
[o!catch] Catch Suiji Tournament 2 [Winner: Floccinaucinihilipilification]

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Hello and welcome to the 2nd iteration of this tournament:

This tournament returns and has some changes. Please check this forum post for rules or join discord. The rules are there again.
First of all: What means 'Suiji'?
The chinese word 'Suiji' (随机) means 'random'.
This tournament consists of random teams and each team will fight for winning this tournament.
Yeah! Your heared right: random teams. In other words: The player also don't know, who will be their teammates.
After releasing the teams it will be then a normal 3v3 tournament with a double-elemination bracket.
General Rules
1. Every player register himself. There is no registration for teams.
2. This is a 3v3, double-elemination tournament and Score V2 will be used.
3. These are following stages in this tournament: Teams-Qualifier, RO16, RO8, Quarter-Final, Semi-Final, Final, Grand Final. An earlier round can be added if we can reach a good amount of teams.
4. The seed of each player depends on their amount of pp/rank. Depending on your seed in the registration you are an player with seed A, B or C.
5. Each team consists of 6 players: 2 with seed A, 2 with seed B and 2 with seed C.
6. Depending on amount of registered player there will be 16 (92 players) teams at least. The maximum is 32 (192 players) teams.
7. After releasing the teams the players decide themself how the team is called, who is the captain, how the logo for the team looks like and which colour they wanna use in discord.
8. Staff members besides designer, streamer and commentator can't participate in this tournament.
9. There are no pp/rank restrictions here. Everyone can join.
10. If you rename in osu, please inform the staff as well.
1. The mappool for the Team-Qualifier consists of eight maps:
  1. 2 maps without mods (NM) - one map specific and one map convert
  2. 2 maps with the mod Hidden (HD) - one map specific and one map convert
  3. 2 maps with the mod Hardrock (HR) - one map specific and one map convert
  4. 2 maps with the mod DoubleTime (DT) - one map specific and one map convert
2. This mappool will be played as a team and every team has 2 chances.
3. The better score on each map counts.
  1. You reach on NM1 on your first try 1 million points. On the second try 1.5 million points. The score of your second try counts.
  2. You reach on NM2 on your first try 1.5 million points. On the second try 1 million points. The score of your first try counts.
4. If you want you can use NoFail on every map and failed score also counts. On maps with mod HR or DT you can also use HD.
5. The second round in the qualifier is optional. You can use it or not. It's your (as team) decision.
6. If you want to use a second round, then you have to play the whole mappool again.
7. Remember: The rule for the lobby will be SV2 and H2H, but the score of each player of the team will be combined together.
8. The result of the qualifier shows will be your seed (as team) in the tournament.
Bracket Stage
1. Referees will invite the captain of the team to their match 10 minutes until the planned time.
2. If one team don't appear in their match or don't have enough players 15 minutes after the planned time, the other team gets win by default (WBD).
3. In these stages you need to reach first the needed amount of points. How the exact bracket stage will look like will be also announced later in Discord (It will be BO9, BO11 and BO13).
4. In every match the two teams can pick each one warm up if they want. Rule: The map should not be longer than 4 minutes. Please post your warm up also to download the map for the stream.
5. After warm up the captains roll. The team with the higher roll can decide if they wanna ban or pick first. The other is doing the other option first.
6. The bans and picks alternates between the teams. Only the captains are allowed to pick/to ban a map.
7. For every pick and ban there is a timer of 150 seconds.
8. If you miss your ban, then you miss your ban for this match. It can happen that there will be no ban if both teams miss it.
9. If you miss your pick, then the referee is allowed to roll the next pick.
10. On every map failed score counts, but if you fail on one map as a team, then it will be 0 points.
11. If the score reaches tie during a match (e.g. 4-4 in BO9 match), tiebreaker will be played.
12. If during a match a player disconnects in the first 45 seconds of a map, the map will be replayed. This only happens once per team/match. Exception is the tiebreaker: If during the tiebreaker a player disconnects in the first minute, the map will be replayed. This also only happens once per team/match.
13. The bracket stages will look like this:
RO32-Quarter: BO9 (First to 5)
Semi-Final and Final: BO11 (First to 6)
Grand Final: BO13 (First to 7)
Team rules
1. On every map one player of each seed must play. That means: In every round there is one player wit seed A, one player with seed B and one player with seed C.
2. The slot should be filled like this: Slot 1 and 4 with A seeded players, Slot 2 and 5 with B seeded players, Slot 3 and 6 with C seeded players. (Only needed during Bracket-Stage)
3. C seeded player can replace B seeded player and B seeded player can replace a A seeded player. This rule is only allowed if a player of the team is not aviable. (Allowed combinations: ABC, ACC, BCC, BBC)
4. Any other combination is not allowed.
Each mappool consists of 18 maps:
  1. 4 NM - 2 specific and 2 converts
  2. 2 HD - 1 specific and 1 convert
  3. 2 HR - 1 specific and 1 convert
  4. 2 DT - 1 specific and 1 convert
  5. 2 with mixed mods (MM) - 1 specific and 1 convert
  6. 2 with the mod Easy (EZ) - 1 specific and 1 convert
  7. 2 with the mod Easy and DoubleTime (EZDT) - 1 specific and 1 convert
  8. 1 with the mod Flashlight (FL) - either specific or convert
  9. 1 tiebreaker - specific
If you want you can use on maps with the mod HR, DT, EZ and EZDT the mod HD.
Which maps can be banned or not (except TB), will be decided later. The announce for it will happen on Discord.
Rule for MM (mixed mod):
One player must pick HR (with HD if he wants), one player HD and one player without any mods. There is no restriction, which seed should play with which mod. You can decide it yourself with your team.
Registration phase: 17th of April 12 UTC - 1st of May 12 UTC
Screening phase: 1st of May 14 UTC - 9th of May
Teams-Qualifier:15h/16th of May
Bracket Stage: 22nd/23rd of May - 26th/27th of June
Keep in mind that the start of qualifier and bracket can be postponed depending on result of screening.
1st place: Badge for the profile (pending) and 1 month support for each member of the team

If you want to donate some prices feel free to dm me on discord.


Referee:Heam, JeSuisJLF, MicSup08




I hope to see you in this tournament. ;)
Some points can be changed during registration. The announces for changes will happen in Discord. I will try to post the changes also here.
There is also a blacklist. If you are on this list, then you can't participate in this tournament. The document is on Discord.
If you have any question, feel free to ask here or ask in Discord. I would recommend to use Discord mostly.
I don't mind helping with streaming if you will use lazer.
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Melodies wrote:

I don't mind helping with streaming if you will use lazer.
I sended you a pm on discord.
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This tournament will be postponed by 3 weeks because the tournament will happen exactly during CWC. The new dates are looking like this:
Registration phase: 17th of April 12 UTC - 1st of May 12 UTC
Screening phase: 1st of May 14 UTC - 9th of May
Teams-Qualifier:15h/16th of May
Bracket Stage: 22nd/23rd of May - 26th/27th of June
Keep in mind that the start of qualifier and bracket can be postponed depending on result of screening.

I hope you can understand this decision.
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Registration is now open! And yes - it's one day earlier because I will be busy around that time tomorrow.
You can use the link in Link to register for this tournament (also don't forget to join Discord as well).
If you have still some questions you can post them here or in Discord.
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Small reminder: Registration is still open for 1 more week!
If you still have any question, just ask them here. :)
bumping forum
regs is still open
ayy i wanted to join but it's late):
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