
Where do you look at while playing?

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I mainly look at my character while I play and because of this, I sometimes get dizzy because of how fast my character moves and my eyes struggle to keep up.

I've been experimenting with keeping my eyes focused on the center of the screen and playing with a lower resolution lol. How about u guyz?
If you want to get rid of that bad habit try to play with Hidden, that made me used to look slightly higher than the center of the screen.

It is a very bad idea to look too low especially in high AR maps, in that case I look almost at the top of the screen.

A tip: The catcher always moves at the same speed on all maps, so once you get used you won't be needing to look at it.
center of my screen don't even look at the catcher lol
i always look here
so i cant hidden lol
When I play EZHT I usually look at the catcher and see the fruits in my peripheral vision, but when I play EZHTFL I usually look at the edges of the flashlight to try and see the fruits.
yeah. i look at a similar area to i can fc. maybe slightly lower? but maybe also roughly the same. not sure. pretty low all in all though.
haha i rolypoly
i look in the middle of the screen and im trash af with hd
Depends on what I'm playing. I like to look at the top of my screen for HR and convert DT/NM since that allows me to catch edge dashes + weird patterns easily. For NM and DT specifics, probably right above the catcher (just above my combo/at my combo).
just middle of the screen
Rusty af
I look slightly above the player
Really depends tbh, when im trying to FC ill look at the center. But when the map is almost done and im scared am I gonna drop I look at the catcher.
when i play nomod i look at catcher, when i play hidden i look at the center
I usually look 1 or 2 inches away from the catcher and more towards the combo number (in which i use as refrence to where my catcher is. Hidden, i just look way farther up, nearly 1 inch from the top of the "shadow".

The faster the AR, thje higher i'm looking of course.
I literally look everywhere on the screen.
Center, fruit falling, catcher while they're dashing, hyperwalk trail, the middle section of a 1-2 pattern/wiggle; you name it, I probably look there.
Depends on the mod, the ar, the difficulty.

No mod, slower ar -> I usually look at the lower part of the screen, a bit lower than the center. Find that easier. If the song has some difficult parts then I usually look at where I want to go and sometimes look a bit higher so I can prepare for the section. If that makes sense.

Hidden, sometimes dt, higher ar, Hardrock -> No surprise here but I look around the middle of the screen to the top. Depends on how fast the song is and how difficult. If it is more difficult then I occasionally look higher up and also where I want to go. Not where I am at. If it is slower then I just usually look where I am at.

A lot of where to look really depends on the song. This is just a very general idea of where I look at.
natsuki hikari
center of my screen but sometimes I look at my catcher :3
I look everywhere. Literally everywhere XD except for outside of screen.
I look at my catcher and at the leaderboard, and also at my acc. Maybe that's why I don't improve.
Mostly look at center of the screen sometimes lower sometimes higher truly depends on the speed and the mods I use
Green Ghost
The middle of the screen.
Jacques Chirac
learning HD and ar 10 reading so I'm trying to look more at the top of my screen, I've been looking at the catcher since I began to play and I really should get rid of this habit.
It actually highly depends:

If you look more towards the top of your screen, you can see fruits faster. This is good for high AR, wide spacing in between fruits (more important for small fruits) and streams. You have more time to evaluate a general movement path to catch fruits here, but you mostly estimate the exact positioning of both your caracter and the fruits.

If you look more towards the bottom of your screen, you can be more precise, being able to evaluate where your catcher catches fruits and small adjust your positioning accordingly. You are able to follow the movement of the catcher much better in this case and only have to look at the next fruit you are going to catch as opposed to looking at most of the fruits on your screen. The drawback here is that you have to search for the next fruit, which costs time and ultimately leads to slower reading.

Also, there is a difference in between seeing every single fruit or just the shape they form, depending on how much you focus. Seing shapes is faster, since there are naturally less shapes (aka movement patterns to be done) on your screen than actual fruits and you don't actually have to evaluate all the fruits in order to see a shape (think of sliders or streams), which in contrasts leads to estimation errors sometimes. It comes down to which method is faster: If a movement pattern shape is common for you, the map has a natural flow or you just played a map a bunch of times, it is easier to see these shapes but when there is antiflow, weird patterns or a fruit you always miss, it is easier to look at each of the fruits separately rather than looking at each of the fruits and then forming a new movement shape out of them. Looking more towards the top of the screen tends to have more of the less stressful shape seeing approach in contrast to looking down beeing more the full focus evaluating every single fruit approach. And focussing is like zooming in, meaning being worse for long distance hyperdashes. The catch is that you might not have the time for using the single fruit approach depending on high AR or long endurance weird patterns but you also might make more estimation errors using the pattern method. This game is all about pattern recognition both visually and audible plus hand brain coordination.

In the end, it doesn't even matter. You end up somewhere in the middle anyways.
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