
Piko - Sakurane (TV Size)

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I love Muzukashii (cause I suck at taiko orz)
Before going well, let's say about something :3

The song name is 'Sakurane' not 'Sakuraon' :3
Add (TV Size) after song name to notice it's TV Size :3
Don't forget to add tag 'arken1015' and 'arien666' <3

Good luck XD
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ok but because I'm lazy (orz) I'll re-full submit it after I got jeri's diff and finish some skin element :3
Change the text from " arken666" to "arien666". I bet you have a wrong name >_>

Also, add "crybabyman" to tags because arien666 is always crybaby XD (just kidding)

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whoops I must be reeeeealy2 sleepy when I write it :o
sorry its so dang late but here <333
Download: guest diff and
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Added now after I've done with Easy I'll move this to pending
Here is my mod4mod of

01:16:791 (2) - start at 01:16:957 ?
01:19:457 (2) - ^

00:53:457 - add a circle?

[jericho2442's Soul]
00:18:291 (4) - end at 00:18:624 ?

Nothing found

Map is so good that I can't find anything ;)
Just star~ Good luck~
Here comes my mod.

01:08:957 cancel the finish?
01:16:791 move it 1/2 latter?and cut it to 2 beat? Now it's a little hard for a new player
01:19:457 ^



Seems fine

slider tick rate 1?
00:57:041 add breaktime?

Well done.I like this map.This reminds me of the Gin.
/me shoot a star.
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thanks for the mod wcx19911123 (what a complicated name xD) and Mystica

for 01:16:791 & 01:19:457 I don't want to make it simple but sacrificing the rhythm, that's why I using slider for them I know it kinda tricky but it's not impossible to read maybe a 2 play will make novice understand it

and waiting for jeri's respons :D

wcx19911123 wrote:

[jericho2442's Soul]
00:18:291 (4) - end at 00:18:624 ? nah that would not suit

Mystica wrote:

slider tick rate 1? rate 2 suits better
00:57:041 add breaktime? sure i guess
well thanks for mods
Download: Piko - Sakurane (TV Size) (Sallad4ever) [jericho2442's Soul].osu
Sallad's diffs modded via in-game chat.

Log :

