
(More) Competetive osu! ?

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Would you like to have more competetive osu?

Would lend a hand to support it too, if needed.
Sure! And I would play also!
Sounds good, I wouldn't play tho.
Not necessarily, if there was more competetive osu I would play tho.
Uhm, no.
Total votes: 85
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Hey there folks.
I thought it'd be cool if there just was more of a competetive scene in osu, which I thought this game is lacking on anyways. Like, people playing Team matches and stuff, even without participating in a tournament. A good solution for that Imo would be some kind of ladder.
Might end up in some work, but well, that's why I, not you, am writing this. :b

Just an idea what it could look like:
- Everyone starting on Rating like 1000.
- Then we have groups like: 0-100; 101-300; 301-500; 501-700; 701-900; 901-1100...
- Win vs. someone inside your group makes +10(?) points, loss makes -10(?) points.
- We've got a 1v1 Ladder, a 4v4 Ladder, etc.

Besides I think it could help players to keep a cooler head in official Cups like there's going one on right now.

Yea. So, what would you think about something like that? We also just could leave the ladder idea away, the mainthing this is about is competetive playing in osu!.

Edit: So I added the option if you would be ok with supporting it. It'd be quiet a bit work for one person I suppose. That's also what the second vote is for! So please only vote on 2 options if one of both is the supporting thing. And last but not least, it'd be kind if you could PM me if you voted that. Else it's kinda like, I know there are people that would help, but still I've got no idea who I could ask. Kinda nonsense.

- lovelx
Sure! And I would play also!
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I kinda wonder about 3 "Uhm, no" votes. Anybody mind telling why, if he votes that?
I don't like the idea of the competetive osu, this game should stay fun for everyone, even for people that aren't top tier

If you want competitive games, go play starcraft or counter strike, but leave that out of osu! please

Thank you
Team/Clanning idea is really hard.

You should contact stra--- god damnit why is strager banned he had a fantastic idea for this I remember.
Somebody unban strager just for this please.. D:

So, uhm no for now~
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Shael wrote:

I don't like the idea of the competetive osu, this game should stay fun for everyone, even for people that aren't top tier

If you want competitive games, go play starcraft or counter strike, but leave that out of osu! please

Thank you
Wait, I don't want to have it built into the game officially, I'm not an official - I just want to have some people participating like in the tournament.
Why do you think that would mean less fun to the part that just isn't interested in it? What would be bad about a part of the community participating in some kind of ladder?

lovelx wrote:

Shael wrote:

I don't like the idea of the competetive osu, this game should stay fun for everyone, even for people that aren't top tier

If you want competitive games, go play starcraft or counter strike, but leave that out of osu! please

Thank you
Wait, I don't want to have it built into the game officially, I'm not an official - I just want to have some people participating like in the tournament.
Why do you think that would mean less fun to the part that just isn't interested in it? What would be bad about a part of the community participating in some kind of ladder?
Host one?
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Shael wrote:

Host one?
Yea, that's kinda what I'm planning to do, just like a ladder, as written in the first post. Means no real tournament, but you sign up and you've got like 6 months to challenge the other teams, work your way up the ladder, until scores are reset and it starts again. Or you just do it with an open ending and never reset. No limitations on number of signed up teams. No deadline for signing up. Bla.
That kind of ladder makes it attractive to every skill-level (cause of the groupthingy). So basically EVERYONE who misses some competetive feeling in osu! could have it.
And the point of this thread here is to have an idea if it'd work in the size im planning to have it in.

lovelx wrote:

Shael wrote:

