
Poll 9: How do you use the in-game user list?

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How do you use the in-game user list?

Ordered by rank, to see who is at the top.
Ordered by status, to find people to spectate.
Ordered by accuracy/playcount (please comment as to when/why).
Showing friends only, to check their statuses.
To view real-time stat (score/accuracy/rank) changes of players (please comment as to when/why).
To look at peoples' avatars.
To search for users using the filter box.
Total votes: 264
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friends only for most of the time, also will get ordered by status sometimes, to check who's mapping/modding sth. (and maybe the map)

LunaticMara wrote:

Friend status only, but ordered by rank.
^ This. Maybe ordered by status once in a while when I want to spectate someone
Accuracy for self gloating aimed towards myself (orz lol). Otherwise, usually friends only to see who's playing what and eavesdrop on what they might be mapping at the time.
I usually keep the friends filter active, and most of the time check their status (even though it doesn't always update in real time to me), then I sometimes toggle it off and check the top by rank (say 1#~1000#) to check if someone's playing something cool or whatever. (Recently started adding the pro's in my friendlist for a quicker check)

LunaticMara wrote:

Friend status only, but ordered by rank.
Same here, nothing more to say.
Lack a option with "stalking a person to see if they are modding/playing my map."
Voted 4 and 7 though.
- Showing friends only, to check their statuses. (I don't really care about order of them)
- To search for users using the filter box.
Only friends, by rank, sometimes I use the filter.
One excellent use of the list is when I check who among the skilled players are in multiplayer, so that I can go and join their games.
I don't use it often other than seeing friends, however if I am viewing the whole thing it irritates me because it does update so quickly. If you look at someone on the bottom, their tile flips around so rapidly you can't even mouse over them because the ones above are on and off so much it just moves places left and right up and down.

Just throwing it out there, how about a refresh button rather than auto update.
Topic Starter

Vext wrote:

I don't use it often other than seeing friends, however if I am viewing the whole thing it irritates me because it does update so quickly. If you look at someone on the bottom, their tile flips around so rapidly you can't even mouse over them because the ones above are on and off so much it just moves places left and right up and down.

Just throwing it out there, how about a refresh button rather than auto update.
There's already a "Lock Panels" checkbox. You should try it out ;).
4 and 7. Mostly for same reasons as listed above already: seeing what friends are up to, and check status of someone I'm helping via modding for cues in case there is delay through language barriers.

peppy wrote:

Vext wrote:

I don't use it often other than seeing friends, however if I am viewing the whole thing it irritates me because it does update so quickly. If you look at someone on the bottom, their tile flips around so rapidly you can't even mouse over them because the ones above are on and off so much it just moves places left and right up and down.

Just throwing it out there, how about a refresh button rather than auto update.
There's already a "Lock Panels" checkbox. You should try it out ;).
Ah would you look at that, my obliviousness strikes again. Thanks.
Friends only, unless I use the filter to check a user for GMT reasons.
i usually only show friends but when i'm bored sometimes i see who's at the top and spectate people
Stalking friends + searching for people~
Sometimes I use it to check for status-updates in score or ranking when someone (a friend) is really close to a magic number so I can congratulate them. But I only do that rarely since the online list doesn't update that frequently; I usually just use their user profile in my web browser...
Sorted by rank, not for much though.

Always happens to open it when I hit f9, it's stuck ever since.
Since I'm new, I don't really know how to use it, other than looking at other people's avatars~ :)

osuplayer111 wrote:

LunaticMara wrote:

Friend status only, but ordered by rank.
Same here, nothing more to say.
+To search for users using the filter box.
I almost never use the user list in-game, I typically go with the small chat and just tab-complete to see if someone is online

besides, the list doesn't include irc clients so it isn't comprehensive anyhow
Showing friends only, to check their statuses - ordered by username.
To look at peoples' avatars - yeah, I notice when someone changes it
To search for users using the filter box - yes, sometimes if I want to spectate or ask about something someone out of my friendlist.
By rank, I enjoy smiling at when I pass up my friends by ranking or out of everyone in general.
I am interested in seeing score/rank change in real time, though I really don't see the need for accuracy to be displayed at all.

I specifically find it interesting when user's score changes, and by how much. Whether one user for instance is playing tons of low scoring (easy/medium) maps, or if they are so pro they are getting 11m-15m every time they play. More or less I use this to check out the competition and how quickly they are rising in the ranks.
Firo Prochainezo
Showing friends only, to check their statuses. Ordered by Name, though.
  1. See who is at top
  2. See accuracy, curious to see who actually has 99-100%
  3. Search users for various reasons
1. My friend list is ordered by rank because because it's easier to orientate this way.
2. I check user list to see what everyone/specific person is doing or playing.
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