This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, 30 October 2024 at 21:33:00
Artist: Mili
Title: Vitamins feat. world's end girlfriend
Tags: mappers' guild mpg mg electronic english Millennium Mother SNCL-00016 Saihate Records Sony Music Marketing Inc. Cassie Wei momocashew Kasai Yamato 葛西大和 HAMOloid worldsendgirlfr 前田勝彦 Maeda Katsuhiko long notes lns releases featured artist fa progressive pop
BPM: 191
Filesize: 7652kb
Play Time: 04:56
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I mostly wrote Vitamins because I'm furious when extreme vegans try to shove their vegan ideals down my throat. Just because I enjoy meat doesn't mean I want animals to suffer. It's possible to respect animals and provide them a comfortable life before killing them for meat. - Mili 2018
Image source:
Artist: Mili
Title: Vitamins feat. world's end girlfriend
Tags: mappers' guild mpg mg electronic english Millennium Mother SNCL-00016 Saihate Records Sony Music Marketing Inc. Cassie Wei momocashew Kasai Yamato 葛西大和 HAMOloid worldsendgirlfr 前田勝彦 Maeda Katsuhiko long notes lns releases featured artist fa progressive pop
BPM: 191
Filesize: 7652kb
Play Time: 04:56
Difficulties Available:
- Vitamin B6 - 4Key (4,61 stars, 2852 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I mostly wrote Vitamins because I'm furious when extreme vegans try to shove their vegan ideals down my throat. Just because I enjoy meat doesn't mean I want animals to suffer. It's possible to respect animals and provide them a comfortable life before killing them for meat. - Mili 2018
Image source: