
Portugal's Top 10 CTB Players of 2021!

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You know the drill by now, 10 players who you think shined the most in 2021 out of all the Portuguese catch players! For me personally I've decided to take a bit more of a tournament approach than last time. Last time I looked solely on players' ability to play solo and what they could achieve/potential. This time I would still like to do that but also factor in a player's ability to compete.

You're not allowed to include yourself in the list

My List

1. uwu
You know what fuck this guy. #1 again this year. Although this time he bothered to dethrone the other players in ranking as well. Air has been there since I started playing and as he sometimes withered off into random easy maps you would think this man plateaud a decade ago. But he didn't, somehow. With the consistency as the best in Portugal which is evident from his ability to carry Portugal in tournament settings and long maps that he FCed in both specifics and convert. Now this dude also practiced HR this year? What's gonna be next year? DT AR9? HD? Within the span of 2 months this fucker had 22 new score in his top 25 high ranked scores. Even FCing onoken which has been a challenge for many PT players for a long time. Including FCs on cycle hit and augoeides and new spicy HR plays. Where did this come from? I dont know but it surely was epic.
Anyhow air is a lovely son of a gun and is well deserving of this top spot.

2. gold801
Forever #2, it's like this guy can't catch a break. Gold is probably one of the more all-around players in Portugal, with top plays in both specifics, and convert. Also spinning and SSing like no tomorrow on nomod or hidden or whatever else he can find to for that sweet 420pp in thresholds in the hope of finally dumping that xeno S score out of his top ranks. He also has DT experience on a bunch of platters and would be irreplaceable in any tournament for Portugal.

3. Rosa
The highest rated convert player in PT just behind the #1 immigrant worker, Rosa. Although probably not as masterful at the specific maps as the player following him in this ranking, I want you to imagine this; Portugal is playing in CWC 2022, the opponent chooses a HD on low AR. Who will be the best player in all of PT to play this? I don't think I have to say who. Arguably the best hidden-only player currently.
Notable scores are: hey fucker choke, most of his DT chokes (especially fallen angel being nuts, although technically 2020 idc), HT big black 4 miss.
For his ranking in this list tho, his specific ability is abyssmal. Love you nitro

4. Hiroto-
The fastest ranked climber in PT had an explosive start in the year but a quiet end. Still showing improvements on maps like DVP, and convert improvements such as 33 miss on big black. He has also been active on loved maps, choking a 7* loved map (in the middle of the night). And setting solid scores like an SS on crystallia.
One of the few players still setting some of the best loved scores out there. (respect)
A strong nomod contender that excels at specifics and speed, can do converts although not at the same level. And still has to prove himselves in other mods. He definitely has proven that he is one of the best in Portugal and a top player.

5. Buffow
Good old Buffow. Although buffow has been slightly more active near the end of 2021. In stark contrast to the complete inactivity. Buffow is not able to play on his keyboard like he used to. This means that he underperforms hugely in comparison to his potential. His dedication to reclaim his former dominance is admirable and I'm sure we will see that dedication pay off in the future.

6. Demigod Yoxide
A bit of a similar scenario as Buffow, due to an injury he has not been able to practice specific/speed maps. And during the 3CWC tournament this was very obvious. He has transitioned completely and made hidden his own. Portugal now has 3 hidden-only PT players and it's a welcoming addition. This year having finally hit the 5k convert pp mark and now already hundreds above it. The highlight this year for demi definitely was his stellar performance on one of the DT maps against Brazil where he carried uwu and Tris and got the point for PT against Brazil.

7. PTrollYO
*playing FF14*

8. Goncs
Hiroto is this you? Goncs is the nutter in PT that completely skipped fcing a 5* and just went to 6* straightaway. Because why not? Goncs can compete with some of the players in this list in terms of high starred maps and simply because of that deserves this spot. Current the player with the highest potential in this list.

