
Is this rankable

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Ok so I have a pattern I want to use in my hard diff on a map but I'm unsure if it is breaking the ranking criteria specifically the "Objects 1/2 of a beat apart or less must not overlap perfectly. Slider heads or tails perfectly overlapped by slider tails are exempt, so long as their sliderbodies are visible." I'm just a little unsure if I need to redesign my diff to make it be able to reach rank.
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why don't you just increase the Stack Leniency? then they won't overlap each other 'perfectly'
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Because I prefer the visual aesthetic of it smoothly stacking. I'm just wondering if it is allowed.
I can't really tell from the screenshot cuz it's too cluttered and I'm on 3 hours of sleep but, I'm just saying these kinds of back and forth FULL overlaps are not healthy for a hard difficulty at all, so even if it is technically rankable I wouldn't suggest having it mapped that way, I'm sure when you eventually find bns to check the map they'll probably say the same thing.
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that should be fine as long as they aren't 1/2 I guess, but I'd avoid stacking like that because players who play 'Hard' diff are not skilled enough to read them easily and may be confused. up to you
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Well it's rankable so I'm fine with that. I just wanted to know if I can do it. The map itself has a theme of overlaps.
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