
Play against Ghost

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +1,521
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Maybe if accuracy/score is included for the ghost it could be green if you are ahead and red if you are behind?
or maybe just the scoreboards you see in multiplayer, so if you are better at one moment you go up, etc.

theowest wrote:


Maybe if accuracy/score is included for the ghost it could be green if you are ahead and red if you are behind?
or maybe just the scoreboards you see in multiplayer, so if you are better at one moment you go up, etc.
okay I'd like this more
So this is like: emulating Ghost cursor movement based on Replay Data and send to leaderboard while playing (as if we're playing multiplayer), right? If so, I support this.
yeah, pretty much

Atmey wrote:

Like multiplayer against locally saved replays, and maybe extra features for osu!direct like your friend list top scores. Toggleable if its too distracting.
Reminds me Tekken 6 / Mario Kart.. I support this! :)
The OP clearly states that this has nothing to do with an extra cursor and that it's going to be like multiplayer.

You can save friend's replays, so you don't always have to compete with yourself.

Yeah, I think the top 6 scores should be fine. At least for now.

theowest wrote:

ooh, it could actually work well for ctb.

As stated before, seeing two cursors in osu! mode would make it extremely distracting. In case someone still think that's a good idea. Instead we have to experience the replays as if you were playing multiplayer with them.
The ghost cursor's would be grey like in TAG?
Speaking of gray cursors in tag; .....why. I can barely see the cursor. In fact when playing TAG during the breaks I'm always moving my cursor back and forward just to keep track at where it is.
NO GREY CURSORS IN OSU! STANDARD. A lot of people seem to think this request is about that, but it's simply impossible to play with. It says nowhere in the OP that this request will contain grey cursors. I can only see that work in CtB.
Going to bring back this notable topic.

1. I can agree with the fact that this should display as if playing a multiplayer game, with the other plays' cursors/catchers and whatnot hidden out.
2. The scoreboard for multi can handle more than the maximum displayed on screen. This can be seen in a Taiko game with 7 or 8 players.
3. I am quite neutral with being able to toggle cursors to appear as a ghost replay. It's not necessary, as you can watch the cursor in replay and gather the same information.
4. I believe that the user should be able to highlight scores they want to battle against by clicking on them with the right mouse button. Then when a user has one or more highlighted, a button below the scoreboard will appear saying "Replay Challenge!" This means that this could also apply to the online leaderboard.
5. I believe that the game should collect all the selected replay data into a temporary area to read upon, unless it wouldn't be more taxing to have the replay datas all over the place.
6. The score updates on each note for the other replays in the battle. This would also allow you to battle against a replay using DoubleTime while not using said mod, or battle modless replays while playing in DoubleTime. This would also eliminate the need for using the network utility needlessly and also allows for much cleaner playback. In times where a ghost cursor/catcher is enabled, it will update on every replay frame, like replays normally do, if a toggle for it is added.
7. After the round, you would head into the multiplayer results screen, and you can see the results of each play and the mods used. And below it would of course be the online section, alike singleplayer.
I'm supporting this as well, but after reading the thread it seems like most of you want features that aren't related to what the thread starter requested for lol. Btw peppy are you adding this feature? I can tell it'll be hard to code in. YEY FIRST POST
This seems like a cool feature, I'm all green as long as you can use it when you please.

P0tato wrote:

I'm supporting this as well, but after reading the thread it seems like most of you want features that aren't related to what the thread starter requested for lol. Btw peppy are you adding this feature? I can tell it'll be hard to code in. YEY FIRST POST
I can understand how it could be coded. I tried to also explain a way where I believe the feature would use as little resource as possible on the computer if the ghost cursor isn't present. Just me trying to help, because I do support this feature. It's rather intriguing, and it would help players improve upon themselves by knowing live what makes a difference in their score.

It would however, take a bit of time to concept and code, like peppy stated earlier around the beginning of the thread. It would take soem time to re-compute, integrate it into the playfield, and differentiate this from local scores/online scores, and so forth. I at least tried to take some of the concept part out of the equation. If he does decide to pick the idea up, it may take a little time to do, so this is one of those features where you'll just have to be patient.

I can't answer for peppy though, although I wish I could help grant you an answer quicker.
Personally, I wouldn't want another cursor on the screen as I think it would be very distracting. Like the OP said, something like multiplayer would be neat. You know, how you see what score the other player has and you also see the miss/50/100/300 sign show up right there.
I support having this be like multiplayer. No ghost cursors.