9. [SS]Bell
With a few scores here and there Bell has been mostly inactive for 2021. Bell is a longtime player but everytime he became active he immediately was a potential threat to be reckoned with. Known to perform well in multis and has always done well on nomod higher star maps even though this madlad has an insane amount of scores on easy maps.

10. SoulEater
Didn't do that much this year but the OG still made it huh?
His ability to eat rice that should've been thrown in the dumpster is akin to his ability to ressurect himself in a game he almost hasn't played for a half a decade just to show people that the man still has it. Although we weren't able to see much of him in 2021 he still is worth of his top 10 position, for now...
DemiGod Yoxide

The uncontested number one. Pretty sure this needs no explanation, tris has enough gap in most skills with the rest of the country, that putting him anywhere else would be objectively wrong. Only thing he can be beaten at, is lower level consistency and even then, it's not as evident as other years. He has proven he can be just as consistent as, for example, gold and air in the maps they play, not counting with the fact he was an irreplaceable member for our 3 digit world cup team. GG tris, you're a beast and deserve massive respect as a player from everyone in this country.

This entry is also not contestable imo. Air (uwu) has certainly shown that he's still got it, coming back stronger than ever, even setting HR scores which came as a surprise to everyone since air always said he struggled reading AR10. Impressive tournament play, impressive specific plays and impressive convert attempts (piero FC when trisKappa). All these factors make him the definite #2 of Portugal this year.

Now, this one I was kinda torn between buffow and gold. One month ago, I would have placed gold above buffow, but buffow as of late has proven that he's getting his peak skill back while using a controller. Yes, a controller. I do think gold would beat buffow in most categories if they did a 1v1 right now, but I do think buffow accomplishing what he has with both relax and controller and playing at the level he currently is, deserves recognition.

Gold has shown some improvement this year in the specific area especially, increasing his raw skill overall and taking #2 Portugal for a period. I do feel sad with his lack of convert play this year, but he's not to be underestimated in any way and I do respect his consistency in catching droplets even at the level he's in. He has also shown good tournament performance on no mod which impressed me in a positive way.

Rosa (who will be named "nitro" here) is the best HD player in Portugal right now. Want more? He's a convert main on top of that. This guy is basically the player I want to be and the player who shares playstyle the most with me right now: a HD and DT convert player, although he's one level ahead of me. I would have loved to place him higher but the other players I've mentioned before are just as insane and more versatile so I feel like doing otherwise would be biased.

Hiroto has made quite a name himself by improving his specific raw skill immensely this year. Most players might feel I'm putting him way down considering he is frequently #2 country on higher star rating specifics only behind tris, but through the years I've come to value consistency/mod play above raw skill and that's something I feel hiro still has to refine with more play. He will definitely get there though and I'm looking forward to his improvement, especially on HR.

For number 7 we have bell, another crazy player who has some impressive tech skil, reminds me a lot of PTrollYO. Although he wasn't that active this year, he's still around just messing around on 2* maps playing HDHR and having fun. The fact alone he's active makes me put him above PTrollYO but I do think they're very matched skill wise.

PTrollYO hasn't played at all, so I was tempted on not putting him into the list, but I think he stil deserves props for what he's accomplished in this game. He has pretty cool tech scores which are still impressive in 2021 for ctb PT standards.

Soul is a legend. He didn't play all year but I don't care, he's probably the only ctb players that has scores from both 2012 and 2020 which are both considered pretty good for their times (hell some from 2012 are impressive today for us zoomers xd). Big respect to the guy, he deserves it.

