
Um... hello!

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Hey there~
I'm new here, as you've probably already guessed... well, technically, I'm not; I used to play Osu! a long time ago, back when I still had a really crappy computer, but stopped because it was somehow getting even crappier and it was almost impossible to play Osu! properly. :cry:
I got a new computer some time ago, remembered Osu! exists and decided I wanted to play it again. But since I have no idea of what my old account's called or even the email I used with it, I had to make this one to play.

Anyway, hope I can make some friends here despite my shyness. (I've let this window open for about 1 hour now just trying to build up the courage to post this. :( )
(And BTW, if you see lots of english mistakes, don't kill me, please. It's just not my first language. I'm Brazilian.)
Welcome, Your english is quite good, better than most who use it as their first language in fact.

Feel free to add me to friend list if you are wanting a friend who never stops talking.

Vext wrote:

Your english is quite good, better than most who use it as their first language in fact.

Hi \o/
Have fun
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Vext wrote:

Welcome, Your english is quite good, better than most who use it as their first language in fact.

Feel free to add me to friend list if you are wanting a friend who never stops talking.
Thank you :D
And I'll be sure to do that, I don't have many friends right now so one who never stops talking would be pretty great. :D

Verdisphena wrote:

Hi \o/
Have fun
Thank you. :)

stupid-fatty wrote:

I am also new----issssssssssh.

We should be pals~

I went through being shy sooooo-derp.
Yes, we should. The more friends, the better, amirite?
...did I just say "amirite"? Oh god, gotta spend less time on the internet. D:
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stupid-fatty wrote:

You think you need to spend less time on the webs, STORY OF MY LIFE.

I don't even have a life anymore. I am so okay with this, you don't even know.
Oh, I don't really have a life either. I spend 95% of my time on the internet. I only really talk in real life with people at school and with my family. I also use internet memes all the time while talking with my closest friend. You know. D:
Never really thought about it, honestly. It's kinda sad. Not that I really care, I'm ok like this.

Ramellu wrote:


Well, I guess I should stop posting here now. Time to post somewhere else. :D
Firo Prochainezo

stupid-fatty wrote:

You are sounding more and more appealing to me, gosh. You and I are very much alike.. Well except that a lot of my best friends are from the net. Ahaa. Also, the best friend I had that I could totally be crazy with isn't here. I moved from my hometown. It was a sad day, a sad sad day. But she'll be coming over this summer, hoorah~ :D
goddamit orange

Also, wlecome.
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I've had plenty of great friends in real life, though I've lost contact with all of them. One moved and never used his e-mail, plus his phone number changed; another one simply had no means of contact, blah blah.
Only friends I've had that really lasted were internet ones. Only three of them, though. And it's kinda hard for me to make friends so they're really important to me and why am I still talking? *Shuts up*

tl;dr version: I've only had three lasting friendships *Sniff*

Oh and

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Also, wlecome.
Thank you. :D
Welcome back to Osu!
Have fun and enjoy your stay.
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Pizzicatto wrote:

Welcome back to Osu!
Have fun and enjoy your stay.
Thanks! :)

stupid-fatty wrote:


I've had this problems many times. Some people just can't handle how aaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome I am. (Okay, that was a joke.) But out of all the friends I've had, there's only one of them that's remained my friend, and that's the girl that is coming over this summer. Don't worry about talking to muuuuuuuuch. I'm rather interested. Weehee~
Well, you do seem pretty awesome, to be honest.
And yes, I should worry about talking too much. Sometimes I just start talking about something and go on and on about the subject and suddenly I start saying stuff that doesn't make sense or suddenly change the subject and half an hour later I realize how annoying I'm being and "Oh god, I'm sorry, please don't ever talk to me again or else you're gonna want to kill me or something.".
...maybe not that bad but something similar.
Sleep Powder
Us 3. Friends. Now. (spirited one)

(Except I have a life now.)
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Yeeesss, more frieeendsss.

And yeah, it's funny... just really annoying when I run out of stuff to talk about and then wonder what we were talking about before and no one remembers because it's been hours since we last talked about it and then I can't remember it no matter what and then OH GOD, I MUST REMEMBER IT NOW.
...until I forget about that and start talking about something else, of course. :|
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My name's Felipe. Really used around here. I like it but it being so overused makes it pretty lame, IMO. D:
You tell me. Mine's Felipe, too...

Anyway, welcome, bro
Uh, hi. Don't follow stupid fatty's example and use retarded orange text and you'll be good.
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SuperMaay wrote:

You tell me. Mine's Felipe, too...

