
OSU Downloader - Chrome Extension

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I once thought about making the beatmap downloading process faster & simpler for me (until I buy osu! supporter)

I know others already made similar extensions, but I think that this one has a distinct feature that makes everything flow better

Distinct Features
  1. Any beatmap download will be caught by the extension

    No page refreshes needed + any button that triggers a download will work
  2. Downloads on beatmap info happen automatically

    There is also a swith to toggle this off
  3. The download path is always overwritten for osu beatmap downloads

    Because of this, one can make a symlink folder in the downloads folder. So you'll get downloads straight into the osu folder

I want to know if this violates any osu-direct policies.

GitHub link here:
The extension itself is still in development (see

Bugs? : report an issue at the given git repo

Feel free to leave any suggestions for further improvement
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