
Competitive Gamer's Introduction

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hello everyone! (somewhat) new osu player here

My name is Qbsidian and I've played video games for basically half of my whole life, from games like GTA V to ones like Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty, or Destiny 2. I also switch between gaming platforms a lot but PC gaming is my main platform. PC MASTER RACE!!!

Nowadays I play very very competitively but I didn't start doing that until like maybe around 2018 when my friends introduced me to the competitive world. When I play competitively, I tend to study the game's mechanics and strategies so that I can become a better player (or become a better player for the team, in some games).


Anyways, ever since I started taking Osu seriously about a month ago, I couldn't stop playing it and now I stopped playing other games so that I can keep playing this one lmao. It's that fun. There's no other game that has this type of energy, ya feel me? :P I plan on playing more competitively soon, but for now, I want to enjoy the game for what it is.

So yeah, that's my introduction. Feel free to ask me questions, I look forward to getting to know you all!

Also you should go check out my profile! I had fun customizing it and I'd love to hear your opinions about it :)
Kumi Lone Wolf
Hi Obsidian, Welcome to the forums and community, make sure you enjoy the game that's all that matters. it's really cool userpage xD. anyway is Aisaka Taiga your favorite character?
my name's reza i added you, if you don't mind we can be mutual friend on osu!
if you intend to play competitively I'd recommend checking out mcosu on steam. It's basically osu but with more specific mods, so you can push yourself much more than just with the standard gameplay. Hope you enjoy your stay here and remember to pls enjoy game
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jowsh wrote:

if you intend to play competitively I'd recommend checking out mcosu on steam. It's basically osu but with more specific mods, so you can push yourself much more than just with the standard gameplay. Hope you enjoy your stay here and remember to pls enjoy game

I'll go and have a look at that, thanks for recommending it and thank you, I hope I do :)

atneserureborn wrote:

Hi Obsidian, Welcome to the forums and community, make sure you enjoy the game that's all that matters. it's really cool userpage xD. anyway is Aisaka Taiga your favorite character?
my name's reza i added you, if you don't mind we can be mutual friend on osu!

Thank you! I appreciate the comments abt my userpage :)
And uh yeah, she basically is my favorite anime character, Taiga Asaka is the BEST! I added you back btw, hope to get to know you soon!
Unknown Duck
Damn dude, your introduction sure attracts a lot of attention on the forums! You seem have potential on this game. Maybe we could be friends? :^) My name's Unknown Duck, as you've probably knew already from my username lol
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