
Alternating index & ring fingers vs. index & middle fingers

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I've been playing this game for a few years casually but recently decided that I wanted to improve and actually "get good" at the game.

A problem I recently ran into is that I was absolute shit at streaming. I watched a couple of youtube videos on it and tested out using the "w" and "e" keys to stream (with index and middle), which was basically the same as before. Just out of curiosity, I tried alternating with index and ring finger, using "q" and "e" instead. Oddly, I was much more consistent with them and was able to hold streams longer.

Is it better to alternate index and ring? Or is this probably a player-specific type change? I'm pretty sure it's the latter but I just wanted to hear what other people thought of this.

Update after nearly a year of using ring+index: working pretty well and now my primary tapping finger is ring finger. Accuracy and finger control got much better and starting to be able to stream 200+ bpm. Like someone below said, it's personal preference though.
I full alternate using index and ring finger, it gives more stamina and better triplet control. You can watch my replays.
It is personal preference really.

The majority of players typically would use their index and middle finger when alternating since it is the most natural for most people. However, I know a handful of players who alternates using their index and ring finger and they perform just as well.

There are no clear advantages or disadvantages between the two different styles of alternating. What it ultimately comes down to is rather or not one style feels more natural for you personally than the other style.
I think you should cheerid as you prefer. In any case, in order to become stronger, you need to play on the edge of your abilities.

If you want to improve your streaming skills, then play cards with uncomfortable patterns, or long stream cards.
I've been a index and ring player since I was 1k pp. And I just want to add something I experienced to what cladi said.

Yes, it is absolutely personal preference however when I am playing, the hand feels much more balanced since the weight of the ring and pinky fingers is no longer there. This little thing really does aid in stamina most of the time

I don't know if anyone else experienced this when playing index and ring.
Maybe I just overthink about my play style
It's really up to personal preference. For some reason, the ring fingers on both my hands are way weaker than the rest and I can't move them well, so I stream with index and middle. Just do whatever feels better, neither will give everyone better or worse results. If you want to improve more, play maps that are out of your comfort zone, but not by too much. Look for some death stream maps too, I hate doing them and my fingers are jelly after doing a full set of long maps just streaming, but it helps.
Thinking of switching to ring + index, It seems healthier tbh. gonna be hard though since im a full alternator

Azyeu wrote:

Thinking of switching to ring + index, It seems healthier tbh. gonna be hard though since im a full alternator

just recently switched hard to get used to with streaming since my finger is weak since i havent trained it. hand feels way more balanced. been using index and middle since 4.2k pp
Googled "ring finger osu" to see if anyone used it, since I figured most people used middle + index, but there seem to be several people here who do. That being said, I use ring + middle, though I'm thinking of switching to middle + index since, like -ruubi-, my ring finger is somewhat weaker and it's starting to show now that I'm getting into 4+ star maps and my ring finger just gives out sometimes.
I decided to give ring index a try a while ago after being a full alt index middle since I started playing. saw huge instant improvements to speed and accuracy, though of course the stamina wasn't there yet in my ring finger. It was basically what new players think getting a tablet does, but it actually happened.

I'm not saying this would happen to everybody and that its better to use index ring, but that its always good to experiment every once in a while, because everybody's different and different things will be best for them.

For me I think this happened because my middle finger is quite a bit longer than the other fingers, meaning I had to turn my wrist to make them line up on the keys and Id often click earlier with my middle finger because it needed to move a shorter distance. Sometimes I'd even miss a note in a stream because I didn't lift my middle finger high enough after the previous click.

However, my ring finger is much closer to the length of my index so I don't have those issues anymore, and stamina can be easily trained, I've got more tapping stamina now than I did before I switched.
I just don't know, because my acc seems like it would be better with ring and index, but I find it hard to single tap jumps and complicated patterns with either my ring or index, because I use middle for that and as a dominant finger.
There is definitely an argument to be made, that index + ring is probably more balanced, because it uses more of your "whole" hand and you don't have the problem that your middlefinger is quite longer than indexfinger. Other than that just preference I guess, topplayers play with both equally well
PP Tenshi
I switched to Ring + Index recently, immediately feel better than Middle + Index.
My regret now is I wish I started the game with Ring + Index.
am i the only weirdo who uses ring+middle? i saw only one person on this thread who does it and i was thinking maybe i should change since i started to play 5 stars now
It's advantageous in the sense you retain greater stamina than middle + index since the former aren't linked to the same tendon. Most people just prefer the latter cus it seems more natural than using ring finger for keyboard tapping.
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