21:28 <Nivalis> : kak sallad irc mod aja yah kak, lagi males buka web :D
21:28 <Sallad4ever> : oj ok
21:31 <Nivalis> : kak itu sliderfollowcircle.png dilihat pakai windows explorer kok pinggirnya agak ke-crop
21:31 <Nivalis> : circle yang lain normal sih
21:31 <Sallad4ever> : eh coba wa liat
21:32 <Sallad4ever> : hmm bagian mana yg ke corp?
21:32 <Sallad4ever> : oh ic
21:32 <Nivalis> : kiri sama atas
21:33 <Sallad4ever> : hmm wa kasih shadow ya ? lupa
21:33 <Sallad4ever> : wes tar wa betulin
21:33 <Nivalis> : [Easy]
21:35 <Nivalis> : hmm apa yah... kak inherit yang di 01:23:624 (1) mungkin sebaiknya agak dimundurin
21:36 <Sallad4ever> : g masalah tuh
21:37 <Sallad4ever> : kan udah ke ubah hitsound sample nya jadi g usah di mundurin lagi
21:37 <Nivalis> : hmm.. ok
21:37 <Nivalis> : nggak ada masalah lagi sih, nazimod dikit paling
21:37 <Sallad4ever> : kalo ada nazi bilang aja
21:37 <Nivalis> : 00:23:624 (2) - waypoint yang sebelum terakhir itu digeser 1 grid ke bawah
21:37 <Sallad4ever> : buat mod2 awal wa terima nazi kok
21:38 <Sallad4ever> : easy?
21:38 <Nivalis> : ya
21:38 <Sallad4ever> : k
21:39 <Nivalis> : [Normal]
21:40 <Nivalis> : 00:25:624 (2) - mungkin bisa dibuat bentuk ? kak
21:40 <Sallad4ever> : terlalu pendek
21:40 <Sallad4ever> : tetep elbow aja d
21:41 <Nivalis> : 00:42:124 (4) -
21:42 <Nivalis> : kok rasanya ini kayak dipaksa :D
21:42 <Sallad4ever> : hmm~
21:42 <Sallad4ever> : ada usul?
21:42 <Nivalis> : mending ngikutin vocal sih (dipendekin 1/2 terus tambahin nada lagi di terakhirnya), tapi mungkin terlalu susah
21:42 <Nivalis> : buat normal yah :D
21:43 <Sallad4ever> : wa usahain sih jgn terlalu banyak cuma kepisah 1/2 kyk 00:41:958 (3,4) -
21:44 <Nivalis> : hmm
21:44 <Sallad4ever> : apa di balik aja yah
21:44 <Sallad4ever> : ahaha mending g usah d
21:44 <Nivalis> : 01:12:624 (1) - mungkin di endnya bisa ditambahin finidh
21:45 <Nivalis> : tapi sebelumnta udah ada finish sih :D
21:46 <Sallad4ever> : iy udah ada terlalu deket finishnya :D
21:46 <Sallad4ever> : sebenarnya ada yg wa kurang sregg
21:46 <Sallad4ever> : 01:18:957 (2) -
21:46 <Sallad4ever> : gimana~ gitu
21:46 <Nivalis> : 01:16:624 (3) - ini di awal bisa ditambahin finish juga sih terus 1/1 abis itu ditambah circle, yang ada finish
21:46 <Nivalis> : juga
21:47 <Nivalis> : terus 01:17:957 (1) - distart 1/1 setelahnya
21:47 <Nivalis> : yang slider itu gw sih nggak masalah :D
21:48 <Sallad4ever> : yg 01:17:958 (1) - gimana?
21:48 <Sallad4ever> : mundurin tah?
21:49 <Nivalis> : kalau setelah 01:16:624 ada ditambahin circle, yang 01:17:958 dimundurin ke 01:18:291
21:49 <Nivalis> : tapi itu hitsound versi gw sih :D
21:50 <Sallad4ever> : hoo bisa2
21:50 <Nivalis> : kak taiko itu kiai time nya sengaja beda ya?
21:50 <Nivalis> : nggak bisa mod taiko sih... jadi itu cuma sekilas pandang aja sih
21:50 <Sallad4ever> : yup
21:51 <Nivalis> : [Insane]
21:51 <Sallad4ever> : kalo di taiko kan kiai ngaruh ke skor
21:51 <Nivalis> : di insane bagian awal hp drainnya drop banget
21:52 <Sallad4ever> : drain section lol
21:52 <Nivalis> : autoplay aja hampir 1/2...
21:52 <Nivalis> : evil for hardrock >:)
21:53 <Sallad4ever> : oh~
21:53 <Sallad4ever> : ok wa kurangin wes
21:53 <Sallad4ever> : poof
21:55 <Nivalis> : jujur ini lebih kerasa kaya hard sih kalau nggak ada streamnya
21:56 <Nivalis> : [jericho2442's Soul]
21:56 <Sallad4ever> : makanya tadi hpnya wa gedein
21:57 <Nivalis> : yes jericho's diff bisa di FL :D
21:58 <Nivalis> : spacingnya mendukung
21:58 <Sallad4ever> : :D
21:59 <Nivalis> : 00:34:957 (1,2,3,4) -
21:59 <Sallad4ever> : insane?
21:59 <Nivalis> : jericho's soul
21:59 <Nivalis> : 00:34:957 (1,2,3,4) - mungkin ini bisa dipakai soft sample terus ada whistlenya dimana gitu
21:59 <Sallad4ever> : ah kalo bisa punya dia di post aja
22:00 <Sallad4ever> : jadi ya mungkin lewat dulu
22:00 <Nivalis> : ah ok
22:00 <Nivalis> : postnya besok ya kak :D
22:00 <Nivalis> : udah mau tidur soalnya xD

For jericho2442's diff, I can only suggest one thing : It would be nice if 00:34:957 (1,2,3,4) had a standard soft-hitwhistle somewhere. The other aspects are fine for me.

Go kak sallad! (:
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For the curious one
basically Nivalis point some error in the skin with some nazi and hitsound mod for normal, oh and also reducing HP for insane

thx for the mod niva~
For jericho2442's diff, I can only suggest one thing : It would be nice if 00:34:957 (1,2,3,4) had a standard soft-hitwhistle
Download: Piko - Sakurane (TV Size) (Sallad4ever) [jericho2442's Soul].osu
Hello Sallad. :D
Sorry for delay.

Sound Mod Suggestion

- Delete .osb file in your folder.
- This is my mod style you can skip or fix it.


00:32:957 (2) start slider finish.
01:07:624 (1) end of slider clap.
01:16:791 (2) I think your slider should start at 01:16:624 to 01:17:624
01:18:291 (1) you can fix slider shape like this --->


00:23:291 (2) slider end at 00:23:624 ?
00:46:791 (3) end slider add finish.
00:47:957 (1) whistle.
01:17:624 (4) clap.
[Jericho2442's soul]

00:41:957 (6) clap.
00:48:291 (x) I think 1/4 note should start here to 00:48:791 (If you change please delete 00:48:124 (6) and remove combo 00:48:457 (1) too.)
00:53:791 (1) whistle.
00:54:791 (5) ^
01:09:791 (x) add note with whistle.
01:16:791 (5) end of slider whistle.
01:20:957 (?) I think green timing should use normal whistle sound until start second kiai.


