
SUNEOHUAIR - Akai Coat (TV size)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年3月20日 at 8:59:12

Title: Akai Coat (TV size)
Source: Arakawa Under the Bridge 2
Tags: H-boy huang99520
BPM: 160
Filesize: 11399kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. H-boy's KaGi (4.96 stars, 215 notes)
  2. huang's Easy (2.58 stars, 76 notes)
  3. Insane (4.96 stars, 285 notes)
  4. Normal (3.77 stars, 112 notes)
Download: SUNEOHUAIR - Akai Coat (TV size)
Download: SUNEOHUAIR - Akai Coat (TV size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
huang's Easy made by BaKaHuang
H-boy'KaGi(Hard) made by H-boy
Thank all the modder<_<
If you downloaded before February 7 plz download the new

Download: suneohua - Akiyi coat(TV size) (kgsky) [H-boy's KaGi].osu

Download: .rar



star ;)

Kozato Enma
Kozato Enma
Yo naughty boy~lets begin~

首先offset要统一,既然你用的是这个,把我那个也换了(当时你可没说用你这个- -)



00:35:156(1) - 建议改间距,如图改1和2的间距

00:40:406(3) - 左移一个格子(lv2)
00:40:781(4) - 下移一个格子(lv2)
01:16:781(x) - 加一个circle?

最后preview point 没有加,自己加好,把我的也改成一样
点工具栏上的timing,最后一个就是set xxxxxx

Topic Starter
改好了~ :)
First of all
2.(以后再添加- -)

排列看着很不错的~ ;)


00:01:968(x) - 加一个circle
00:04:593(x) - 同上
00:04:968(x) - 同上
00:06:843(x) - 同上
00:07:031(5) - 删除这个circle
00:07:218(x) - 加一个circle
00:43:781(1) - spinner停止在00:45:656
01:16:593(x) - 加一个circle?
01:17:156(x) - 同上(必要)
01:29:906(7) - 删除note

加时不要有遗漏.. ;)
00:02:531(1) - slider开始处加上whistle
00:05:531(3) - 同上
00:07:406(7) - 同上
00:13:031(4) - whistle
00:15:281(3) - slider开始处加上whistle
00:19:031(5) - whistle
00:21:656(4) - slider结尾处加上whistle
00:25:031(5) - whistle
00:28:031(4) - 同上
00:31:031(3) - slider开始处加上whistle
00:34:031(5) - 同上
00:35:906(3) - 同上
00:37:406(4) - whistle
00:40:406(4) - 同上
00:56:906(2) - clap
00:57:656(4) - whistle
00:58:031(5) - 开始处:whistle 结束处:clap
00:59:531(1) - whistle
00:59:906(2) - 开始处:clap
01:00:656(3) - clap
01:01:031(4) - whistle
01:02:906(2) - 开始处:clap
01:03:656(3) - whistle
01:04:031(4) - 结束处:clap
01:05:156(x) - 加个带clap的circle(推荐)
01:05:906(2) - whistle
01:06:656(4) - 同上
01:07:031(7) - 开始处:whistle 结束处:clap
01:08:531(1) - finish
01:08:906(2) - clap
01:09:281(3) - 两头加whistle 中间加clap
01:10:593(5) - 中间加whistle
01:11:531(1) - 中间加clap
01:13:031(3) - 直接先全部加whistle 然后再中间加clap
01:14:906(2) - clap
01:15:281(3) - 整体加whistle
01:16:406(4) - clap
01:17:156(6) - clap(这个note是上面中说要加的)
01:17:906(2) - 开始处clap
01:18:656(3) - whistle
01:19:031(4) - whistle
01:19:406(5) - 开始处:finish
01:20:531(1) - 开始处:whistle 结束处:clap
01:21:281(2) - 结束处:clap
01:22:031(3) - 整体加whistle
01:22:781(5) - finish(这原来有无...note,没的话就加一个)
01:25:031~01:25:781 做成和01:22:031~01:22:781一样(可以直接复制过来后,改下方向....再把01:25:593的circle去掉)
01:26:531(2) - 整体加whistle
01:28:031(4) - 同上
01:29:531(6) - finish


01:11:531 这里的黑色有些看不清,把(1)的nc换成蓝色的吧~

H-boy's KaGi

01:08:437(2) - 这个circle可有可无,你要玩时感觉可以就留下,不好就删了吧



先这么多 ;)
好好加油改吧 X.X

easy fixed. :D
音源..你敢放个不是阉割版的么..? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
这音源严重影响我心情 QAQ


00:12:656 (2,3) - 距离
00:15:843 (4,1) - 距离

请打开AImod君 然后把spacing有问题的都改掉
00:02:156 (3) - 和上一个slider对齐比较美观
00:11:156 (1) - 去掉?
00:15:281 (3) - 请把slider拉长一个1/2拍
00:24:656 (4,5) - 往左移一格
00:34:031 (5) - 00:35:156 (1)把这个note去掉 然后把slider拉长到00:35:156会不会好一点?
00:40:781 (5,1) - 距离
01:13:031 (3) - 加一个来回?

