
Dragon Age 2

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Who's ready to explore the Free Marches? I have my copy pre-loaded on Steam and it should unlock in about an hour. I absolutely fell in love with Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 seems so promising. Anything they have set in mind? What classes they're going to play as? Which gender? What morality/personailty?

Like in DA:O, I'm going to play as a mage Fem. Hawke. I'm going to try and be as sarcastic, shallow, and ditzy as possible with my playthrough. Going with the mentality of a sitcom character in the same vein as Roz from Frasier or Rachel from Friends has always been a satisfying experience.
I played a male elf mage who was as benevolent as possible. (Boring, I know)

Going to have to find some time to play Dragon Age again... I think I was in Orzammar when I formatted my computer. Haven't touched the save since :S

I will say though, DA2 looks rather pretty from what my brother showed me.
I guess I should post in here since I've been playing it a bit.

Game isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but certainly a step down from Origins. But I'm not here to be negative so I'll just talk about my experiences/shit I liked.

Played through the game the first time on hard as a dual-wield rogue specializing in Shadow and Sabotage, and it was awesome. Fatiguing Fog slows all enemies in its radius, grants obscured to all allies in the radius, and disorients all enemies so their defense plummets. Shadow gets +25% crit damage vs. obscured and autocrits anything it attacks from behind, so it was just amazing. I also had my mage companion specced into Spirit to take advantage of Disoriented since I could pretty much disorient anything at will.

Playing through now as a 1h/s warrior on nightmare. The game is refreshingly much more tactical on nightmare. On Hard it was pretty easy aside from assassins/mages who would easily oneshot your squishies etc. On Nightmare positioning matters a lot more because I simply can't let archers live since they hitstun the fuck out of anything lacking fortitude. Mages are generally less of a problem because they're so easy to counter unless there's multiples of them, just need to stay observant.
Take DA:O, double the amount of enemies, half their HP and double the game speed, and you have DA2's combat.
This game is such a step down from Origins...

Remco32 wrote:

Take DA:O, double the amount of enemies, half their HP and double the game speed, and you have DA2's combat.
That's an improvement, really.

Ivalset wrote:

Remco32 wrote:

Take DA:O, double the amount of enemies, half their HP and double the game speed, and you have DA2's combat.
That's an improvement, really.
I disagree. I liked the combat in DA:O much more. I'm replaying it atm. DA2 feels much more like a hack 'n slash game than an RPG.
Just curious, what difficulty were you playing DA2 at?

Ivalset wrote:

Just curious, what difficulty were you playing DA2 at?
Normal or Hard, not sure.
I still want to give it another chance...
Normal is boring and a waste of time. Mash attack button to win, etc.

Hard is mildly challenging at times.

Nightmare is an absolute blast.

Ivalset wrote:

Normal is boring and a waste of time. Mash attack button to win, etc.

Hard is mildly challenging at times.

Nightmare is an absolute blast.
I guess I'll switch to nightmare once I have a party with a healer.
Not necessary, healing spells in this game are pretty much a joke. Huge cooldowns, etc.

Ivalset wrote:

Not necessary, healing spells in this game are pretty much a joke. Huge cooldowns, etc.
Well, taking damage is inevitable, and there is a HUGE cooldown on the 'auto-heal'.
Are there many different healing spells then? My healer/supporter in DA:O had like 5 different healing spells.
There's heal, which has a 40s cd. Potions are on a 30s cd.

Spirit Healers also have a group heal and a revive, and a regeneration aura.

That's pretty much it.
I'm at the Deep Roads now and the game is a lot more fun. I still think that the game is too dumbed down. Combat is enjoyable though, but not much like how the combat in Origins played. The enemies spawning during combat is utterly lame...
I still don't get why the zoom in on horribad N64 textures during cinematics and conversations. It gives a huge contrast between the fine looking graphics and the horrible textures that are placed at random.
Are there going to be more lazy main-plot quests? The first one was just an insult: Go grind and do fetchquests until you 50 gold.
Act 2 isn't terrible.

Act 3 is short and awful and the plot falls apart.

Ivalset wrote:

Act 3 is short and awful and the plot falls apart.
What plot?
You had to flee from your hometown, you end up in Kirkwall, and then I lost it.
Act 1 is about seeking a way out of poverty and restoring your family name.

Act 2 is about resolving the building Qunari conflict. It's done pretty well.

Act 3 is about Templars vs. Mages. Except it's just done really terribly, and none of the choices you make have any effect on anything.
15 hours in, playing the 3rd act now.
Finished it after clocking 20 hours. Did a lot of sidequests. The game was decent, I would rate it a 6.5/10.

Ivalset wrote:

Act 3 is about Templars vs. Mages. Except it's just done really terribly, and none of the choices you make have any effect on anything.
So you couldn't end up fighting that enchanter guy instead of Meridith?
I also skipped the ending cinematic by accident. Can someone give me a small re-cap?
Didn't you fight both of them?

Ivalset wrote:

Didn't you fight both of them?
Well, kinda. He decided to use bloodmagic all of the sudden changing him into some sort of retarded monster which I had to fight. Kinda lame, after all I sided with him.
Yeah, that always happens no matter what side you pick.
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