
Top 10 Skilled Australian Players of 2019 Vote!

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Hello everyone! It's time (once again) to vote for who you think are the best players from Australia. Voting will be done on a basis of who you think has been the most skillful players of 2019 - not a popularity contest or voting for people of previous years.

The vote is open for anyone in the world to participate in!

Voting will be done from 1-10, 1 being the best and 10 being the 10th best. Votes will be scaled in correlation to the position players are voted in.

Votes will require a list of 10 players to be accepted as legitimate votes. Any votes posted in a non-serious manner will not be put towards the final vote and your right to vote will be revoked. Along with this, players are not permitted to vote for themselves. If a player votes themself in, the vote will not be considered.

Along with your top 10 vote, there is an option to include 3 players in an honourable mention vote. These are players that you think deserve some sort of recognition for their skillset/achievements and will be included in the (upcoming) youtube highlight video.
You can vote players in both categories in your vote, however, please note that if a player gets in both categories, they will be placed in the top 10 section > honourable mentions.

The scoring/weighting system of the votes will be:
1st - 10pt
2nd - 9pt
10th - 1pt

The top 10 players with the most points will be in the showcase video.

Honourable mentions votes/mentions will all receive one point each, and the top 3 players that receive the most votes in this section will be considered the honourable mentions and will be in the showcase video.


An example of a honourable mentions vote (also my vote)
usmc - usmc's ability to acc with hardrock is outstanding, one of the best in the country currently - full combo'ing maps such as Shuffle Heaven with HDHR and yet only getting 1x100. Looking forward to seeing what you can do next year!

Mavs - A player that has improved greatly over the course of this year. Had a very good run in this years ANZTW, reaching Semi-Finals - also knocking out players such as; Ezipie, Kano and suffix. His tech ability (especially with HD) is also one that stands out, achieving global one on B.B.F.

loveleft - A player that consistently shows off his prowess in tournaments, winning 5 tournaments this year, loveleft can cover a wide variety of finger control/alt maps, consistently outperforming top players on these genres of maps. an example of this is his 99.77% FC on Gensou Roman Kikou. Looking forward to what he can achieve in 2020!

Voting will close on the 31/12/2019 23:59:59 AEDT.

Example (and my vote):
1. Jordan The Bear
2. ASecretBox
3. Dumii (Shiroha)
4. Dereban
5. Uyghti
6. Rairiku
7. mReKk
8. Monk Gyatso
9. GranDSenpai
10. Vivace

Honourable Mentions (as shown above):
1. ASecretBox
2. Shiroha
3. Dereban
4. uyghti
5. Jordan The Bear
6. Rairiku
7. Monk Gyatso
8. Lunirs
9. GranDSenpai
10. Vivace

Honourable Mentions:
- Heatwave -
1. Shiroha
2. ASecretBox
3. uyghti
4. Jordan The Bear
5. Lunirs
6. GranDSenpai
7. Rairiku
8. Monk Gyatso
9. TheOmyNomy
10. jordanlr7

Honourable Mentions:
- Heatwave -
4.Jordan The Bear
10.Monk Gyatso

Honourable Mentions:

Yeah i probably shouldn't have the right to vote because my opinion suk
1. Shiroha
2. Dereban
3. Uyghti
4. Rairiku
5. Mrekk
6. Jordan The Bear
7. Monk Gyatso
8. GranDSenpai
9. - Heatwave -
10. Vivace

1. ASecretBox
2. Shiroha
3. Jordan The Bear
4. Dereban
5. Rairiku
6. uyghti
7. Monk Gyatso
8. mReKk
9. -Heatwave-
10. GranDSenpai

Honourable Mentions:
it's vote time baby

1. Shiroha
2. uyghti
3. Jordan The Bear
4. ASecretBox
5. Rairiku
6. Dereban
7. Monk Gyatso
8. mReKk
9. suffix
10. GranDSenpai

Honourable mentions:
Vivace - this guy is wellrounded as fk, was big candidate for wc this year and will be a force to be reckoned with next year
Heatwave - very very unique skillset, godlike precision and an absolute nut at old or any unconventional maps
jordanlr7 -

why is this so hard :sweat:
Feedback: I don't know if it's intentional, but I think you should mention how the scoring is, for transparency.

My vote (I don't know many players so this might be a bit weird):
1. Rairiku
2. ASecretBox
3. Shiroha
4. uyghti
5. Dereban
6. Jordan The Bear
7. mReKk
8. Monk Gyatso
9. GranDSenpai
10. Lunirs

Honorable mention:
- Heatwave -
  1. Dereban
  2. ASecretBox
  3. Shiroha
  4. uyghti
  5. mReKk
  6. Jordan The Bear
  7. Rairiku
  8. -Machine-
  9. GranDSenpai
  10. Monk Gyatso

*very* honourable mentions:
suffix - Been setting some very insane plays testing all mechanical skills as of recent
Vivace - Very proficient in all skills, but especially finger control and unconventional flow
Windshear - Actually incredible skill with slider aim and weird patterning that is unmatched by anyone in Australia
1. Shiroha
2. Jordan the Bear
3. ASecretBox
4. Dereban
5. uyghti
6. GranDSenpai
7. Rairiku
8. Monk Gyatso
9. - Heatwave -
10. Vivace

Honourable mentions:
Milo Milkshake
Swanky Kong
My list :)

1. Shiroha (Dumii)
2. Jordan the Bear
3. Dereban
4. ASecretBox
5. mReKk
6. Monk Gyatso
7. Uyghti
8. Rairiku
9. GranDSenpai
10. Suffix

Honourable Mentions:
Mavs: Really good at HD specifically Tech HD, incredible run in ANZT first time i saw him he took lunirs to tb
xClusion: Has had some really insane tournament performances
Jordanlr7: Improved really quickly, insane aim and has really good streaming capabilities
Jordan The Bear
1. Shiroha
2. uyghti
3. ASecretbox
4. Rairiku
5. Loveleft
6. Monk Gyatso
7. Dereban
8. Mr Ekk
9. Vivace
10. Lunirs

1. Gurandou-san
2. Overcomplexifi
3. Mavs

Lots of respect for all these players for setting so many amazing scores this year, it was a great year for Australia as a community and i hope everyone doesnt give up and continues to thrive in 2020. also big props to players like Jordanlr, Gala, Heatwave, xClusion, USMC, Milo, KANE & Suffix who i hope go mental next year and work towards an even stronger owc team than this years!
Also machgine pls fix ur hand
Monk Gyatso
owc players are over rated
1. Shiroha
2. ASecretBox
3. Dereban
4. uyghti
5. Jordan The Bear
6. mReKk
7. Rairiku
8. Monk Gyatso
9. Vivace
10. GranDSenpai

Honourable Mentions:
usmc - I'm biased with this vote because we compete for a lot of accuracy-based scores (you're not big us)
loveleft - I would put loveleft in my top 10 if we were talking up-and-coming players for sure, just look at his tournament performances and improvement this year...
Mavvs - Someone who randomly appeared and went batshit crazy. Thanks for knocking me out of ANZT on tb :(

Kind of sad to see a lot of friend-group bias with HM though, but oh well (don't edit/put me in your HMs after this comment)
1. Natalie Phani
2. Sam Turner
3. Joshua Winn
5. Hennessy Trinh
6. suffix
7. Amani Mtebe
8. Kevin ZHAO
9. Tyler Isaia
10. Nicholas Filosi

Dominic Chen
jordan(not the bear)
Kevin zhao

This year excellent player everywhere is doing good play but we’ll better next year still! Ithink very hard for voting 10 top 人 and hope best for future owc.
1. ASecretBox
2. Shiroha
3. Mrekk
4. Dereban
5. Jordan The Bear
6. Uyghti
7. Rairiku
8. Heatwave
9. GranDSenpai
10. Monk Gyatso

Honourable Mentions:
1. Jordanlr7
2. Suffix
3. Vivace
This year excellent player everywhere is doing good play but we’ll better next year still! Ithink very hard for voting 10 top 人 and hope best for future owc.

DJ Rinickulous
1. Shiroha
2. ASecretBox
3. Dereban
4. Jordan The Bear
5. Uyghti
6. Rairiku
7. Monk Gyatso
8. Vivace
9. GranDsenpai
10. Lunirs

1. Loveleft
2. Suffix
3. Jordanlr7

Lot of talent in Aus, surprising to see how this will change next year. #JTBFREAKS UP THE LIBS :Bloodtrail:
Zain Sugieres
Quote post for reply
1. Monk gytso
2. Jordan the bear
3. Shiroha
4. Deereban
5. Uyghti
6. Asecretbox
7. Rairiu
8. Vivace
9. GranDsenpai
10. Lunirs
1. Dumii (Shiroha)
2. Jordan The Bear
3. ASecretBox
4. Uyghti
5. GranDSenpai
6. Dereban
7. Rairiku
8. mReKk
9. Monk Gyatso
10. Vivace
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