Open for NM / M4M 20 . No GD.
Special Round: 20 slots this time.Only few of the maps were modded from the previous round. Hope you could give something that will inspire me to mod for.Terms of Modding:
⊛Do not give kudosu if I post a blanket mod or NC mod.
However for M4M this will not apply for the modder of my set. You will still receive a kudosu.⊛Turn on [Watch] of your set so you'll be notified with my mod.
⊛Respond to my mod as early as possible.
⊛My modding
will / may contain in-depth explanation. So, do not waste my time modding your set if you won't reply to it. I will try as objective as possible and will try not to make any subjective post.
Extra: You will get (!) containing reasons why you got redmarked.
Type 'Okay' to prove you've read the post.