
Toshihiko Horiyama - Apollo Justice ~ Start of a New Trial!

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Offset -2 or 3.
Make a more harder diff. also please :D

Go by every note with distance snapping 0.8x to get the perfect distance everywhere.
It now feels kinda sloppy with every note having a diffrent spacing.
Good luck!
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Thanks for the comments and advice, Rolled. I made all your suggested changes, and decided to leave the final spinner as is in the end. Just hope I didn't introduce more problems than I fixed. >_>
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Gens wrote:

- The artist being "Capcom" is not acceptable to our ranking criteria nowadays. According to my MP3 file (and yours too >_>), the artist is "Toshihiko Horiyama". (How funny, my MP3 file says this song is called "A new trial is in Session!" but that's just me probably) You will need to do a Full Submit when you change the artist of the song.
The song's name is definitely correct. As for the artist, I changed it to Capcom deliberately since that's what it says for every ranked Phoenix Wright song I've seen, as well as music from their other games. But whatever, I'll change it if it's necessary.

Gens wrote:

I don't like the Tick rate being different from Hard; according to the criteria, the Tick rate needs to be set according to how it sounds. But it's really your choice only.
wut? seems like there's a problem when you change the Tick rate to 2; Maybe you'll need to readjust some sliders if you really made the Tick rate 2.
The tick rate looks and sounds fine to me for both difficulties, despite being different for each. It doesn't have to be the same, right?

Gens wrote:

[Normal]- Overall, you can just call it Easy, I tell ya :p
I have no problem with doing this, however, I want the other difficulty to remain as it is. I'll just settle for an Easy and a Hard. If I made the harder one into normal, then I couldn't make a new hard without overmapping and such. So yeah. I'll probably go for Easy and Hard. >_>

Now then, as for the actual mapping changes themselves, I'll look into them later. They don't all seem necessary (like the symmetry - none was ever intended) but I'll experiment a bit.

Gens wrote:

Good beatmap. :)
Thanks. And thanks for your time and help. ^_^
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-Left the tick rate as is (both difficulties).

Changes made (except the ones I struck through, with reasons):

00:10:81 (2,3) - You may want to move these 1 Grid Lvl2 to the right.
00:19:62 (1,2,3) - This shape is not symmetrical D<! you can just copy-paste the (2), and flip it horizontally. :D
00:35:34 - This break starts a bit soon IMO. you should map this section a bit more. Left this as is, at least for now.
00:50:10 (9) - New combo here
00:53:91 (1) - The starting point of this slider should be the same or near the (8) (13 if you haven't made the change above). It's not really that important, just pointing out. I think this is fine where it is, I've left it for now.
00:59:62 (4) - Lacks a whistle I think. I disagree. *waits for moar opinions*
01:01:53 (6) - New combo here

00:12:00 (9) - New Combo mark
00:13:19 (1) - And remove this one
00:19:38 (3) - 1 Grid Lvl2 up, please? looks neater.
00:31:53 (3,4) - Whoopsie, you may want to move these 1 Grid Lvl2 to the right.
00:33:19 (8,9,10) - ^
00:57:72 (9) - New Combo mark
00:58:91 (1) - And remove this one
00:58:91 (1,2,3) - Also, all of these look cramped.
01:07:72 - If a break was at the other loop, add one here. (I don't liked the other one at 00:23:79 anyway, but it's your choice)
01:16:76 (1,2,3,4) - These beats look too cramped up compared to 01:18:43 (6,7,8,9,10).

Also see EDIT 5 above.
Wizard Of Orz
make the beat sound level 7

make the circle size in hard bigger and call it normal like gens said

mini nazi issues on hard but it doesnt matter. just make the circle size bigger and call it normal
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Done and done. Thank you. ^_^
Few nazi changes and TAKE THAT
Overall, very nice map.
And I'm also an Apollo Justice fan so this double's the fun always :)


If you wanna stick this one to normal, decrease overal and drain rate imo, because its way to high for a normal map, but perfect for a hard one.


Decrease overal by one (?)
00:53:911 1, Wrong spacing.
01:06:293 1, Make it a whistle instead of finish sound (?)
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Good point about Normal's drain rate and Easy's overall. Both reduced by one; much better now.

Gladi wrote:

00:53:911 1, Wrong spacing.
This has been pointed out previously ^ but I don't think it's a problem.

Gladi wrote:

01:06:293 1, Make it a whistle instead of finish sound (?)
I still think the finish sounds better. :P

Gladi wrote:

00:53:911 1, Wrong spacing.
This has been pointed out previously ^ but I don't think it's a problem.

Well, for an easy map a jump = a jump which is always hard for easy map players.
You should really make it the right spacing imo.
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It's a very small jump though - only 2 or 3 level 2 grid squares away from being properly spaced. I don't see why absolutely everything needs to be spaced perfectly. I'm sure this isn't the first map ever to have a little jump in an Easy difficulty.

Normal doesn't need a 20 second all. It's such a short song and it wouldn't be hard to map part of that. So cut that down a bit. You know, this song could easily have a Hard difficulty...or at least a harder one. Or just...something more interesting. You know. Just saying. Timing's good and all that. And I guess the maps are good except for that break.
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Alright, I got rid of about half of the break and mapped that part in a similar way to Easy. Should all be okay now. >_>

Seibei4211 wrote:

You know, this song could easily have a Hard difficulty...or at least a harder one. Or just...something more interesting. You know. Just saying.
Does this mean you won't consider it for ranking until I make a harder difficulty? Because I reeeeally don't want to. Rolled told me not to since the song is so simple and it'd be overmapping, and I agree. I deliberately chose something easy/simple for my first map. >_<
The 1/1 beat thing was ok for Easy since it's...easy, but you really don't want to go with the 3/4 beats in that part in Normal? It's a much more interesting beat and it's not that hard to follow since it's pretty much the dominating melody in that part.
Ok, that's better.
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I think it's safe to rank this now~
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Yay! *happy*

Thank you all so much for your help. ^_^
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It's the hitsounds, because the map sounds fine in editor.
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