
RayRaivern a Mania player aiming for the top.

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Not sure how to start this but I guess I need to introduce myself if I want to get into the community.

I am RayRaivern a Mania player who started playing mania 3 months 20 days ago.
I play for rank but not for pp, my goal is at the end to be one of the best mania player; so I don't care about pp I only care about getting better and better.

I don't post much in the forums but I do sometimes read through posts in the forums.
I'll try to post more from now on.

I am also trying to make the BD Mania community alive and bigger; I have been pretty successful so far, BD's total pp went from 10k to 24k as of now.

A bit more about myself:
  1. I am a science student.
  2. I really like sweet food and can also eat really spicy foods.
  3. I write books. (Haven't published any yet)
Hi RayRaivern! Call me JAB.

Welcome to osu!, it seems like you're a mania player like me.

Good luck becoming one of the best mania players!
Only 1 question:
What are you into since you're a science student?
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Thanks for the welcome JAB.

I find Biology the easiest and the most interesting, that's why I am planning to get into a Medical University.
Hello you can call me Rando, I hope you be the best mania player!

RayRaivern wrote:

Thanks for the welcome JAB.

I find Biology the easiest and the most interesting, that's why I am planning to get into a Medical University.
Ooh, more into study of life eh? Good luck with your future!
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