
Popping Madness Queue

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Welcome to our modding queue!

Due to the immense and growing number of bubbles, James2250 (and now naraku and Aleks too!) and I were thinking of a way to start reducing the bubble count. As a result, we decided to make a queue that will mutually benefit everyone. "How so?," you might ask. Well, if you want to post in this queue you have to help pop some bubbles, and in return we give you the opportunity to have your map ranked.

As of February 21st, the modders on this queue are:

  1. James2250 (inactive)
  2. blissfulyoshi (inactive)
  3. narakucrimson
  4. Aleks719


Please read carefully

[1.] To post, you must pop 1 bubble of any map that is not your own

You can do this by either modding a mapper's map and having the mapper pop his bubble by doing the mod, or finding something unrankable in a bubbled map (if you find something unrankable, you don't need to wait for the mapper to pop it)

Note: You have to have popped the bubble after this queue was made and post before 1 week after the map has been popped
Note 2: If you did not pop the bubble, a later mod popped the bubble, and the mapper did parts of your mod after breaking the bubble, your may post as well.

For BATs/MATs: You have to pop 2 bubbles to be able to post as this should an even easier task for you. (BATs' 2 maps are allowed to ranks or pops)

[2.] Try and avoid being rude to the mapper

Talking politely and not spamming the post with nazi modding are a good way to start. No mapper wants to see rude modding posts or "move 1 grid to the left" on their map that has been bubbled for weeks (and will most likely just ignore you).

Again, don't go around just naziing bubbles, try to find good and solid reasons to pop the bubbles!

[3.] In your post, list both the map you popped and the map you want modded

The first one is so that we have proof that you actually popped a bubble - just formalisms, but you'll help us in doing our job!

And I'll take the chance to repeat this:
DON'T nazi stuff just to post here.

[4.] You may have "tickets"

However, if you want to ask for a mod using that "ticket", it will only be valid if your last post is at least less than one month old (in this queue, of course).

This is simply to avoid abuse.



Now as you might imagine, this queue will cause some modders to go around threatening mappers to pop their own bubbles just so the modder gets a mod. To prevent this from happening, we also have a blacklist. If you think a modder was just being rude, tell me, James, or naraku either by pms or by posting, and we will investigate the post that he/she gave. If me, naraku and James agree that the modder was being rude (chances are we will agree with the mappers, the personal part is to prevent someone from being trolled), we will give them one strike. After 2 strikes, you will be not allowed to post on the queue for 2 months.

Simple right? Just follow the rules and you will definitely avoid the blacklist

Hyguys - Warning.


As you can see, this queue is very simple with 3 very straightforward rules, so have fun and let the popping begin.
Remember, no map is perfect!

Maps in the queue:

  1. Star Stream (2)
  2. bossandy (1)

If for some reason your chosen map was ranked/graveyarded while it was on the queue, we will allow you to request a different map free of charge.

Have fun!
Rofl, this is awesome.

I like these 'game' sort of modding queues people have.
Great idea~ :D
How about I don't acept his mod? :(
Or I hate him? :lol:
Or how about "A" mod "B" map and "A" wait for your mod. But "C" mod "A" map after you mod "A"'s one ?
I've yet to see someone pop his own bubble if it's not a BAT who tells him to.

I understand the fact you're overwhelmed with bubbles so why not just make a queue for bubbles only? You're two concerned about the problem so that would make 2 queues already. It would be more efficient in a way that:
-Your queues will get full instantly.
-Bubbles will be dealt with faster.

Even if you open your queues once a week, that's plenty enough.
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KingsAL2 wrote:

How about I don't acept his mod? :(
Or I hate him? :lol:
Or how about "A" mod "B" map and "A" wait for your mod. But "C" mod "A" map after you mod "A"'s one ?
If you don't accept his mod, oh well. That is the challenge in popping bubbles. As for the second scenario, if the mapper is willing to do what B said after C popped the bubble or C pops the bubble over reasons stated by B, I will give both B and C credit.

galvenize wrote:

I've yet to see someone pop his own bubble if it's not a BAT who tells him to.