00:16:968 (5) - slider是不是短了一个1/4拍?
00:25:031 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 摆的是歪的..不好看 ._.
00:44:156 (4) - 跟鼓点没对齐啊..好违和..
00:51:656 (4,5) - 距离

请resnap all note(或者手动改吧..
00:17:740 (2,3) - 距离
00:34:781 (9) - slider短了1/4拍
00:35:343 (10) - 去掉是否更好?
00:42:843 (4) - 无法判断slider是短了还是长了..但是肯定不对就是了..
00:43:312 (5) - 从这个开始 后面全乱了 自己整理一下吧

总体来说..感觉一般吧 >.>
还有为什么你们都是用大网格对齐的啊..囧.. (lv2不算大)

slider感觉好快..OTL x不,并不快
00:16:968 (5) - slider是不是短了一个1/4拍?x 如果非要跟的话,正好合适
00:25:031 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 摆的是歪的..不好看 ._.x或者4关grid snap后往下拉些也可以
00:44:156 (4) - 跟鼓点没对齐啊..好违和.. 没有必要跟
00:51:656 (4,5) - 距离 x不解

详见she - supersonic
what is AImod?
sometimes it is awful...

你做的insane我觉得有些部分跟应援团2的排列似的~不过还要修改很多,详见别人mod。等改差不多我再给你看看(我偷懒~ ;)


00:13:406(11) -这个建议取消折返,直接停到00:13:781
00:14:156(x) - circle
00:17:906(3)- 这个3与后面的5重合
00:47:437~00:49:124 这一部分都向右移4分1
00:49:968(x) - circle
00:50:062~00:53:249 这一部分都向右移4分1
00:59:437~01:01:312 这一部分都向右移4分1
01:04:968(8) - 加长4分1

:) 恩 star

  • Offset: -460 or 1040(offset -9ms) (If you really want to map beginning, use

    first one)
    Same lead-in: 1996 or 2000
    Preview Point at 00:11:531
    Same Kiai: 00:35:531-00:44:531 01:20:531-01:29:531
    Combo color suggestion:
    Combo1 : 255,255,176
    Combo2 : 190,190,255
    Combo3 : 255,179,179
    Combo4 : 181,255,176
    BG resize:

    To kgsky: Remember, you are mapping for players, not mapping for tricks

[huang's Easy]

Map something different in second part please...This song isn't that long...
Also it's kinda hard for beginners, maybe remove some 1/2 beats?


I strongly recommond you to map from 00:11:531.. Because the music was cut badly, the beginning part feel nonsense...

Too many stacking in your map just confusing players, why don't you arrange them differently...

  • 00:40:790 (5,1) - Spacing
    01:08:540 (1,2,3,4,5) - Can you read these?
    01:22:602 (4,5) - Use 1/1 rather than 1/2?

[H-boy's KaGi]

从玩家角度来说, 音效很违和

  • 00:16:968 (5) - Shorten 1/4 beat?
    00:25:031 (4) - 1 grid down in lv3?


Too many stacking in your map just confusing players, why don't you arrange them differently...

  • 00:24:656 (2,3) - 2 makes 3's reverse unreadable...move 2 to somewhere else
    00:27:281 (4,6) - Stacking (Disable the grid snap, use 0.0x distance spacing)
    00:33:093 (4,5) - ^
    00:33:843 (6,7,8,9,10) - 这种坑爹的排版...去重摆
    00:34:781 (9) - Extend 1/4 beat?
    00:42:843 (4,5,6) - Stacking
    00:49:406 (11) - New combo
    00:52:781 (11) - ^
    01:04:968 (8,1) - 1 is unreadable...
    01:06:281 (3,5) - ^
    01:09:843 (6,7) - Spacing
其实很早mod完了 但是网站挂了...重mod T_T

嘛 只是个人的感觉而已>_>
加油> <
Topic Starter

Selee wrote:


  • Offset: -460 or 1040(offset -9ms) (If you really want to map beginning, use

    first one)
    Same lead-in: 1996 or 2000
    Preview Point at 00:11:531
    Same Kiai: 00:35:531-00:44:531 01:20:531-01:29:531
    Combo color suggestion:
    Combo1 : 255,255,176
    Combo2 : 190,190,255
    Combo3 : 255,179,179
    Combo4 : 181,255,176
    BG resize:

    To kgsky: Remember, you are mapping for players, not mapping for tricks

[huang's Easy]

Map something different in second part please...This song isn't that long...
Also it's kinda hard for beginners, maybe remove some 1/2 beats?


