I know it's kinda weird but what if we could make 8D audio and use the 8D nature of it to enhance a map's experience? Like when the audio "feels" like it's moving to the right, the map's objects slowly move to the right too. Or if there's a certain section in the music a mapper wants to emphasize, they can accompany slider velocity increase with an increase in the music's simulated moving speed (like how it moves left to right and back faster through your headphones).
Already talked to a friend about this and he said there's nothing in the ranking criteria that limits song choice, but I'm nowhere near a decent mapper and idk how this'll work because idk how to make 8D audio either. Has it already been done? Just curious.
Already talked to a friend about this and he said there's nothing in the ranking criteria that limits song choice, but I'm nowhere near a decent mapper and idk how this'll work because idk how to make 8D audio either. Has it already been done? Just curious.