most notably this one tho. i had a score on with my old laptop on this map beatmapsets/720294#osu/1806994 +HR. i fc'd it with 3x100 and it was my first 1k combo. probably years later i changed laptop and decided to give this ago again but this time with HDDTHR. i got the same acc again. i was really happy with the improvement that i had in 2 years. score btw scores/osu/3177525166
I'm proud of my plays, yes. Primarily my mania plays, even if they're on pp maps (yes there are pp maps in gamemodes OTHER than standard).
Unfortunately, I can't watch them because I have a laptop with low RAM and memory in general. The only ones that I can watch are the ones on top 1k global. I rarely get top 1k global on mania.