I strongly recommond you to map from 00:11:531.. Because the music was cut badly, the beginning part feel nonsense...

Too many stacking in your map just confusing players, why don't you arrange them differently...

  • 00:40:790 (5,1) - Spacing
    01:08:540 (1,2,3,4,5) - Can you read these?
    01:22:602 (4,5) - Use 1/1 rather than 1/2?

[H-boy's KaGi]

从玩家角度来说, 音效很违和

  • 00:16:968 (5) - Shorten 1/4 beat?
    00:25:031 (4) - 1 grid down in lv3?


Too many stacking in your map just confusing players, why don't you arrange them differently...

  • 00:24:656 (2,3) - 2 makes 3's reverse unreadable...move 2 to somewhere else
    00:27:281 (4,6) - Stacking (Disable the grid snap, use 0.0x distance spacing)
    00:33:093 (4,5) - ^
    00:33:843 (6,7,8,9,10) - 这种坑爹的排版...去重摆
    00:34:781 (9) - Extend 1/4 beat?
    00:42:843 (4,5,6) - Stacking
    00:49:406 (11) - New combo
    00:52:781 (11) - ^
    01:04:968 (8,1) - 1 is unreadable...
    01:06:281 (3,5) - ^
    01:09:843 (6,7) - Spacing
其实很早mod完了 但是网站挂了...重mod T_T
Title: Akai Coat (TV size)

no kds
- on some .osu have something like 'suneohua' maybe because after you fix you didn't save, then plz try to save (ctrl+s or File > Save) and do a full submit again, before you fixing any modding below and don't exit editor while you're fixing it. because it will say your map "not yet submitted"

- set preview point to all difficulties and make sure they are the same.
- fix tag 'h boy' to 'h-boy'.
- delete uesless audio-lead-in from huang's Easy, H-boy's KaGi and Insane.
- black combo color really hard to see, change it to gray or something lighter.

[huang's Easy] - look fine

00:16:781 (4) - dont feel like to see note a bit under silder on Normal diff, could you fix it
00:17:906 (2) - a bit far from (1)?
00:22:406 (5) - spacing? a bit too close to (4)
00:30:281 (3) - spacing? a bit too far from (2)
00:41:156 (1) - Ctrl+H, and fix spacing a bit. just look too far from (5)
01:06:281 (3) - a bit far from (2)?
01:09:281 (3) - hidden silder, fix it to something like this
01:16:406 (4) - a bit too far from (3)?
forgive me, i just dont like random spacing change and hidden notes stuff on Normal diff

[H-boy's KaGi]
- [Just asking] spacing a bit too hug maybe +1 to circle size?
00:46:031 (1,2,3) - hidden silders?
00:49:406 (1,2,3) - ^
this diff have some hidden notes too, but i will think this diff is Insane so fine.
But If this diff is just a Hard diff, so need fix those hidden notes a bit.
look good ~

- resnap all notes on this diff with 1/4 beat snap divisor
- look like random spacing on some parts x-x but fine, i guess~
- would like to ask you to add some new combo on some parts that spacing changed (want to suggest you to add though, but I think it'd better If you do it yourself)
00:33:656 (1) - hidden note?
00:43:406 (5,6) - stack them under the silder (a bit look messy there >_<!)
01:29:531 - suggest to add note here