00:02:957 (7) whistle.

Cool and Star ☆
Good Luck!
Miu Matsuoka
Yoooo Sallad~
God-like mapper m(_ _)m ~ ☆

Seems fine for me :D

00:24:291 - Add a note?
00:33:957 (4) - Delete Clap
00:46:791 (3) - Finish on slider end
00:47:958 (1) - Delete Finish
01:13:624 (3) - Finish on slider end

[jericho2442's Soul]
I think the Slider Tick Rate is too high, change it to 1?
01:00:957 (11) - Whistle on slider head
01:01:624 (1) - Whistle
01:01:957 (2) - Clap
01:08:291 (5) - Change Clap to Whistle

00:24:957 (7) - Whistle? (Without override)
00:37:791 (2) - Delete Whistle
00:37:957 (3) - Whistle
00:38:124 (4) - Delete Whistle
00:42:791 (5) - x:164 y:180
00:43:124 (1) - x:348 y:204
00:48:791 (7) - Whistle
Topic Starter
thanks a lot for the mod backstep and Miu-kun :3
done most of the hitsound~

also I've finished the spinner set, so re-DL to see it ;)
awaiting jeri's response

backstep wrote:

[Jericho2442's soul]

00:41:957 (6) clap. would break my sound pattern
00:48:291 (x) I think 1/4 note should start here to 00:48:791 (If you change please delete 00:48:124 (6) and remove combo 00:48:457 (1) too.) half followed it, gave me a nice idea
00:53:791 (1) whistle. hmm tru
00:54:791 (5) ^ nah
01:09:791 (x) add note with whistle. nah
01:16:791 (5) end of slider whistle. nah
01:20:957 (?) I think green timing should use normal whistle sound until start second kiai.nah

Miu Matsuoka wrote:

[b][jericho2442's Soul]

I think the Slider Tick Rate is too high, change it to 1? no ty
01:00:957 (11) - Whistle on slider head sure
01:01:624 (1) - Whistle sure
01:01:957 (2) - Clap sure
01:08:291 (5) - Change Clap to Whistle nah
thanks for mods
Download: Piko - Sakurane (TV Size) (Sallad4ever) [jericho2442's Soul].osu
Hi Hi :)
Here my suggestions :3

Audio Lead-in : 1500 ( now 1511(?) in every diff.
I didn't see any Storyboarding Owo? delete .osb file and re-submit

01:20:291(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I don't agree with off screen streaming xD upper part of approach-circle hide under very huge HP bar xD
it's also mess up with score bar too >,<
00:51:124(6) - a bit off screen
00:54:791(2) - ^

[Jericho2442's Soul]
00:48:541(4) - move left 1 grid lv3
01:06:957(3) - a bit off screen

01:07:291(2) - a bit off screen

00:46:791(1) - a bit off screen

Very nice map
Topic Starter
fixed most of those "touch the hp bar notes"
As for the osb file, vincerio dear, the osb file is ok to leave alone, whether the map have an SB or not. Here is the thread for it viewtopic.php?f=6&t=38547&hilit=osb (strange it's still have sticky icon but it's not stickied)

waiting for jeri's response~

You should seriously make this into a separate skin for the osu! updated for everyone to use. Seriously.

- You need a score-comma.png, even if it's just the default one.

00:54:291 (3) - All sliders like these = ugly, can you change pl0x? :<

- I was like "yay, pretty sliders everywhere~" until i saw this 00:25:624 (2) - =.=
How about replacing that slider with (rotated 90 degrees) 00:15:624 (1) - ?

00:50:624 (3) - yeah, basically all the sliders like this i don't like. replace with something better? :<
00:55:291 (2) - (Suggestion) Move two grids up so (1) flows into (2) better

00:04:957 (3) - ~

Only two things I don't really like:
1) Those sliders >:(
2) jericho2442's Soul and Insane are too similar, difficulty wise and play wise.

Otherwise, this is an excellent map. I'm going to steal that spinner-circle.png, btw~
Topic Starter
I glad that you like the spinner. I'm not very good at makin a full set skin so I don't think I'll make it, but anyone can take it from here ofc (but don't forget to credit me if anyone upload it somewhere else) ;)

Done all, it seems that YGOkid8 don't like elbow slider :o
I've change the short elbow slider in easy, it's true that short slider are not good for elbow, and the one you suggest on normal but the rest are perfectly fine~
As for the insane is similar to jeri's, I guess my style is starting to be very similar to his but I think it's okay cause it's not very similar and it still on the 2 insane rules too

Thanks for the mod YGOkid8 :D
elbow sliders always look very icky to me.
you'll see it someday, dwdw ;D