Host one?
Yea, that's kinda what I'm planning to do, just like a ladder, as written in the first post. Means no real tournament, but you sign up and you've got like 6 months to challenge the other teams, work your way up the ladder, until scores are reset and it starts again. Or you just do it with an open ending and never reset. No limitations on number of signed up teams. No deadline for signing up. Bla.
That kind of ladder makes it attractive to every skill-level (cause of the groupthingy). So basically EVERYONE who misses some competetive feeling in osu! could have it.
And the point of this thread here is to have an idea if it'd work in the size im planning to have it in.
so similar to clanbase or enemydown and similar sites?
i'd play if osu had that
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aevv wrote:

so similar to clanbase or enemydown and similar sites?
i'd play if osu had that
Kinda. Similar to SC2, similar to LoL, similar to ESL, similar to CB, similar to like any laddersystem. :b

Shael wrote:

I don't like the idea of the competetive osu, this game should stay fun for everyone, even for people that aren't top tier

If you want competitive games, go play starcraft or counter strike, but leave that out of osu! please

Thank you
Making this game competitive online doesn't imply you absolutely can't play by yourself and have fun, plus if you read the OP you'll see he already stated he wants to make different tiers, which would be could since you could get some higher score and reach a higher tier (being able to play with better players).

I'm absolutely positive for this idea, would love to see it. Though it still lacks some details like how the match-making system will actually work, how many rounds would you play, and numbers stuff, but the idea is cool overall. But however this ladder system would make up another ranking system which would be somewhat more representative than the actual one (ranked score), which is pretty much absolutely inaccurate (I got a higher rank than players like Reisen Udongein and CXu, which I think are top tiers players). This idea could really work out, it'll give a reason for more people to play, and maybe objectives for some people who actually doesn't really find any point on playing this game in a competitive way. Like getting top 1 scores is actually simply impossible for average-good players, since most of the top scores you see are with mods you sometimes can't even clear the map with (I'm not saying this is bad, I'm just saying some players just CAN'T think of being someone in a short term because of reasons like this).
Oh hey, I'm famous o/

Anyways, whatever comes in the end, something like this would be nice :)

Hanyuu wrote:

Sure! And I would play also!
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Oh crap. Poll got resetted as I added an option. Meh. Revotes would be cool. °^°
It sounds interesting but wouldn't this cause rage quits and D/c's during multi so people don't lose points.
Multiplayer =/= ladder, you can play ranked matches and unranked matches. Means you can play multiplayer games like you do now with no kind of relevance, and then you get the ladder system where you just click some stuff like "play", and then you got to play against a random player/random team.
Being paired up with random people would be pretty interesting to be honest.

It'll suck when it's first implemented though because everyone will be at the same tier until they win/lose

Imagine that shit, first ladder game, randomly go against Cookiezi? FFFFFFFFFFFF
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Wishy22 wrote:

Multiplayer =/= ladder, you can play ranked matches and unranked matches. Means you can play multiplayer games like you do now with no kind of relevance, and then you get the ladder system where you just click some stuff like "play", and then you got to play against a random player/random team.
That would require that it's being implented officially tho. Won't be possible that way with the randomsystem and stuff, if we do it communityorganized. Or we also do something like gathers and a specific rating for those. That'd make it even more complicated for me tho. As long as it's done by me, just some random kid from the community, it'll stick to playing organized team vs organized team and without the automisation and stuff. If enough people WANT IT IMPLENTED LIKE HECK, there might happen something. But as long as it's just me that won't be possible, and I can't work 24/7 on just that thing, as I want to have my time playing and stuff too. With just me it will take its time also, as I haven't yet got a single message that there'd be anyone ready to help me, even tho some ticked that option. Butl realising that it's also understandable that there won't happen anything to the game essentially, it's just an extra option for those that want some competetive playing.
The point of a ladder system is to be automatic, if this could be posted on the Features Request forum and people like it, it might eventually be added.
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Wishy22 wrote:

The point of a ladder system is to be automatic, if this could be posted on the Features Request forum and people like it, it might eventually be added.
Not really. ESL has ladders, CB has ladders. Both aren't really automatic. It's not necessarily meant to be fully automatic. Sure it could be implented, but that's not what I'm talking about in this thread.
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