
is it possible to get through streams with a tablet..

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without using the keyboard? as in purely tapping the tablet with your stylus pen.

sorry if theres already a post on this topic.. i already tried searching for one.
Well if you're fast enough at tapping you can. I can't though.
Hmmm let's think...
if you had 2 pens, and then attached it to your fingers...
/me runs xD
Atelier Nugra
impossible ==a

your tablets will be easily damaged.. ;)

ShaggoN wrote:

Hmmm let's think...
if you had 2 pens, and then attached it to your fingers...
/me runs xD
like playing a drum lol xD
I'm able to fairly fast with tapping, but it's like doing 400+ on a spinner. I end up making my O face.
I tried. Hurt my hand and it was totally epic fail :D
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i think it's possible.. but i can't keep it up. maybe with practice i can get it. but i wanna know if there are any pros who do streams this way.
You can, good luck with 200 bpm streams though. If you play with a tablet and are used to tapping you can teach yourself to alternate with a keyboard button like I do. It will take some time before you feel entirely comfortable with it. It's less accurate than playing with z/x but the proper way to hit streams with your playing style wich is tapping.
I tap and alternate with a button too, even though I'm not even half as good as this guy ^ xD
Quit tapping and go for z/x.
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but i love tapping =(

idk. maybe i'll just z/x on songs that have streams.
Just go for z/x, tapping is no good imo.
I passed this map [Another] with only tapping, EXCEPT for the last long stream.
For me streams with 3-5 notes is still possible with tablet tapping, but more than that, my hand can't handle >.<
Atelier Nugra

Wishy22 wrote:

Just go for z/x, tapping is no good imo.
agreed :D but i'm only tapping on normal note.. for stream i using z/x
I used to do this. It's not impossible I'll tell you that but here's a few things,

It takes a dickload of time to practice, you'll ruin your pens and tablets (I've gone through 3 in the last year, on my fourth now) and it's mostly about luck.

you sort of have to vibrate your hand, keeping it about a 1 mm off your tablet between taps. You can't do lengthy streams like the ones in most songs but you can do streams of about 10-11 no problem, after that you'll start to hit 100's, 50's then eventually miss.

My advice is to just go with keyboard & tablet.
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