
Difficulty Based Score and PP

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When I played Osu on the main client, I was stuck with a lousy set up that gave me 17ms latency as well as only 60 fps when I played. It wasn't until a while later that someone suggested to me to play on mcosu, a practice client on steam (mcosu only reads files and does not write so it shouldn't be "illegal"). When I played on mcosu, the ability to change AR, OD, Speed, and other such factors became something indispensable to my playing experience. With the current way PP is set up on Osu, it's simply not possible to adjust AR, OD, speed, and other such modifiers and receive a valid score. This caused me to think of ways to actually make this possible.

My Proposal:
As the title states, my solution to this would be difficulty based scoring. Essentially, this means that as the star rating of a map increases, so does the total score you would earn on a map. For example, let's say you have a 3 minute map with a 2* difficulty and a 6* difficulty. The 2* difficulty may earn you 2 million points, but the 6* difficulty may earn you 6 million points. Then, PP would be calculated based off of the total points you earned.

- Allows a dynamic scoreboard with different difficulty settings
- Allows players to play with difficulty settings they want.
- Would have to substantially rework PP calculation (again)

1. One main concern for this type of system is the length of maps. You could potentially have a 10 minute 2* map give more PP than a 1 minute 6* map because of the different multipliers from the combo bonus. One way to address this issue would be to heavily adjust the score multipliers based off of difficulty. For example, each 1* increase in difficulty could be an exponential increase in score. So now, instead of earning 2 million points for a 2* map, it would net you 100 points, whereas the 6* map could earn you 1,000,000 points.
2. I find score and difficulty calculation pretty interesting, so any thoughts are appreciated!
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