Hello !
This is both a New-To-Rank Modding Queue for osu!mania and a Mod Modding Queue for All Modes. These two queues are combined because I think that both of these have at least a small correlation with each other albeit different.
While yes this is a queue, please be mindful that everything is volunteered.
This is exactly what this queue is for. Those who are new to rank. This part of the queue is only for the osu!mania mode.
That means that you are NOT able to request in this queue if:
- You have a ranked map
- You have a ranked guest difficulty
- You have participated in a collaboration that is ranked
- You have a loved map
- You have a loved guest difficulty
- You have participated in a collaboration that is loved
While loved is different than ranked, it is not much different than it is to rank a map, therefore you may not request.
I - the creator of this post - will be the one modding the maps. Mods will be done in English.
Although I am a Beatmap Nominator, this does not mean that I will bubble/qualify your map if I mod the map - I'm purposefully creating this queue to at least help the overall mapping community by sacrificing the time for BN things. That being said, this queue will be open occasionally but not always.
Based on the quality of the map, I will either give multiple suggestions, or leave a general suggestion.
If the suggestion(s) happen to help, please remember to give kudosu.
Your map must be aiming for rank.
Please use this format if you wish to request:
Map Link:
Map Link:
... and that should be it ! If you've at least formatted it correctly, I'll try and mod your map as soon as I can.
This is weird... a modding queue for mods ? Yes !
The purpose of having this specific queue is to overall help each other, and to improve everyone's mapping in general. Not everyone knows how to mod a map.
This queue is open to all modes as there are many things in common aside from technical terms that are unique to each mode. However, those from osu!mania will receive more thorough feedback.
With that, here are the people giving feedback:
- Former BN
- MCA 2018 Winner
- Had 2nd Highest Kudosu Count at One Point
- Current BN
- Mappooled for MWC2019
- o!m Manager for Spotlights
Hopefully we're able to provide adequate feedback !
If you're wanting to request a mod mod ( I know, it sounds funny ) :
- State your appropriate mode
- How long you have been mapping/modding
- If you plan to be BN at one point
You are NOT allowed to request if:
- Was/Is a BN
- Was/Is an NAT
Once you request, you can see your status on the Trello page - we'll try to update it as soon as we can.
This is also the place where we will give our comments, so you can watch your appropriate card to get notified.
I know this is a lot to read, but ily if you read all the way down to this part.
Hopefully this encourages some people in the mapping community, but other than that, request away !