted to make YOI skin elements and well...this happened.
I tried my very best in that skin tho, And the theme was...sort of...Parellgrams //shrugs, I put my photoshop skills at test as well in that skin, So don't be surprised at the mistakes...
IMPORTANT NOTICE - The skin's original hitcircle and approach cricle are coloured in blue, So any colour is blue-ish, So I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Disabling any beatmap skin since some colours make the hitcircle black.
Speaking of which, There's and EXTRA FOLDER if you didn't like something or something is messed up in your prespective, including a colourful gameplay.
Also I am 99% sure that the original Pause and Fail overlays will be incorrect in other moniter sizes, So if anyone encounters a problem, I'll try to help !
This skin IS DEFINITELY Gonna get hell a lot of updates, different elements ad .wav files.... And who knows, Maybe someday I'll make skin for each character.
Also, This skin was made during episode 6 release, So there's more characters to add //nervous laughter...
Tiny Extra - Do you know how hard it is to find a sad picture of a happy anime ? //Sigh