Sallad4ever wrote:

I glad that you like the spinner. I'm not very good at makin a full set skin so I don't think I'll make it, but anyone can take it from here ofc (but don't forget to credit me if anyone upload it somewhere else) ;)
isn't it pretty much complete already though? i'm sure you don't HAVE to skin the hitsounds as well :V

...well, whatever.
Topic Starter

YGOkid8 wrote:

elbow sliders always look very icky to me.
you'll see it someday, dwdw ;D
I hope that day will never come xD
anyway, thanks for the bubble~

(but can you leave some gintama songs to others?
Topic Starter

eveless wrote:


(but can you leave some gintama songs to others?
hehe first come first serve :P

I wonder how many people here realize who Piko is?

EDIT: to any BAT who'll rank this, please make it so the title text appear at 00:27:624. Thanks in advance :3
star~~~~ :)
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thanks a lot for the star Night_Side :D
hmm maybe next time I'll try asking your mod :3
-Remove the default . , x % from the folder, only the score - ones ever show up in game
-You don't really need audio lead-in on the first 3 difficulties, remove it?
-I am guessing the combo burst is designed to face that way
-Your offset seems slightly late but it might just be me

Everything else seems good, call me back after fixes~
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

-Remove the default . , x % from the folder, only the score - ones ever show up in game ah, I forgot the score set will override any default set if there is one :o
-You don't really need audio lead-in on the first 3 difficulties, remove it? haha I'm just trying to be consistent in the setting, remove it :3
-I am guessing the combo burst is designed to face that way yup you can see by the eyes, it's looking back
-Your offset seems slightly late but it might just be me I'm perfectly fine with it too, but to be safe I'll ask a couple of modders just to be sure

Everything else seems good, call me back after fixes~
to James2250: after asking more people, the offset is little bit off so I change the offset from 598 to 592. I'm too hurry wanted this get rank that I only asked a previous modder to check the offset, I'm too careless orz
Some Taiko mod here.
Yeah~ It's just suggestion.

[Aru's Taiko]

00:59:618 (1) - Big Don / BIG Kat Here?
01:27:285 (1,2,3) - Ah.. Why make a 1/4 here? Just del the 01:27:368 (2) - note &
01:27:285 (1) - KAT? sounds better i think.
01:32:201 (T) - End Kiai time~

Overall that's a nice relaxing diff >w</
No any big problem.
So , Good job here~

My Rating : 9 / 10

Thank you for mod request~ :)
hehe all diffs are very very fine for me.
Just some suggestion :3
  1. 01:07:618 (1) - put finish sound at start of slider?
  1. 00:54:285 (1) - put finish sound at start of slider?
  2. 01:07:618 (3) - ^?
jericho2442's Soul
  1. 00:47:618 (5,6) - delete (6) and move (5) to next redline like this↓? this pattern sounds better for me.
  1. 00:19:285 (1) - put slider instead of circle to follow vocal? like this↓
  2. 01:27:285 (6) - put clap sound?
Nice song and hitsound!
And mapsets are also awesome!

I love Gintama and of course also Piko :oops:
Piko is Nico Nico artist, isn't he?
I often watch Nico Nico Douga and listen "Utattemita" (Utattemita is a genre which users sing a song).
So I have known him for over 3 years XD
His sweet voice always makes me happy :3
haha my liking is maybe unnecessary things for you :P
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod KanaRin & Suzully

I'm waiting for arien's response before giving you kudosu Kana and Suzully, I take most of the hitsound but I didn't change 00:19:285 (1). I try to make that part have low pace by using slow SV and simple beat, that's why I mostly used 1/1

PS: yup Piko is Nico artist I'm sure you know better than me cause you know him for 3 years :D
I becoming more and more interested in Nico artists after hearing this song~

KanaRin wrote:

Some Taiko mod here.
Yeah~ It's just suggestion.

[Aru's Taiko]

00:59:618 (1) - Big Don / BIG Kat Here? If I were like some mapper, I would but I won't add ;_;
01:27:285 (1,2,3) - Ah.. Why make a 1/4 here? Just del the 01:27:368 (2) - note & Okay :3
01:27:285 (1) - KAT? sounds better i think. Okay :3
01:32:201 (T) - End Kiai time~ No need to end Kiai :3

Overall that's a nice relaxing diff >w</
No any big problem.
So , Good job here~

My Rating : 9 / 10

meow :3

Download: Piko - Sakurane (TV Size) (Sallad4ever) [aru's Taiko].osu
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update arien's diff and jeri says no to 00:47:618 (5,6)
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oh you :D
thanks for the star Bern~
Slightly late, anyways all looks good now

Looks about right to me.

finally ;p

Grats Salled <33333
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