Rawr.. long mod post from me.. XD I'm lazy writer (many ppl know) anyways those are not nazi though, hope you understand.
the guy you should know that im tired...tired of modding too many times :(
Card N'FoRcE
- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Some BGs are quite bad quality too, can't you find something better? :<
    You can add preview poits, if you want to. H-boy did.
    Please capitalize the Source correctly: "Arakawa Under the Bridge"
    Please name the tags correctly: "H-boy", not "h boy"
    Where is the video from? When i looked at Youtube, i got another video (I can tell that it's correct btw, i was just curious)
    Black as custom colour is really hard to see. Please consider changing it.
    I don't like how this mp3 sounds... Did you ripped this from a Youtube video or something? The beginning is cutted and Normal starts awkwardly because of that (Since i'm giving you a new mp3, you have to fix them).
    New mp3 for you. I already renamed it (please use simplier names :S) so just replace and use this offset: 0. Be CAREFUL because you'll have to full reload the map and move all the beats (Just select them all) IN EVERY DIFFICULTY.
- Easy:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    Slidertick rate 0,5 feels empty, 1 sounds ok.
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:42:843 (1) - extend up to 00:46:031
    01:02:531 (2) - add new combo; 01:01:781 (1) - remove new combo.
- Normal:
  • I don't know why the .osu file has a different name yet it still works. I'd change it, but i'm not sure if this will break something.
    .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    Why is this the only difficulty that starts right away?
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:02:156 (3) - stack correctly
    00:08:531 (1) - extend up to 00:08:531 (1); 00:11:156 (1) - delete this.
    00:17:531 (1,2,3,4) - this may feel weird to read.
    00:22:406 (5) - move farther
    00:28:406 (5,1) - 00:40:781 (5,1) - kinda sudden jumps for a regularly spaced beatmap
    01:03:656 (3) - move farther
    01:08:906 (2) - just stack this on the endpoint of 01:09:281 (3)
    01:09:281 (3,4,5) - hard to read, probabily
- H-boy's Kagi:
  • .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    00:16:968 (5) - i think this slider resnapped wrong. Please check it.
- Insane:
  • .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:27:843 (6,1) - misreadable for a 1/2 spacing
    00:46:968 (2,1) - ^
    00:43:406 (5,6) - stack correctly
    00:54:093 (4) - sounds weird
    00:55:968 (9,10,11) - why so far?
    01:13:218 (6,7) - ugly jump
    The map feels really unpolished btw: some "jumps" are playable but the seem a bit "nonsense" while playing. Try to give the map a shape and some consistancy.
    .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    Everything is unsnapped. I can tell even without AImod. You forgot to resnap, didn't you? (Oh well you'll have to use my new mp3 anyway so you'll have to resnap in every diff anyway :3)
Sorry, you need to work a bit more. Maps are quite a good start, but you absolutely need new BGs and the new mp3 i provided.
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Some BGs are quite bad quality too, can't you find something better? :<
    You can add preview poits, if you want to. H-boy did.
    Please capitalize the Source correctly: "Arakawa Under the Bridge"
    Please name the tags correctly: "H-boy", not "h boy"
    Where is the video from? When i looked at Youtube, i got another video (I can tell that it's correct btw, i was just curious)
    Black as custom colour is really hard to see. Please consider changing it.
    I don't like how this mp3 sounds... Did you ripped this from a Youtube video or something? The beginning is cutted and Normal starts awkwardly because of that (Since i'm giving you a new mp3, you have to fix them).
    New mp3 for you. I already renamed it (please use simplier names :S) so just replace and use this offset: 0. Be CAREFUL because you'll have to full reload the map and move all the beats (Just select them all) IN EVERY DIFFICULTY.
tank for your mp3 but i don't know how to change it :(

- Normal:
  • I don't know why the .osu file has a different name yet it still works. I'd change it, but i'm not sure if this will break something.
    .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)color=#FF4000]I find the my sound have mistakes when i finish this diff..[/color]
    Why is this the only difficulty that starts right away?
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:02:156 (3) - stack correctly
    00:08:531 (1) - extend up to 00:08:531 (1); 00:11:156 (1) - delete this.
    00:17:531 (1,2,3,4) - this may feel weird to read.
    00:22:406 (5) - move farther
    00:28:406 (5,1) - 00:40:781 (5,1) - kinda sudden jumps for a regularly spaced beatmap
    01:03:656 (3) - move farther
    01:08:906 (2) - just stack this on the endpoint of 01:09:281 (3)
    01:09:281 (3,4,5) - hard to read, probabily
- Insane:
  • .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:27:843 (6,1) - misreadable for a 1/2 spacingX I think it enough well
    00:46:968 (2,1) - ^X ^
    00:43:406 (5,6) - stack correctly
    00:54:093 (4) - sounds weird
    00:55:968 (9,10,11) - why so far?
    01:13:218 (6,7) - ugly jump
    The map feels really unpolished btw: some "jumps" are playable but the seem a bit "nonsense" while playing. Try to give the map a shape and some consistancy.
    .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    Everything is unsnapped. I can tell even without AImod. You forgot to resnap, didn't you? (Oh well you'll have to use my new mp3 anyway so you'll have to resnap in every diff anyway :3)
Sorry, you need to work a bit more. Maps are quite a good start, but you absolutely need new BGs and the new mp3 i provided.
I like the easy BG very much and i think have my mp3 enough..
Thank you very much~
Topic Starter

orioncomet wrote:

- on some .osu have something like 'suneohua' maybe because after you fix you didn't save, then plz try to save (ctrl+s or File > Save) and do a full submit again, before you fixing any modding below and don't exit editor while you're fixing it. because it will say your map "not yet submitted"

- set preview point to all difficulties and make sure they are the same.
- fix tag 'h boy' to 'h-boy'.
- delete uesless audio-lead-in from huang's Easy, H-boy's KaGi and Insane.
- black combo color really hard to see, change it to gray or something lighter.