Anyway, welcome, bro
Damn you, parents of the world. Stop naming your kids with names that are overused. D:
Anyway, thanks. :)

Priestess In Yellow wrote:

Uh, hi. Don't follow stupid fatty's example and use retarded orange text and you'll be good.
It's a little hard to read, but isn't calling it retarded a bit too much? :|

stupid-fatty wrote:

Bluh Bluh. Don't diss the orange.

Felipe, that's like totally rare hhhhhhhhhere. If that's any better? My name is Gabrielle. Preferably Gabrie. :P
Yessss, orange is awesome. (It's my favorite color.)
Ooh, Gabrielle? That's pretty awesome. IMO, at least. It sounds nice. :D
We have "Gabriela" here but there's a huge difference between the two. Gabrielle just sounds... fancier. Or something. I dunno, maybe I'm being random.

TheShyGamer wrote:

Priestess In Yellow wrote:

Uh, hi. Don't follow stupid fatty's example and use retarded orange text and you'll be good.
It's a little hard to read, but isn't calling it retarded a bit too much? :|
No... It really is iritating and retarded.
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Usually people end up calling me/writing my name as "Filipe", as that's usually how it sounds when pronounced. It's annoying. :|
At least people can't think of anything in my name to make fun of, so whatever.

Corin wrote:

TheShyGamer wrote:

It's a little hard to read, but isn't calling it retarded a bit too much? :|
No... It really is iritating and retarded.
Eh, okay. If it really bothers you that much... :|
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Lots of people I know do something like that online. You know, each one has a "thing". (That sounded weird)
You extend your words, I put faces/emoticons/smilies/whateveryouwannacallit after pretty much every sentence. :D
Edit: ...make that "everyone I know" since I do not actually know that many people. D:
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I've heard about that loads of times around the internet but never got interested. Guess I'll check it out then. :D
Just hope I won't suddenly want to play games so much that I'd stop anything I'm doing, because when that happens I usually play them all night and ignore anything else that is happening in the world and suddenly my mother is screaming at me because it's late "BUT MOM I'M ALMOST WINNING!"
... *Cough cough*
That was random. But I'm just random like that. Though compared to the internet's standards of randomness, I guess it isn't random enough and- ok I'll just shut up now.
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But I cannot get addicted to any more music right now. I've been listening to one single song for about 2 days. (Not constantly but meh.) Finding another addicting song right now is a thing I don't need. D:

I've only actually played TOOOOOO much once. I stayed up until 3AM playing... something, I dunno what. I just know I had to wake up at 6 but couldn't sleep anyway. My mom woke up in the middle of the night, yelled at me to get off of the computer, I went to my bedroom and watched TV until 6.
I'm extremely scared of her when she's angry so now I go to bed at 11PM no matter what. Unless, you know, I'm about to beat a game. But then I regret it the next day because the ending won't have been that special since I would have been in a hurry to finish it and stuff.

...jesus, I need to stop writing walls of text like this. D:
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The song is Portal 2's credits song, Want You Gone. IT'S JUST SO... ARGH. CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO IT.
I wonder if I wouldn't like it so much if I didn't actually like the game. Hmm.

And yeah; just prepare to witness some extreme suckyness you've never seem before. I'm somehow really good at the DS games, but I suck at Osu!. D:

Oh, and it's 20:25 or 8:25 PM or whateverwayyouwannasayit here.
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The only problem I had with Still Alive was that it was extremely overused. Or overplayed. Or whatever.
Since I had an extremely crappy computer when Portal came out, I couldn't play it. In fact, I couldn't play it until this year. I actually knew pretty much how to beat all puzzles and I had memorized Still Alive's lyrics and so it wasn't that special to me when I finally listened to it after beating the game.
Want You Gone was different. I pretty much didn't go to any gaming-related things on the web for a few days because I didn't want any spoilers of Portal 2's ending. And it was worth it because I clapped my hands for about 10 minutes after it ended.

2 hours, hmm? Not so bad. I was thinking it'd be 6 or 7 or something because I just have bad luck like that.

I used to want you dead but, now I only want you gooone ♪
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I dunno, anytime's fine. I'm free 99,9% of the time because I never ever have anything else to do other than stay in the internet or play games or something. Except, you know, studying... which I can't do because of lack of concentration BUT I'M GETTING OFF-TOPIC AGAIN ARGH
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"Cymbal Sounder"
For some reason, I lol'd.

Well, I'm free now. All I'm actually doing is listening to the same song over and over and over and over and over again and I gotta stop doing that anyway so yeah, playing would be nice.
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