GoncS is basically what Hiroto was in 2020, the new player who's come to destroy everyone lmao. Joking aside, GoncS has shown some very impressive raw skill increase through the year, but like hiroto, as his consistency still isn't there yet entirely, he's lower than some players would probably place him. Don't take it as me underestimating him though, he has potential and will probably be way higher in this list during 2022.
1- Tris
2- Air
3- Buffow
4- Gold
5- Hiro
6- Yoxide
7- PEtroleo
8- Goncs
9- Soul
10- ExPin

1- self explanatory. the trisTe is undefeatable :uwatm8:
2- ok air has set incredible scores and is as consistent as ever. What other explanation do u need?
3- fix the controller grip it givesm e anxiety
4- Acc gaming. Pls take the PF mod off for once you're restraining yourself so much ):
5- Okay, Hiro is certainly one of the most prominent players. Incredible progress and HR playing
6- Sigma male. Top tier convert player :SpongeSigma:
7- he is gone, I think he still deserved to be on the list nonetheless :/
8- Standing next to hiro, Gonc has shown astonishing evolution and set amazing scores.
9- :feelshappyman: there is no way I couldn't include the old geezer here. He may not stand out as much as he used to, but some of his scores are still remarkable to this date ;)
10- PT gimmicky player :flushed:? Hells yeah! I can sympathize with this fella a lot keep it up
1. Tris
cause Tris is the only Portugal's CTB player I know...
Ritmo Brigido
#1 uwu (when i started to play this guy was very good)
#2 Tris
#3 Buffow
#4 Hiroto-
#5 Gold801
#6 DemigodYoxide
#7 Souleater
#8 Rosa
#9 SSbell
#10 Dementia
#1 Tris
#2 uwu
#3 gold801
#4 Hiroto-
#5 Rosa
#6 DemiGod Yoxide
#7 GoncS
#8 Buffow
#9 [SS]Bell
#10 SoulEater

It was a bit difficult for me to fill in the last few spots due to a lack of active players in Portugal in 2021. Still, I think I picked a pretty fair list after considering activity and skill overall. Rosa would definitely be ranked higher if not for the lack of specific map scores because his convert skill is nutty.
My list

1 - Air
2 - Tris
3 - Gold
4 - Buffow
5 - Nitro
6 - Yoxide
7 - Bell
8 - Petroleo
9 - ExPin
10 - Soul

1 - I kinda respect Air and I love how consistent he is on specifics, this man is farming like a beast now, hope he can take Tris' #1, gotta also mention his convert ability that is cracked as fuck

2 - What can I say about this guy, Tris is a specific beast able to do high star loved/unranked maps and destroying them like nothing (Garakuta Doll Play by Rocma) for example, his convert ability is also great but I can't compare it to his specific ability. (Rude Buster fc when king)

3 - This man came and destroyed farm maps I respect how he never puts PF off even if he can or cannot do the map, gotta also mention his convert ability that is impressive doing plays like his airman (sotarks set) fc

4 - Buffow what to say about him, I remember when he was #1 when I started playing and checking his top plays, I really liked his plays back then and I still like them, he one of the bests HD/HDHR players in PT so far, I hope he gets better on controller tho 👀

5 - Nitro is another player that I respect, his convert ability can clap all the players' convert ability in this list, his plays with HD and DT on converts are impressive, he was able to do things like his Hey Fucker HD 1 miss, Fallen Angel DT and many more, I would put him higher if he could destroy specifics aswell. (also best HD player in PT btw)

6 - Yoxide what can I say about him?
To begin with, Yoxide has been popping off recently doing DT and HR plays and choking potential 400pp DT plays, part of one of the bests HD PT players his convert ability is also impressive been able to wreck <5* converts.

7 - Bell is kinda inactive now but I can't ignore his loved scores and HR potential choking a few farm maps like Clover Day's or EmbryO and been able to choke a few 400pp plays (Miracle for example). Hope to see him comming back and improving more and more.

8 - *playing FF14*

9 - I have lots of expectations for this guy, he has potential to be a great gimmick player and destroy specifics would warn you to give time for him thats all he needs.

10 - SoulEater | Hanazawa Kana - Renai Circulation (Full Ver.) [TAG2] SS

Honorable mention to:


GoncS I had no space for you but ye you are cracked
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