Have all my stars... none. oh well
t/189324 vote mine up also so we can get this up. I swear I never looked into the forum on the site til I came up with the idea but i never knew other ppl also came up with the idea.
On mine i kinda had a slightly different idea so check it out.
Yukiteru Amano
I won't support any ghost cursors/catchers etc but I would Support the multi thing :) The ghost would just distract you.
As in, play against your replay? I'm totally supporting this. And actually, since this should be easy to implement at the same time, you should add a ability to play against any replay. And since the cursor might/will distract you, it should be optional if implemented. It would be nice to have dynamic score of the replay displayed in the same manner as in multiplayer tho :P
Bump this.
Above all the ideas, I'm more into competing with only one replay scores, like 1v1, on the one hand, it sounds more technically practical; on the other hand, I think that competing with only one replay would make it easier to focus on beating only one score, and it should be less distracting.
I'm not really into the idea of having the replay actually "playing" with a cursor moving all over the place, an 1v1 scoreboard like multiplay would be good enough imo :)
I am not sure because, yes, the ghost can distract the player. :/

Lumina wrote:

I am not sure because, yes, the ghost can distract the player. :/
You'd be able to toggle on/off.
I like this idea, I was thinking of this the other day. Would be cool if implemented correctly.
I like the idea. The ghost makes us practice both our moves and our focus to the beatmap. If i could vote this, i would. Alas, i can't.
This does NOT mean a 'second' cursor, so it cannot be. Distracting.
See it as multis, your score gets higher, their score gets higher
I like this "local multiplayer idea"
D e s
Second cursor would be good, need the feels of multi //
secretly asian
yes please. 2 stars :D
Yes please! I would love something like this.
Yes! Awesome Idea!
Supporting :D
idk if this has already been mentioned but easy to put into mania, maybe harder to code but force the players screen to be on one side and next to it is the ghost o.o
I'd like to bump this post to contribute my thoughts on the matter. I honestly think this would be a great tool and needs more attention.

If replay ghosting was available with a FADED CURSOR (not as OP suggests!) it'd be great as an unrankable mod, because you could not only trace your movements (or auto's movements/ another player's movements) but you could also see how/ when/ where you missed on a difficult section of a map. I think competing with yourself is also very important in this game, and would love to someday see small little things like this make it into the game. Even if they are hard to implement

Even without the faded cursor, I don't think it would take much effort to see your local replays updating their scores as you play a map. Then again, I don't know jack shit about how programming works, so maybe I'm wrong.

I personally trace replay movement a lot and rewatch my own replays to see where I missed, so being able to see those misses WHILE I AM ACTUALLY PLAYING would be a huge assist for me.
- Sugoi Sugoi -
6 years...
Will this ever be implemented?
Wow... it has been a lot of time... I even make a duplicate :, U.

I see a lot are mentioning like a bot, or somthing like that, but i guess it would be enough to just have the score in realtime in some cases.

Also i have an idea of extra thingies :V... you know, just to say sth.
MOD: It would be nice to have a mod that gives you a game over when you have X difference below with a replay.
MULTI-REPLAYS: In multiplayer you just don't compete with one person (most of the times), so having lots of replays could also be cool (There may be some lag though)

Personally i think that just the "score bot" is somehow easy to implement, but the ghost (like a second player besides in mania, taiko, and like transparent in standard and CTB) would be a little harder, and with a lot more cpu usage but that's just my opinion *<*. BUt even though some people just need the numbers, it would be very cool to have a bot beside you
Love this idea. Playing against a ghost seems like it would add another fun way to play Osu when you're taking a break or just trying to improve your scores. Whilst I love the DDR ghost scoring idea, I don't think that would work for Osu for the reason of getting distracted. I think the best idea I've read is using the current multiplayer scoring system "Leaderboard on the left" and a toggleable ghost cursor.

Sadly I have no Kudos, but would love to see this!
thread resurectioooooonnnnnnnAs long as this works for all the other modes (mania is what I'm concerned about) I'm in (sadly, no kudos :().

To be honest, all I want is something at the side that is literally multiplayer but with your own replays. I don't really want a transparent cursor since it could get a little laggy and would definitely be somewhat distracting.

sicalmforgost wrote:

MOD: It would be nice to have a mod that gives you a game over when you have X difference below with a replay.
MULTI-REPLAYS: In multiplayer you just don't compete with one person (most of the times), so having lots of replays could also be cool (There may be some lag though)
^I was also thinking about multi-replays, maybe a way to select the replays you want in the song selection screen. And the mod is something that would be super useful when trying to get a hi-score on a long map. Another idea for the mod would be like a red light blinking when you get close, or maybe when you get above the [X] difference the red blinking light would come on and staying in the red for too long would fail you.

IDK, just sum ideas I had in my duplicate thread :P
Here, have 8 votes. While it might be difficult to work through (due to noted issues above me) I'm interested in this and I'll give my full support! <3
Wow nice idea, I would really like to battle against my own topscores.
Having myself as rival sounds awesome!
Ender Lain
sounds interesting
DT Trashbag
A lot of support here seeing as how I just posted about this not knowing this post was here lol
pls no bump old thread

good idea
No joke this reminded me of Mario Kart. I would say it's an interesting idea but way to unfair! You can see the cursor and someone can easily create a NF replay that points to where the circles are and play against it. I would just stick to Tag Team stuff and Multiplayer.
Spoiler, I made this post about a month ago, I think... I still agree with this idea, it would be a very helpful feature.
I can't wait till this is actually implemented

[maxNRG] wrote:

Spoiler, I made this post about a month ago, I think... I still agree with this idea, it would be a very helpful feature.

spoiler, this thread was created 10 years ago
This is a really good idea. Sad it's been 10 years since this proposal
I support this, it would also make the game funnier to play
Sounds good! +1
for real this should be added
it’s been 12 years owo
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