I understand the fact you're overwhelmed with bubbles so why not just make a queue for bubbles only? You're two concerned about the problem so that would make 2 queues already. It would be more efficient in a way that:
-Your queues will get full instantly.
-Bubbles will be dealt with faster.

Even if you open your queues once a week, that's plenty enough.
Sadly, me and James have tried modding only bubbles at times, and nothing happened to the overall bubble count. The thing we seem to do most often is go around popping bubbles and then rebubble most of them. Making the bubble count stay the same. To solve this problems, we are trying to get other modders to help fix maps up, so they are of even higher quality than before. If that happens, BATs will have to pop fewer bubbles and move more maps away from the bubbling-rebubbling circle by ranking. (Remember BATs are held down by human limitations, so they can only mod so many maps. The more popping they have to do, the fewer ranked maps we will have.)
Colin Hou
great idea :D
Mmh, I get your point but still, if what you're saying is true, it means that MATs are doing their job wrong which I doubt is always true. I'm sure that more than half of the current bubbled maps are worthy of rank, they wouldn't be bubbled otherwise. Also, mappers won't pop their bubble for the sole sake of quality that's for sure.

Btw, now that I think about it, how is the large amount of bubbled maps a problem? I think people would be happier if old bubbles were to be checked first, but again, that's hard to find out :/.
why do you need to reduce the number of bubbles??
if a ranking is given based on finding no problems when looking at a bubble, and a pop is based on finding problems when looking at a bubble, why can regular mappers pop but not rank when they are the same criteria??
what is the point of the bat team when you pass the work onto players??
what happens if a player pops someone elses map, then that mapper pops their map; is this not just a way to get less ranked maps??
will mappers now care more for rules and technicalities than map style in fear that someone who dislikes their mapping will pop it??
when a mapper pops anothers, how does this make their map more worthy of bat attention??

i think this is a bad idea

galvenize wrote:

I think people would be happier if old bubbles were to be checked first
also 100% this
Unless there's black trade between MAT+MAT or etc like 'Hey, I bubbled but I didn't pick up this thing so you pick up this thing to pop bubble >_>'

It would be good imo orz
im sorry i have to say this IS bad idea, your gonna have the overall public going around trying there dang hardest to find anything at all to pop a bubble over JUST so they can get a mod from either of you 2, which will result in 1) extreme amounts of trolling and flames because ppl are like "this is wrong FIX NOW " even though the bubble might be fine and 2) this will not decrease the bubble amount at all, infact it will increase it, not only will you have the popped bubble getting rebubbled very fast you will also maybe have the new map you mod bubbled as well, so tbh it "could" double the amount of bubbles rather than decrease them

you kno you know......rank and pop some yourself to lower the amount?...........

jericho2442 wrote:

im sorry i have to say this IS bad idea, your gonna have the overall public going around trying there dang hardest to find anything at all to pop a bubble over JUST so they can get a mod from either of you 2, which will result in 1) extreme amounts of trolling and flames because ppl are like "this is wrong FIX NOW " even though the bubble might be fine and 2) this will not decrease the bubble amount at all, infact it will increase it, not only will you have the popped bubble getting rebubbled very fast you will also maybe have the new map you mod bubbled as well, so tbh it "could" double the amount of bubbles rather than decrease them

you kno you know......rank and pop some yourself to lower the amount?...........
well, nice one.
I wondered why I got a nazi mod onto my bubbled map :/

KuraiPettan wrote:

I wondered why I got a nazi mod onto my bubbled map :/
LOL. I'm gonna be honest, I tried to find mistakes from your pre-parade map so I can get a mod from a BAT.

Unless you're into nazi-modding, 99% of the time you're not gonna find any problems with bubbled maps. I mean, who cares if a note is 1 grid off? Do people notice this during actual game-play and go like "OMFG, THIS SHIT IS OUT OF POSITION"

I think it would be much simpler if BATs would just rank the bubbled maps. From my experience of trying to pop bubbles, all the maps are amazing.
This IS a good idea. Everyone saying it's not is wrong. Everyone saying it's hard to find what to pop on a bubble because you'd have to nazi is not trying hard enough and/or not looking at technicall details (folder, tags, preview, offset, lead-in, leinency, etc.).

