I've had some problems with very old installations (>2yrs), where files in Beatmaps have a corrupted something and in the Game-selection Osu is looping trough the 'Index-Refresh Cycle' with no end.
It would be nice if Osu had a Sub-program to check for fileintegrity and reinstall corrupted source files or 'block' corrupted beatmaps (List them in the game but grayed out).
So i can reinstall Beatmaps and the Game stops crashing when older.
Tbh. I also had the game on an Thumbdrive for quite some time, and these installations are even more likely to get corrupted.
# Integrity Check:
An .exe-program which checks the Hash-Codes of Files and could start the Updater for replacing interrupted Files in osu would be nice.
Mostely for corrupted beatmaps, since they crash the game.
Maybe add a 'corruption' flag to the Beatmap-SQLite-File?
If you need anything, i could help with ideas or use-cases.
Lg, dennis
It would be nice if Osu had a Sub-program to check for fileintegrity and reinstall corrupted source files or 'block' corrupted beatmaps (List them in the game but grayed out).
So i can reinstall Beatmaps and the Game stops crashing when older.
Tbh. I also had the game on an Thumbdrive for quite some time, and these installations are even more likely to get corrupted.
# Integrity Check:
An .exe-program which checks the Hash-Codes of Files and could start the Updater for replacing interrupted Files in osu would be nice.
Mostely for corrupted beatmaps, since they crash the game.
Maybe add a 'corruption' flag to the Beatmap-SQLite-File?
If you need anything, i could help with ideas or use-cases.
Lg, dennis