
How do I make lines smooth on mania

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on mania my hold lines have these shadowy lines going through them. How can I make these go away so the holds are smooth?

This is what they look like:
Hi Iconicah!

Have you checked any images of "mania-noteL" in the skin folder?
If there's a colour gradient, I suggest you to make it simple by cropping them into one plain colour only.

If you download that skin, you may want to redownload it and see how it goes.
That skin is similar to this one, click me!

If both aren't the case, you should tell us more.
Full Tablet
Change the value "NoteBodyStyle: " in the skin.ini file to a number between 0 and 2 (inclusive). One of those values (don't remember which atm) stretch the body of hold notes, instead of tiling them. (If the property is not present, add it to the file under the section that corresponds to each key count).

Full Tablet wrote:

Change the value "NoteBodyStyle: " in the skin.ini file to a number between 0 and 2 (inclusive). One of those values (don't remember which atm) stretch the body of hold notes, instead of tiling them. (If the property is not present, add it to the file under the section that corresponds to each key count).
Should be 0 for stretching it.[mania]
NoteBodyStyle (stretch, cascade from top, cascade from bottom)
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