If someone disagrees with yoshi's and james' idea, then just don't come in, not like a lot of people saying "This is shitz >:(" will make them close this queue and magically mod your maps. Stop being stubborn and try do help with the ranking process instead of just asking for more and more and more and more mods.

Also, take in mind, getting your bubble popped by a normal user is MUCH better than getting it popped by a BAT, because that means that when said BAT rebubbles, he won't be able to rank (therefore making it 1 BAT harder to get the rank)

jericho2442 wrote:

you kno you know......rank and pop some yourself to lower the amount?...........
You know, if they are making a queue like this is because they DO care and they probably thought on that before and it didn't work? Oh hey, yoshi alredy mentioned that on his other post! Maybe you should, you know, read the whole thread before implying they don't do shit?
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Thank you Krisom. Jericho's comment was probably aimed toward me, and I admit that I do not have enough time to mod that much.

On another note, this queue seems to be more of a flaming and debating thread than an actual queue. I appreciate all your viewpoints, but no one has posted about modding yet T_T. As a result, I will probably close down this queue some time from now (haven't decided yet) because it is not serving its original purpose.
uh kirsom you took my post wrong, what i am pointing out is the whole point of this queue they say is "to lower the amount of bubbles" it is quite obv this would not lower the amount of bubbles because this queue will create double the modding thus creating more maps ready for bubbles and in the long run increasing the bubble amount.

You know, if they are making a queue like this is because they DO care and they probably thought on that before and it didn't work?
bliss and kris you took my statement wrong, i mean over all the BAT modding compared to the MAT modding is lower, if they was both on the same level of activeness the problem of having too many bubbles would not be a prob, so by the bat increasing there activity it would decrease the amount of bubbles in pending, while staying within a nice amount of ranks per day and not having too many.

over constant bad bubbles being given, this is really a problem what SHOULD be sorted internally, tbh an extreme amount of bad bubbles should not be given, yes i kno they are, and its a problem what should be sorted and fixed rather than trying to find a way around it, tbh this topic to me sounds more like "mats are giving too many bad bubbles so help us pop" and tbh that should be something what is sorted and fixed rather then left as is

so yea.....not meant to be ragy just a calm discussion
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Sorry I misinterpreted you and your intenetions, Jericho. Just a note, I did not mean to blame anyone for the bad bubbles, and I have no plans to. I have seen my own bubbles get popped just as well, so I am not free from blame either. (Sorry if I insulted any MATs or BATs, that was not intentional)

I do agree that something should be done internally, but I wanted a temporary solution for now. By the looks of it, this solution probably failed too (who knows someone might post a mod request). In the end, sorry for making such a mess. (T_T not sure what else to say right now)
tbh i totally kno i could of prolly worded my first post much better bliss, and im sorry over that as well, im only half here today xD
I really like this idea, it will encourage modding and despite me thinking queues are the devil's work I may use this in the future.
Btw, add me to the OP of the queue. I shall help too if I can.

Also it's ok jeri, I guess I raged a bit too :P
not a single request yet :T
OK,the mainly problem is most people won't pop the bubble just because I say something is unrankable
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If you find something unrankable and the mapper refuses to change it, feel free to post your mod here, and me, James, or another BAT/MAT will probably be happy to pop the bubble for you xD. Also, I said in the op, if you find something unrankable, you may also post something here for us to mod since unrankable things should be popped.

On another note, we are planning a few changes to include MATs in the queue also (We don't think tag ranking is the best way to go, so we are trying to think of some other alternatives)
I just want to ask if different stack leniency is unrankable
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I am fairly certain that different stacking leniency is rankable, and I can't find proof to say otherwise.

Edit: James says it is rankable, so yes it is rankable.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

I am fairly certain that different stacking leniency is rankable, and I can't find proof to say otherwise.

Edit: James says it is rankable, so yes it is rankable.
Thanks for answering :D
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