[huang's Easy] - look fine

00:16:781 (4) - dont feel like to see note a bit under silder on Normal diff, could you fix it
00:17:906 (2) - a bit far from (1)?
00:22:406 (5) - spacing? a bit too close to (4)
00:30:281 (3) - spacing? a bit too far from (2)
00:41:156 (1) - Ctrl+H, and fix spacing a bit. just look too far from (5)
01:06:281 (3) - a bit far from (2)?
01:09:281 (3) - hidden silder, fix it to something like this
01:16:406 (4) - a bit too far from (3)?
forgive me, i just dont like random spacing change and hidden notes stuff on Normal diff

[H-boy's KaGi]
- [Just asking] spacing a bit too hug maybe +1 to circle size?
00:46:031 (1,2,3) - hidden silders?
00:49:406 (1,2,3) - ^
this diff have some hidden notes too, but i will think this diff is Insane so fine.
But If this diff is just a Hard diff, so need fix those hidden notes a bit.
look good ~

- resnap all notes on this diff with 1/4 beat snap divisor
- look like random spacing on some parts x-x but fine, i guess~
- would like to ask you to add some new combo on some parts that spacing changed (want to suggest you to add though, but I think it'd better If you do it yourself)
00:33:656 (1) - hidden note?
00:43:406 (5,6) - stack them under the silder (a bit look messy there >_<!)
01:29:531 - suggest to add note here

Rawr.. long mod post from me.. XD I'm lazy writer (many ppl know) anyways those are not nazi though, hope you understand.
Thank you very much
Numbers 596108
As we can see in the Card N'FoRcE's reply ;) ,
you need dl the new .mp3 file.
Since you change your last low quality one,you must adjust your offset(maybe not)
on the other hand,you need move all note(beats) .
you have to adapt it.-~-

that's all


step3---用新下的歌曲覆盖文件夹下的歌曲(Card N...已经帮你改好名字了)
step5---进入歌曲后,看看offset是否有变化,如果有就进行调适(按照Card N...的回复说是没有变动)

然后调节结束后,full submit

In China ,we have a network limit on Youtube :(

No kds
Star :)
Christmas Mod!

The Kiai is inconsistent across all diffs, please make it consistent. Although I don't really think kiai fits this song at all but if you insist on having it, I suggest use the Kiai in the KaGi diff.

Get rid of that pointless lead in.

Why does this start right at the beginning when the others don't? It just doesn't make sense.

This has a pointless lead-in.

OD down by 1 please.
01:09:843 (1) - This spinner doesn't seem right, it doesn't really fit, and it's just randomly in the middle of the song.

Anyway, I'll give you a star.
Add "huang" to the tags for all diffs ?
Just a tip for your future maps: instead of calling the backgrounds weird names like the ones you have, just call them "bg1.jpg" or something like that; it will make it a lot easier to replace if you need to replace them, since you will just have to change the picture without changing anything in the diffs themselves if the new picture has the same name as the previous background.
Your video width is over 800. I don't think it's unrankable, but if you can, try to make it a bit smaller.
Normal and Insane both have a countdown, while the other diffs don't. Either choose to have one for all diff or not to have one. (I'd personnally suggest to remove it, but it's your call)
The timing feels a bit weird to me. If you want to map on the vocals, you need a timing that is more accurate.

00:04:406 (3,1,2) - Spacing issue: the time difference is the same but they are spaced differently.
00:05:531 (3,4,5) - ^
00:11:531 (1) - This note comes too soon after the spinner imo. Try to at least make the spinner end 1/2 sooner ?
00:19:781 (7,1) - This jump is confusing and unexpected imo. Besides, having such a wide jump in a Normal doesn't sound like a good idea. Space them using DS ?
(nazi) 00:20:906 (2,3,4) - space them more evenly ?
(suggestion) 00:24:656 (4,5,6) - one grid (lvl 2 since that's what you are using) to the left so that the spacing stays even.
(suggestion) 00:31:031 (5,1) - I think this spacing can confuse ~new players... Move (1) further from (5)'s end ?
00:34:031 (5,1) - Same as 00:19:781 -
00:37:781 (5,6,1) - Spacing issue: the time difference is the same but they are not spaced evenly.
01:02:156 (6,1) - Same as 00:19:781 -
01:05:906 (2,3,4) - Spacing issue: the time difference is the same but they are not spaced evenly. Move (4) up to fix it.
01:22:031 (3,4,5) - Confusing stack. Move (4) and (5) away ?

