thank you, I've been meaning to close this for a little bit now, but I've been meaning to make some sort of close to finish this thread off.
to be frank, not a lot of reasons people had gave here really convinced to why this shouldn't be implemented. just because this hasn't been an issue doesn't mean it couldn't, nor does it mean that someone in the future could make the case to possibly abuse it. OD/HPs for lower diffs shouldn't be gimmicky or should even be "Easter eggs", that just seems silly.
however, Evening did make a good point I hadn't considered. there really wouldn't be a big net positive from this enforcement, but rather restrictive. I mean I knew it was restrictive from the get-go but after rethinking it, yeah I can agree with that statement. I think just my thought process was going into this was: "hey if we're enforcing this essentially as a rule when it's a guideline, shouldn't this be moved up to Rules section?", but clearly the change wouldn't do much positives for the ranked section in general. It'd just be rather null or rather negative for those being more expressive with their lower diffs, which I didn't really consider going into this so my apologies.
sorry if I didn't reply much at all during this period though. and thank you all to contributed to the discussion, gave me a different perspective on things I suppose.
edits: grammar fixes