
[STD] Nightmare's Basic Tourney (100K-300K, 2v2) (Registrations Closed)

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Main Sheet:
Information Sheet:
Team Registrations:
Free Player Registrations:
Staff Registrations:
Twitch Channel:

  1. This is a 2v2 standard double elimination tournament for ranks 100K to 300K.
  2. If you have ever been 5 digit, you will be screened out. (unless under exceptional circumstances.)
  3. Matches will be TeamVS and will be played with ScoreV2.
  4. Players must remain in the Discord server until their team is eliminated.
  5. Player's discord nickname must be the same as their osu! IGN.
  6. The stages of the tournament are as follows: Qualifiers > Round of 32 > Round of 16 > Quarterfinals > Semifinals > Finals > Grand Finals. (for information about BOs and mappools, check the information sheet linked above)
  7. If necessary, a bracket reset will be played in the Grand Finals stage.
  8. The official timezone of this tournament is UTC.
  9. Streamers and Commentators are allowed to play, the rest of staff are not allowed to participate in the tournament.
  10. Anyone with a badge is not allowed to play.


  1. Captains need to schedule their team to either one of the official lobbies or arrange a custom lobby with admins.
  2. If your team cannot make it to the lobby you signed up to, please reschedule to another lobby as soon as possible.
  3. Players will be pinged 20-10 minutes before the lobby and will then be invited to the lobby by the designated referee 10-5 minutes before the official start time.
  4. Teams are given a 10 minute grace period after the official start time to join the lobby. If they fail to do so, the lobby will start anyways. If you fail to show up for your designated lobby, it is your captain’s responsibility to reschedule to a new lobby.
  5. Players will play through the entire mappool ONCE with NF being forced. You are not allowed to skip maps.
  6. If any disconnections occur either 30 seconds into the map OR ¼ into the map incase of shorter maps, the map shall be restarted and the disconnected individual has 5 minutes to join back. (only one disconnect per team is allowed.)
  7. After all lobbies are finished, results will be announced and the top 32 teams will progress to the bracket.


  1. Players will be pinged 20-10 minutes before the match and will be invited by the designated referee 10-5 minutes before the official start time.
  2. The captain has the responsibility of inviting their teammates to the lobby.
  3. Team 1 will be Red and in Slots 1-2. Team 2 will be Blue and in Slots 3-4. (You can identify Team 1 and Team 2 by looking at the room name)
  4. If a team does not show up to the match 10 minutes after the official time, they will lose their bans. If they do not show up 15 minutes after the official time, they will forfeit the match. Note that if you have 1 player on but you do not have a second member in the lobby, you will not be allowed to play and your team will forfeit after the 15 minute mark.
  5. One warmup may be selected by a team if they want one. These warmups must be under 4 minutes and must not be NSFW if the match is being streamed.
  6. Captains will then roll for pick and ban order. This tournament is using the UKCC system of rolling. For example, if your team wins the roll, they can either decide on 1st ban, 2nd ban, 1st pick or 2nd pick. The opposing team gets to pick the remaining order.
    A quick example of this is as follows:
    Team 2 wins the roll and decides to ban 2nd. This means that Team 1 will ban 1st. Team 1 then gets to decide if they want 1st pick or 2nd pick.
  7. Each team gets 120 seconds to ban/pick a map. If they fail to do this, the ban/pick will be handed over to the opposing team. This will NOT have an effect on the ban/pick order.
    For example: T1 fails to pick a map in time so the picking order looks like this:
    T1 - T2 - T2 - T2 - T1
  8. Bans will be alternated per team until the banning process is done, same applies to picks.
  9. Double picking/banning is not allowed in this tournament. Double picking/banning is the act of picking/banning from the same modpool twice in a row. For example, if Team 1 bans DT1, Team 1 cannot ban DT2 or DT3.
    This rule does not apply to NoMod.
  10. Players will have the option to play Tiebreaker with any mods that you can use for Freemod (those being HD, HR, FL and EZ) but you also have the option to play the Tiebreaker NoMod.
  11. Each team is entitled to a Tactical Timeout once every match. This is basically a 5 minute break that pauses the match.
  12. If a disconnection occurs within the first 30 seconds of the map or ¼ of the map incase of shorter maps. A restart may be allowed once per match per team. If a disconnection occurs either later on in the map or after the one time allowance, the map will continue.

Freemod Rules:

Each team must have at least one mod on their team. The mods that are allowed to be chosen are HD, HR, FL, EZ or any combination of these mods.
EZ has a multiplier of 1.9x

Registrations open: 21st of May
Registrations close: 26th of June
Screening: 26/06 - 02/07
Qualifiers: 09/07 - 11/07
RO32: 16/07 - 18/07
RO16: 23/07 - 25/07
Quarterfinals: 30/07 - 01/08
Semifinals: 06/08 - 08/08
Finals: 13/08 - 15/08
Grand Finals: 20/08 - 22/08

  1. 1st place: 1 month of supporter per player + Profile Banner
  2. 2nd place: Profile Banner
  3. 3rd place: Profile Banner

Host: NightmareParty
Admins: TangyZhangy, longgonefor
Sheeting: NightmareParty, rock-on
Graphics: silvermoonwolf
Mappoolers: TangyZhangy, n0tSiyan, diorytt, CCleanerShot, kirintili, Seiga Kaku, Kondi
Referees: NightmareParty, Taevas, Aidown, Suicune3, Indecipherable, Jorn-_-, ThachAnnHoang, Kondi
Streamers: NightmareParty, Jorn-_-
Commentators: NightmareParty, TangyZhangy, lardon, Jorn-_-, kirintili, ThachAnnHoang

(Yes if you couldn't tell, I am running low on budget and I am new to creating forum posts. At least it gets the information across.)
That's lit
It's time.
Joon Yorigami
nice tourney you got there
sounds epic
Lets gooooo
Topic Starter

tarrigan wrote:

I almost considered joining until I saw the requirement for never being 5 digit before lol
is qualifiers sightreading the map pool
Joon Yorigami

SilentRiver wrote:

is qualifiers sightreading the map pool
Topic Starter
We don't like derankers. 6 digits only!
Hmmm.. Should i join or stick to having 3 tournaments at the same time?

ThatAvocado_Boi wrote:

Hmmm.. Should i join or stick to having 3 tournaments at the same time?
Or be me and have 4
Kakashi Nakano

NightmareParty wrote:

tarrigan wrote:

I want to participate, please pass discord

DarlinG ダーリン | Oficial Ch.#5132
Molly Sandera
Ah yes, a no deranker zone tournament
poggers god tier tourney
Why do I recognize names from the 1v1 tourney also? 😂

Soy Kakashi wrote:

NightmareParty wrote:

tarrigan wrote:

hoooly- I wanna join but I have no friends :D

Indecipherable wrote:

bump (again :p)
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Only a few days to go before regs close!
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