00:17:553 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue: they aren't spaced evenly while the time different is the same.
00:24:843 (3) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a previous note. Change the slider's orientation.
00:39:281 (5) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a previous note. Change the slider's orientation.
00:43:593 (6,7,9) - Spacing issue: they aren't spaced evenly while the time difference is the same (I'm talking about the stacks of course).
00:46:968 (2,1) - Confusing spacing: I expected (1) to be 1/2 after the previous note. Move it further away ?
00:51:468 (6) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a previous note. Change the slider's orientation.
01:05:906 (2) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a hitburst. It would be better to change the slider's orientation to make sure it's readable.
01:19:218 (10) - ^

huang's Easy
Why are this diff's kiai times different from the other diff's ?
This plays a bit weird because it's mapped on the vocals (I think ?) but the vocals are off-beat, so it becomes sometimes confusing.

H-boy's KaGi
huh... give this a standard difficulty name ? if not, say in the map description what kind of difficulty it is supposed to be :/
Hm... nothing really wrong with the diff, but I'd suggest to change the overlapping pattern such as 00:46:031 (1,2,3,4) - as they play really bad and look terrible.
huang's Easy
Why are this diff's kiai times different from the other diff's ?
This plays a bit weird because it's mapped on the vocals (I think ?) but the vocals are off-beat, so it becomes sometimes confusing.

oK i will change it :) thank u
"Suneohair - Akai Coat (TV size)".

Remember to correct the artist and title, then do a full-submission. No kudosu please.
:) 我再次到来。。

huang's Easy
00:35:531(1) - 个人建议换个hitsound
00:38:531(1) - ^
01:20:531(1) - ^
01:23:531(1) - ^

00:25:406(6)- 右移动一个格子(lv2)

H-boy's KaGi
改名为H-boy‘s Hard或许吧
00:28:968(7) - 下移动一个格子(lv2)
或许把重叠的note分散开些也吧,怎么分散取决于你了~谢谢~ ;)

00:46:593(1) - 去掉开头的clap
00:46:968(2) - ^
00:49:406(1) - 连续clap这里不适合..
00:52:781(1) - ^
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

Add "huang" to the tags for all diffs ?
Just a tip for your future maps: instead of calling the backgrounds weird names like the ones you have, just call them "bg1.jpg" or something like that; it will make it a lot easier to replace if you need to replace them, since you will just have to change the picture without changing anything in the diffs themselves if the new picture has the same name as the previous background.
Your video width is over 800. I don't think it's unrankable, but if you can, try to make it a bit smaller.
Normal and Insane both have a countdown, while the other diffs don't. Either choose to have one for all diff or not to have one. (I'd personnally suggest to remove it, but it's your call)
The timing feels a bit weird to me. If you want to map on the vocals, you need a timing that is more accurate.

00:04:406 (3,1,2) - Spacing issue: the time difference is the same but they are spaced differently.
00:05:531 (3,4,5) - ^
00:11:531 (1) - This note comes too soon after the spinner imo. Try to at least make the spinner end 1/2 sooner ?
00:19:781 (7,1) - This jump is confusing and unexpected imo. Besides, having such a wide jump in a Normal doesn't sound like a good idea. Space them using DS ?
(nazi) 00:20:906 (2,3,4) - space them more evenly ?
(suggestion) 00:24:656 (4,5,6) - one grid (lvl 2 since that's what you are using) to the left so that the spacing stays even.
(suggestion) 00:31:031 (5,1) - I think this spacing can confuse ~new players... Move (1) further from (5)'s end ?
00:34:031 (5,1) - Same as 00:19:781 -
00:37:781 (5,6,1) - Spacing issue: the time difference is the same but they are not spaced evenly.
01:02:156 (6,1) - Same as 00:19:781 -
01:05:906 (2,3,4) - Spacing issue: the time difference is the same but they are not spaced evenly. Move (4) up to fix it.
01:22:031 (3,4,5) - Confusing stack. Move (4) and (5) away ?

00:17:553 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue: they aren't spaced evenly while the time different is the same.
00:24:843 (3) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a previous note. Change the slider's orientation.
00:39:281 (5) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a previous note. Change the slider's orientation.
00:43:593 (6,7,9) - Spacing issue: they aren't spaced evenly while the time difference is the same (I'm talking about the stacks of course).
00:46:968 (2,1) - Confusing spacing: I expected (1) to be 1/2 after the previous note. Move it further away ?
00:51:468 (6) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a previous note. Change the slider's orientation.
01:05:906 (2) - This slider's repeat is hidden by a hitburst. It would be better to change the slider's orientation to make sure it's readable.
01:19:218 (10) - ^

huang's Easy
Why are this diff's kiai times different from the other diff's ?
This plays a bit weird because it's mapped on the vocals (I think ?) but the vocals are off-beat, so it becomes sometimes confusing.

H-boy's KaGi
huh... give this a standard difficulty name ? if not, say in the map description what kind of difficulty it is supposed to be :/
Hm... nothing really wrong with the diff, but I'd suggest to change the overlapping pattern such as 00:46:031 (1,2,3,4) - as they play really bad and look terrible.
Thank you very much^^
Topic Starter

rust45 wrote:

Christmas Mod!

The Kiai is inconsistent across all diffs, please make it consistent. Although I don't really think kiai fits this song at all but if you insist on having it, I suggest use the Kiai in the KaGi diff.

Get rid of that pointless lead in.

Why does this start right at the beginning when the others don't? It just doesn't make sense.

This has a pointless lead-in.

OD down by 1 please.
01:09:843 (1) - This spinner doesn't seem right, it doesn't really fit, and it's just randomly in the middle of the song.

Anyway, I'll give you a star.
Thank you~
._. AGAIN...PLZ...

Title: Akai Coat (TV size)

Use this viewtopic.php?f=25&t=33919 to change title, no kds


[huang's Easy]
00:33:281(3) - 特意拉開和后面的(4)這還好理解,為什麼要和前面也拉遠...Easy里最好不要出現跳
01:19:312(3) - ^

00:19:781(7) - 請和Easy難度一樣避免遮擋
00:43:781(1) - 關于Spinner,我的意見是每個難度的起始和結束時間盡量一樣,否則會顯得你的圖不夠工整

[H-boy's KaGi]
00:52:218(1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這一堆是神馬...相比之下00:55:218(1,2,3,4,5,6)要好得多啊

這個難度的問題又主要在于new combo


Topic Starter

JauiPlaY wrote:


osb沒什麼用的話刪掉吧他们说可以不删的。。删了还要full 传。。
另外前兩個難度的BG實在是...換個美觀點的如何?最后一個難度的就很好啊星星的BG太少了 还想要个全部人的图 我找了好变天 荒川没什么好图。。真的

00:19:781(7) - 請和Easy難度一樣避免遮擋
改好了。。不过不知道行不行。。00:43:781(1) - 關于Spinner,我的意見是每個難度的起始和結束時間盡量一樣,否則會顯得你的圖不夠工整这个。。没能理解你的意思

這個難度的問題又主要在于new combo
別的都還不錯改了一点 不知道可行不。。


感谢你的mod (<ゝω·)绮罗星 ~☆
As per your request:

That MP3 is really low quality. Please try to find a better one. It may be encoded at 192 kbps, but it sounds like a 64 or so. :/
Your background images aren't quite the correct aspect ratio: aim for a 4:3 ratio (usually 640x480, 800x600, or 1024x768)

[huang's Easy]
Increase OD by 2 at least. 3 would be ideal.
All the of simplified rhythms make me kind of sad, but I suppose they work. If you wish, things would sound a lot better to at least line up the ends of the phrases with the vocals such as 00:19:031 (3) - having that end at 00:19:593 - instead, etc. See what you can find. :3
00:27:281 (3,1) - I know there's a lot of time between these, but with the AR, it might be a little confusing - position this a little further away please.
00:36:281 (2,3) - I've been ignoring the stacks up to this point, but doing a different rhythm for them like this... eh. I really recommend against it in an easy.
00:39:281 (2,3) - ^
00:42:843 (1) - End this at 00:45:843 -
00:57:656 (2,3) - Not a fan of stacks underneath sliders either - hard to discern the rhythm.
01:21:281 (2,3) - Stacks again
Uh, check your kiai at the end there. You intended it to be that way?
I can see you put a lot of work in your sliders. Good job, though there were a few that weren't quite perfect blankets, if you wish to try and smooth them out a bit more, it'd be great.

I'd disable countdown - sounds weird for this song. If you don't, please add it to ALL difficulties. Keep them all the same.
00:11:906 (2,3) - I don't like this overlap much. Doesn't look good to me. :x
00:28:406 (5,1) - Kind of far for a jump in a Normal. Maybe tone it down a little?
00:35:531 - Kind of a weird spot for kiai imo
00:43:781 (1) - End this at 00:45:843 -
01:09:281 (3,4) - AHA you finally stuck with the vocal's rhythm! I really wish you did that more. :<
01:16:406 (4,5) - Please don't hide stuff under sliders like that
01:22:968 (5,1) - Spacing
01:28:031 (4) - aaah, make this end on the red tick and move the 5 and 6 back a red tick

[H-boy's KaGi]
This is pretty nice. There were a few overlaps that I didn't like (that looked unintentional like 00:38:156 (1,3) - ) but otherwise, good stuff. I suppose the hit sounding could use a little work since it felt a little inconsistent, but it's fine as-is.
Oh, and end your kiai.

To be honest, this song doesn't really sound like it needs an insane-level map. It just feels awkwardly and artificially fast compared to the song itself. That said, reduce OD by 1 please.
00:30:656 (3,4) - Not a good place for a jump musically, imo
00:38:906 (3,4) - ^
00:53:906 (3,4) - Eh... Also, the 4 slider's rhythm doesn't feel right for this song.
01:12:468 (5) - Yeah, the rhythm on this slider is a little disorienting as well.
If you wish to keep this difficulty in the set, I really recommend that you give it a good look over and see if you can improve it. Right now, it mostly feels like you were randomly placing objects that were kind of with the beat. Try to focus on making the presentation a little more appealing - make patterns that are visually striking! Also keep general flow and play in mind.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

As per your request:

That MP3 is really low quality. Please try to find a better one. It may be encoded at 192 kbps, but it sounds like a 64 or so. :/
Your background images aren't quite the correct aspect ratio: aim for a 4:3 ratio (usually 640x480, 800x600, or 1024x768)

I'd disable countdown - sounds weird for this song. If you don't, please add it to ALL difficulties. Keep them all the same.
00:11:906 (2,3) - I don't like this overlap much. Doesn't look good to me. :x
00:28:406 (5,1) - Kind of far for a jump in a Normal. Maybe tone it down a little?
00:35:531 - Kind of a weird spot for kiai imo
00:43:781 (1) - End this at 00:45:843 -
01:09:281 (3,4) - AHA you finally stuck with the vocal's rhythm! I really wish you did that more. :<
01:16:406 (4,5) - Please don't hide stuff under sliders like that
01:22:968 (5,1) - Spacing
01:28:031 (4) - aaah, make this end on the red tick and move the 5 and 6 back a red tick

To be honest, this song doesn't really sound like it needs an insane-level map. It just feels awkwardly and artificially fast compared to the song itself. That said, reduce OD by 1 please.
00:30:656 (3,4) - Not a good place for a jump musically, imo
00:38:906 (3,4) - ^
00:53:906 (3,4) - Eh... Also, the 4 slider's rhythm doesn't feel right for this song.
01:12:468 (5) - Yeah, the rhythm on this slider is a little disorienting as well.
If you wish to keep this difficulty in the set, I really recommend that you give it a good look over and see if you can improve it. Right now, it mostly feels like you were randomly placing objects that were kind of with the beat. Try to focus on making the presentation a little more appealing - make patterns that are visually striking! Also keep general flow and play in mind.

Good luck!
[huang's Easy]
Increase OD by 2 at least. 3 would be ideal. K
All the of simplified rhythms make me kind of sad, but I suppose they work. If you wish, things would sound a lot better to at least line up the ends of the phrases with the vocals such as 00:19:031 (3) - having that end at 00:19:593 - instead, etc. See what you can find. :3
im think so,but i guess that sliders are created on purpose,i cant break it
00:27:281 (3,1) - I know there's a lot of time between these, but with the AR, it might be a little confusing - position this a little further away please. K
00:36:281 (2,3) - I've been ignoring the stacks up to this point, but doing a different rhythm for them like this... eh. I really recommend against it in an easy. nah,its mapped to vocals,i try adding a slider to replace those circles,but its ugly=A=
00:39:281 (2,3) - ^ nah
00:42:843 (1) - End this at 00:45:843 - K
00:57:656 (2,3) - Not a fan of stacks underneath sliders either - hard to discern the rhythm. k
01:21:281 (2,3) - Stacks again nah
Uh, check your kiai at the end there. You intended it to be that way? its his design,i can do nothing=A=
I can see you put a lot of work in your sliders. Good job, though there were a few that weren't quite perfect blankets, if you wish to try and smooth them out a bit more, it'd be great.

Download: SUNEOHUAIR - Akai Coat (TV size) (kgsky) [huang's Easy].osu
Download: SUNEOHUAIR - Akai Coat (TV size) (kgsky) [H-boy's KaGi].osu

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